Num | English |
| fun_000B0007animOh my!fun_00010007
Aren't youdelay the delayanimmayor?delay
animIt's a pleasure to meet you, fun_0006000E. |
| I don't think I've seen you around.fun_00010007
Could thisdelay be your first time
delayanimin my salon? |
| My name's colorHarrietcolor, and this is my
salon. I help delaypeople wear their inner
beauty on the outside. |
| animIf you want a makeover, sit down
in that chair in front of my machine. |
| animWelcome back, sugar. |
| animIf you want a makeover, sit down
in that chair in front of my machine. |
| Hey, hon.delay I've been wanting to tell
you some big news.pageBreakI bought a new makeover machine!
animDid you notice it when you stepped
through the door?
animThis new machine offers the latest
in beauty-enhancement technology.delay
It even does delaycolorcolor contactscolor!
animNow I can offer even more
dynamic makeovers!delay
animYou should give it a whirl, sugar! |
| I'm booked with appointments for
the time being, delayso I'm afraid I only
have time to do your hair right now.
animIf you want your hair done, please
take a seat in the chair in front of
the makeover machine! |
| animWhat can I do for you today, sugar?
Perhaps a new hairstyle ordelay some
special makeup?fun_0006000F
I changed my mind. |
| animWhat can I do for you today, sugar?
Perhaps a new hairstyle ordelay some
special makeup?fun_0006000F
I changed my mind. |
| animNow then,delay what can I do for you
today, sugar?fun_0007000F
Color contacts.
I changed my mind. |
| I charge color3,000 Bellscolor for a shampoo,
cut, color, and style. delayanimThat fine with
you, sugar?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I changed my mind. |
| So we're going to update your look
with a new hairstyle?delay delayanimThen just
leave itdelay to me!anim
My hairstyling package costsdelay
color3,000 Bellscolor and includes a
shampoo, cut, color, and style. fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Actually, no, thanks. |
| So we're going to change the color
of your eyes with color contacts?delay
animPiece of cake!pageBreakanimIn that case, the grand total will bedelay
color3,000 Bellscolor!fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Actually, no, thanks. |
| animOh,delay you have an interest in makeup?pageBreakanimMy machine can do some very
special makeup techniques that
work great on guys, too!
animAfter I'm done,delay you'll look
just like a colorMiicolor! |
| animOh,delay so you have an interest
in makeup, do you, sugar?pageBreakanimMy machine can do some special
makeup techniques on par with
any fancy celebrity makeup artist.delay
You'll look like a totally different
person,delay as if you've become a colorMiicolor! |
| The fee for having your makeup
done is color3,000 Bellscolor.delay animdelayHow about it?delay
Want to give it a try?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
I changed my mind. |
| So I'm going to use my pro makeup
techniques to give you a stylish and
personalized colorMii colorface!
delayanimAll right,delay leave it to me, hon!animpageBreakThe fee for having your makeup
done will be color3,000 Bellscolor! That still
sound fine with you?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
That sounds great!
I changed my mind. |
| Oh my.delay animYou really mean that, sugar?fun_00010007
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOf course, delayI believe you look fab
just the way you are!
If you ever feel like you need to
change things up,delay animyou'll know
where to find me anytime! |
| Hmmm?delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005delay.delay.delay.delay
Why, you don't seem to
have enough money!
animHee hee!delay How silly of you! |
| delayanimdelayOh no!delay Whatever shall we do?!fun_00010007
animIt seems the colorMii Maker save datacolor
is totally corrupted!
We need that to do your makeup!pageBreakanimIt's been reset. No colorMii characters
colorare left. You'll need to make a colorMii colorin
colorMii Maker colorand come back again! |
| delayanimdelayOh no.delay How careless of me!fun_00010007
animI'm so sorry!pageBreakanimThe makeup is based off of colorMii
characters colorin colorMii Makercolor, but I guess
you don't have any to choose from!
animIf you want to get your makeup
done,delay you'll first need to make
a colorMiicolor in colorMii Makercolor! |
| animSo you want to do a new hairstyle
and get rid of that bed head?pageBreakanimdelayanimJust delayleave it to me, sugar!animfun_00010007
Shampoo, cut, color, and
style comes to color3,000 Bellscolor!fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Sounds good!
I changed my mind. |
| |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay Not there, hon.delay
animPlease sit in the seat
in front of the machine. |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay animYou don't need to wait.delay
I can help you update your
look right this second!
animJust take a seat in front
of the machine, please! |
| delayanimdelayOh, delayyou delayanimwant to get more done?fun_00010007
animUnfortunately,delay I only accept one
request per day.
animAfter all, if you change too much all
at once,delay nobody will be able to tell
it's you anymore, fun_00000005!
animCome back again tomorrow and
we'll make a new you, bit by bit! |
| animYour gaze leaves quite the lasting
impressiondelay.delay.delay.delay Oh, I feel like your
eyes just suck me right on in! |
| animYour eyes are such a pretty color!fun_00010007
It's like I can't look away! |
| animI wonder what you're staring at
with those strong eyes of yours! |
| animSo you know, you can easily use the
colorcustom-design colorwindow to apply
and remove your makeup whenever! |
| animYou're bound to attract attention
wherever you go with such special
makeup like that! |
| animYou look great with makeup and
great without makeup, so spend
your days however you like! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay you look one
rank nicer than before! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, it brings me a lot of
pleasure to have helped you look
so wonderful on the outside! |
| animI really think that hairstyle suits you
perfectly, sugar! |
| animCome now!delay
In the chair you go! |
| animI'd appreciate it if you could sit in
the seat in front of the machine! |
| animI'll get all the details on what you
want and how you want it when
you're sitting in the chair, hon! |
| |
| |
| animCome back anytime, sugar! |
| |
| |
| |
| delayanimdelayOh dear!delay This is troublesome!pageBreakanimI'd like to remove anything that will
mess up your makeup, so you can't
have anything on your head.
But I just can't remove themdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| delayanimdelayOh dear!delay This is troublesome!pageBreakanimIf you have something on your head,delay
it'll mess up your makeup! I'd like to
remove it, butdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| delayanimdelayOh dear!delay This is troublesome!pageBreakanimIf you have an accessory on, it'll
simply mess up your makeup.delay
I'd like to take it off, butdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay your pockets are so
full,delay I can't remove anything!pageBreakanimI'm sorry to do this, but you'll need
to do it yourself or get rid of some
of the things you're carrying. |
| animAll right then.delay Can you pick out a
makeover model from the album? |
| What's wrong, sweetie?delay
animChange your mind about
getting your makeup done?fun_0005000F
Nope, I'll look again!
I changed my mind. |
| animAll right then.delay I'll show you the
album again, so just pick out the
face you'd like for your own! |
| So you'd like your makeup to
delayanimlook like colorfun_00100012color's?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
I changed my mind. |
| animdelayThere we go!fun_00010007 animFirst, we'll start by
removing your old makeup. |
| animdelayThere we go!fun_00010007 animFirst, we'll get rid of
anything that'll mess with your new
makeup.delay It'll just go in your pockets. |
| animdelayLeave it to me!fun_00010007 animNow thendelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelaylet's make you up! |
| animdelayPlease leave it to me!fun_00010007
animNow thendelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelaylet's make you up! |
| animfun_00040007delayTa-daaaaa! delayAll finished!delayfun_00050007pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayHow do you feel?fun_00010007
animLike you, but not you?fun_00010007
animMaybe closer to the real you!
animBy the way,delay you can always use the
colorcustom-design colorwindow animto switch
back to your original face!
animanimdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOh!delay animThere's one thing you need
to be careful of... |
| animfun_00040007delayTa-daaaaa! delayAll finished!delayfun_00050007fun_00010007
I think we've perfectly replicated
the model this time too! |
| If you change the colorMiicolor we based yourdelay
makeup off of in colorMii Makercolor, your
makeup will change too.
animJust keep that in mind, sugar! |
| delayanimdelayOh, but that's the same animas the
makeup you have on right now.pageBreakanimWhy don't you choose something
else.delay All right, sugar? |
| animThat'll becolor 3,000 Bellscolor, please! |
| animThere we go! All done! |
| Oh, delayI need to return anything I was
holding on to for you! |
| animNow then,delay let's pick an eye color
that accurately expresses your
present feelings. |
| animTry to picture for me the
following scenedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakYou are having a dream.delay In your
dream, you are visiting a quaint,
little towndelay.delay.delay.
animWhat about this town leaves the
biggest animimpression on you?fun_0001000F
The vast sky.
The large trees.
The endless ocean. |
| delayanimI see.delay The sky has left an impression
on you.fun_00010007 animWhat was the sky animlike when
you looked at it?fun_0001000F
Pitch black.
A clear, blue sky.
Like rain was coming. |
| delayanimI see.delay The large trees have left an
impression on you.fun_00010007 animWhat about
those trees animcaptured your heart so?fun_0001000F
Their abundant leaves.
Their sturdy trunks.
Their endless shade. |
| delayanimI see.delay The ocean has left an
impression on you.fun_00010007 animCan you tell
me animwhat the ocean was like?fun_0001000F
A tropical, blue ocean.
A cold, wintry ocean.
An ocean of coral. |
| delayanimOh, that's perfect, sugar!delay I know
exactly the color reflecting in the
eyes of your heart!anim
Now let's make it reflect in your
real eyes too! |
| animfun_00040007delayTa-daaaaa!delayfun_00050007
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimThis is the eye color that
looks best on you, fun_00000005!
animI didn't have to change anything,
so animthere's no charge this time. |
| animfun_00040007delayTa-daaaaa!delayfun_00050007
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOh,delay it looks fabulous! |
| All right, delayI'll just temporarily
hold on to your belongingsdelay.delay.delay. |
| OK, delaywe're ready to move on! |
| OK, delaywe're ready to move on! |