Num | English |
| animI knew fun_00010011 was the kind of
girl who'd really appreciate delayanima nice
work of art!
animThat fun_00030011 says
a lot about her class delayand style delayand
animawesomeness, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI can see fun_00010011's stylish touch
in all of her interior-design choices.pageBreakanimLike, delayjust check out the way her
fun_00030011 is sitting
there delayanimbeing all cool and casual! |
| animYay! delayI love rocking out to this song!
It's fun_00030011, delayright?
delayanimIt totally gets my toes tapping! |
| animIf I know fun_00010011,delay she uses that
fun_00030011 animto watch
movies of her dance practices!
animYou've gotta see how you look in
order to improve, delayright? delayanimI totally
admire her dedication! |
| animI heard a rumor fun_00010011 likes
to go outside delayto practice her
animMaybe she's working to become
a street musician or something!delay
How very daring of her! |
| Just between us, delayanimI seriously doubt
fun_00010011 has ever used her
fun_00030011 before!
animIt's just too sparkly and clean! delay
animThings like that delayget all kinds of
messy when you cook with them! |
| animI totally bet fun_00010011 stands on
that fun_00030011 delayand
pretends it's a stage! |
| animShe totally needs to invite me over
for a sleepover, delayespecially since her
fun_00030011 animis so big!
animBut I doubt we'd actually get any
sleep. delayanimWe'd be too busy giggling and
singing and dancing! |
| animThat fun_00030011 looksdelay
sooo comfy. delayI bet she gets a lot of
sitting done on that thing! |
| animI bet it'd be a blast to sit on that
fun_00030011delay and snack
on some fun_00100005! delayYum! |
| animThat fun_00030011 looks
like the most comfy thing ever! delayanimI've
got to try it out sometime. |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_00010011 has been listening to
my fashion advice! delayJust take a look
at her fun_00030011!
animShe's got great taste in clothes,delay
but animI'm obviously the most stylish
girl in town, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI wonder if fun_00010011 knows how
to use her fun_00030011delay
animor if she's just delaybeing trendy. |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI bet fun_00010011 has my favorite
copy of Stylish fun_0004000Efun_001F0005 Weeklydelay
on that fun_00030011...
animIf she does, delayI'm totally going to
borrow it and take out all the
perfume samples! delayanimHee hee! |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay fun_00010011 must keep her
fun_00030011 around delayanimin
case she has to clean up one day!
animanimLet's hope that day never comes!delay
I don't think fun_00010011 could clean
off anything but her dinner plate! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animWhy would fun_00010011 put that
fun_00030011delay right out
in the open like this?!
animDo you think delayit's supposed to be
a work of art or something?! delayanimThat
fun_00010011 is so artistic and daring! |
| animI bet fun_00010011 must be writing a
blog or something, delayanimsince she's got
that fun_00030011.
animThey say you're supposed to write
what you know, delayanimso she must write
about being all stylish and stuff! |
| animWow! She really did a great job of
brightening up the room with her
animI might have to borrow her ideadelay
and animturn my house into an indoor
garden, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI should probably take a peek inside
fun_00010011's fridgedelay.delay.delay.delayanimjust to make
sure nothing has spoiled! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| One of these days, delayanimI'm totally going
to challenge fun_00010011 to a game
on that fun_00030011!
It'll be,delay like,delay animthe most epic battle
of the century, delayfun_00070005. |
| animThat fun_00030011 is,delay
like,delay animthe most adorable thing I've
ever seen in my entire life.
animI totally knew fun_00010011 had a
soft spot in her heart for all things
adorable, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThat fun_00030011 is,delay
like,delay animthe most adorable thing I've
ever seen in my entire life.
animI totally knew fun_00010011 had a
soft spot in her heart for all things
adorable, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animShe's totally proven to me delayyou
can take something childish and
animreally use it delayto make a statement!
animTake her fun_00030011,delay
for example! delayanimIt seems a little bit
immature, fun_00010007animbut it's actually stylish! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animWait a sec! fun_00010007animWhy does fun_00010011
have that fun_00030011?delay
animWhat in the world is she up to? |
| animWait a sec! fun_00010007animWhy does fun_00010011
have that fun_00030011?delay
animWhat in the world is she up to? |
| animfun_00010011 obviously knows delayabout
the beauty benefits of bathing in
animJust fill that thing up with warm
milk and honey, delayanimand your skin will
totally glow! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animWhy in the world does fun_00010011
have that delayfun_00030011
in her place?!
animI'm not here to judge or anything,
but that is, delaylike, delayanimtotally weird. |
| animIf furniture didn't taste so weird,
I'd totally take a big bite of her
fun_00030011! Yummers! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
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| animI adore fun_00010011's furniture!delay
animIf my fashion sense had taste buds,
they'd totally be tingling right now! |
| animfun_00010011's done a pretty good
job of making her house a home,
don't you think? |
| animLet me know if you see any trendy
furniture items lying around I may
have missed.
animI want to make sure I see everything
fun_00010011 owns! |
| animI feel like I know her on a much
more personal level delayanimnow that I
can see how she decorates! |
| animDon't tell fun_00010011, but I may
animsteal some of her interior-design
ideas, fun_00070005! |
| animNot a bad setup in here!delay animRemind
me to take notes so I can borrow
some of these ideas later! |
| animNot a bad setup in here!delay animRemind
me to take notes so I can borrow
some of these ideas later! |