Num | English |
| animYou know,delay just 'cause it's a holidaydelayanim
doesn't meandelay you can let your guard
down. delaycolorHalloween coloris, delaylike,delay SPOOKY! |
| animIf you're gonna have delayANY fun at all
today, delayyou've got to take a risk!delayanim
That's what colorHalloweencolordelay is all about!
animI just delaylove the feeling of my heartdelay
POUNDING in my chest!delay Ooh,delayanim I'm
spooking myself already! |
| animYou've gotta be on your toes today!delay
It's colorHalloweencolor, delayso delayanything can
animI mean,delay you could get pranked at,delay
like, delayany moment. animSO delaymuch tension!delay
But try delayanimto enjoy the day anyway! |
| animI've got,delay like, delaya delayTON of treats delayready
to go for colorHalloweencolor.delayanim Seriously,delay I
justdelay DARE anyone to scare me! |
| animYou should be careful today delayif
you're walking around delaywith a bunch
of treats. delayanimI mean, delayit IS colorHalloweencolor!
animYou never know delaywhen someone's
gonna target youdelay for your colorcandycolor!delay
animBut delaynot carrying any candy...
Well, delayanimthat would be even delayMORE
dangerous!delay Hee hee! |
| animI can't believedelay some people are
scared of ghosts.delayanim Who'd be scared
of someone delaydressed all in white?
animPersonally, delayI think that look is,delay like,delay
totally stylish,delay fun_00070005! |
| animMonsters aredelay SO not scary.delayanim If I saw
a big,delay strong monster,delayanim I'd just ask itdelay
to help me carry my shopping bags! |
| animWhat do I think about super-big
bugs? delayNot a lot!delay animAs if I'd be scared
of a bug, delayfun_00070005!
animIf I saw a bug delaywandering around
town,delayanim I'd just take it to the museum
delayand leave it there! |
| animWerewolves can delaychange shape delaywhen
the moon is full!delayanim I wish I changed
into a delaysuperstardelay on the full moon! |
| animI think delaymummies are moredelay stylish
than scary. delayanimI love the delayhead-to-toe
bandaged look! delayVery trendy! |
| animOooh, delayskeletons are thedelay coolest!delay
Totally rock 'n' roll,delay if you ask
me. delayanimIt's such a trendy look now! |
| |
| animC'mondelay.delay.delay.delay You got your treat. delayNow
leave me alone!delay Go on, delayget out! |
| animWhy won't you leave? delayI already
gave you delaya totally delish treat!delay
SHOO,delay you big ol' delaymeanie pants! |
| animOh,delay please leave me alone! delayYou're,delay
like, delayTOTALLY freaking me out! |
| |
| animHey,delay who's that?! fun_00010007Uhdelay.delay.delay.delayanimsorry to
disappoint you,delay but I'm totally
not scared of you right now.
animIf you think delayyou're gonna get a
treat from me, delaythink again. delayanimYou're
gonna have to battle medelay for it!
animLet's play a game!delay If you win,delay I'll
give you a delish piece ofdelay colorcandycolor.delay
animBut if I win, delayI get to trick you! |
| animHahaha! delayDid you really thinkdelay you
were gonna scare me with that?!delay
I am delaySO not spooked right now.
animYou wanna know how to REALLY
scare people?delay Challenge them to
a game of chance!
Are you up for it? If you win,delay I'll
give you a piece of deeeeeliciousdelay
animBut if I windelay.delay.delay.delaywell,anim let's just say delayI
have a pretty awesome trick up my
sleeve! |
| animYou're talking to fun_0002000Edelayfun_001F0005
who knows how to take care of
businessdelay on colorHalloweencolor! |
| animHee hee!delay I'm not just some scaredy-delay
fun_001F0005, delayyou know. |
| |
fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00040012!delay I'll give
you a treat delayif you just go delayAWAY! |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00040012!!delay
I'm,delay like, delaycompletely freaking out
right now!
animIf I give you a treat,delay will you leave
me alone delayand never come back?! |
| animEEEEEEKKKKK!!delay
fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00040012! delayanimIf I give
you a treat, delaywill you go far away??
animOh delayno!! delayYou can't carry anything
else right now, delayso I can't give you delaya
treat!delay What am I supposed to do?! |
| animLook, delayI already gave you delaya treat!delayanim
So puh-delayLEASE stop scaring me! |
| animYou have your treat!delay Why can't you
justdelay leave me in peace now?! |
| animURGH! delayGetting the living daylightsdelay
scared out of me is, delaylike, delaycompletely
exhausting! |
| animNo amount of immersion therapy
is gonna help me be NOT scared of
that, fun_00070005. |
| |
| animPledelayedelayedelayedelayedelayedelayedelayase stop teasing me.delay
Just take this delayand leave me alone! |
| animPledelayedelayedelayedelayedelayedelayedelayase stop teasing me.delay
Just take this delayand leave me alone!
animHuh?delay Your pockets are still full!delayanim
If you don'tdelay get rid of something,delay
I can't give you anything! |
| animHuh?delay Wait just a second! delayanimWhy
didn'tdelay my trick work?! |
| |
| |
| |
| animHeya!delay
Happy colorHalloween colortodelay YOU!endTag
Trick or treat!
Let's chat. |
| animHey, fun_00080005!delay
Happy colorHalloweencolor!endTag
Trick or treat!
Let's talk. |
| animOh, delayI can't be giving away treatsdelay
to just anyone!delayanim What if my worst
nightmare delayshows up at my door?
animI need to have delaya whole bunch of
treats readydelay in case that happens! |
| animYou're gonna need more than that
silly outfitdelay to scare me. delayanimNow,delay if you
were wearing something delayscarierdelay.delay.delay.delay
animwell,delay I'd delayHAVE to give you a treatdelay
just to leave me alone! |
| animLookdelay.delay.delay.delaywe already played a game,delay
didn't we?delayanim Time for you to go now! |
| animWhat are you up to exactly? delayanimThis
is some kinda scam,delay isn't it?! |
| animAll right,delay it's on! delayTime to play delaya
little game ofdelay colorrock-paper-scissorscolor!fun_00120007 |
| animYay! delayThen the battle is on. delayLet's
playdelay colorcharadescolor!fun_00120007 |
| animAll right!delay Time for a mighty battledelay
of colorMade Ya Lookcolor!fun_00120007 |
| animI win! delayI win!delay And that meansdelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayfun_000B0007sizeit's prankin' time!sizefun_00080007 |
| animSweet! delayNow I get to prank you!animdelay
fun_000B0007sizeTAKE THAT!sizefun_00080007 |
| animAw, delayman! delayNo fair! delayanimWell,delay I hate to
part with mydelay colorcandycolor, delaybut you won
delayfair and square, delayfun_00070005. |
| animAwwdelay.delay.delay.delayI totally thoughtdelay I had that
in the bag.delay Well, delayhere's your delaycolorcandy
coloras promised, delayfun_00070005. |
| animWait a secdelay.delay.delay.delay Your pockets are full!delayanim
No colorcandycolor for you then. delayLet's just
forgetdelayanim this game ever happened! |
| animMake sure delayyou take good care of
my delaycolorcandycolor, delayOK? delayanimYou had better
appreciate delayevery last bite! |
| animI can't believe I lost!delay animBut to the
victordelay goes the sweets, delayright?delayanim
Enjoy your delishdelay colorcandycolor! |
| |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
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