Num | English |
| animHmm.delay.delay.delay What IS it about you today?
I'd swear you're not the same
old fun_00000005 I see around town.
animYou smell different.delay.delay.delayor something.fun_00010007
animOh, that's it! delayYou're using that new
fun_00100005 soap, right? |
| animYou know, delaythere's a certain spring
in your step,delay like you're walking
to fun_00140005 music.
You're extra confident today,delay
aren't you? delayanimWell, delayI wish I had that
kind of spring in my step too. |
| animSo.delay.delay.delayI'm just going to come right
out and say this, fun_00080005.pageBreakanimYou know how they say it takes
two to make fun_00130005?pageBreakanimWell, now it's no wonder why my
fun_00130005 is so awful. delayI've
never cooked with a friend like you! |
| animI feel like I can be a little more
open with you today for some
reason, fun_00080005.delay.delay.delay
animI'm not as nice as some people,
you know. delayYes, I'm not the sweetest
fun_00100005 in the world.
animBut I just wanted to let you know
that I really value our friendship,
fun_00070005. |
| animI'd like to tell you something.delay
You know I'm a fairly picky
fun_001F0005, right?
And I'm really picky when it comes
to friends. delayI mean, fun_00020005 and I
are close now.delay.delay.delaybut it took forever!
animAnyway, I just wanted to say I
think we're getting to be really
good friends too, fun_00000005. |
| animI have the irresistible urge to give
you something! delaySo please take
this, fun_00080005. delayYou have to! |
| animHmm. delayAll of a sudden I have the
strange urge to give you something.delay
So here. Take this, fun_00080005. |
| animI've been hearing a little voice in my
head.delay.delay.delay It says I should give you a
gift. fun_00010007animI know! delayFor no good reason!
So here. delayTake this, fun_00080005! |
| It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakIf you don't like it, delaygo ahead and
sell it. delayThat's fine by me. |
| It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakI hope you enjoy it. delayanimI know I
certainly did, fun_00070005.delay.delay.delay |
| It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakanimI hope you like it, but if you don't,
feel free to sell it. |
| |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, what's come over me? delay
animI didn't want to say any of that.
It just slipped out! |
| animWhat? delayI did NOT just say that!delay
Did I? delayWhat came over me? |
| animHold on.delay.delay.delayanim Why did I just say that?delay
Hmm. It must be one of those
days, fun_00080005. |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, what was all THAT about?!delay
animWhy did I say it? delayIt just popped
into my head, fun_00070005! |
| animWhat, delayseriously? delayDid I actually just
SAY that? delayI mean, it's true, but
I didn't plan on telling you! |
| animHold on.delay.delay.delayanim Please tell me I didn't
just say that. delaySure, it's true, but I'm
not the type to share like that. |
| animWhat a relief that's over. delayI mean,
I don't mind being generous,
but.delay.delay.delayanimwhat came over me there? |
| animWow, that was one of the strangest
things I've done in a while. delayI mean,
I didn't even wrap it first! |
| animHow curious.delay.delay.delay I like giving gifts,
but I'm not sure what that
was all about, fun_00080005. |
| |
| |