Num | English |
| animThat's not a bad idea! delayGimme a sec
to think about itdelay.delay.delay.delay animOK,delay I've made up
my mind!delay I'll do it! delayI'll move here!
animNow everyone in town is gonna
know that delayfun_00010005 anddelay
fun_00000005 make a great team! |
| animThat's totally delaywhat I hoped you'd
say!delay I can't believe delayfun_00000005
really wants me to move here!
animNow you have to convince everyonedelay
that delayfun_00010005'll be a fantabulous
addition to delayfun_00050005! |
| animYou know,delay that's not a terrible idea.delayanim
But I like the place delaywhere I'm living
now.delayanim I'm even getting homesick!
animSo I thinkdelay I'll stick to camping indelay
fun_00050005 for now.delayanim But thanks
a bunch delayfor the invite! |
| animI am delaySO glad you said that!delayanim But I
promised myself delayI wouldn't jump
into delayany huge decisions right now.
animThe best I can do delayis enjoy myself
during this awesome camping tripdelay
and animget to know delayfun_00050005 better! |
| animDo you really mean it? delayHow super
sweet of you!delayanim But now that I think
about it,delay I just delaycouldn't move here.
animThere's no way delayI'd desert my own
town like that.delayanim I'm, delaylike,delay the most
stylish delaygirl there!
animThey'd be completely lost without
me. delayanimThanks for the suggestion,delay but
I'll have to pass. |
| animMe?delay Living here in delayfun_00050005?!delay
Well, delayanimit's not a decision I can make
lightly,delay that's for sure. Hmmdelay.delay.delay.delay
animOoh! delayI know! delayWe can play a game
to decide! delayanimIf you win,delay I'll move here.pageBreakanimBut if you lose, delayyou have to donate
that delayfun_00030011 to
the delayfun_00010005 Souvenir Collection!fun_00050008
Let's do it!
Let's not. |
| animThat was the delayLAST thingdelay I was
expecting you to say! delayI'm, delaylike, delay
so totally flattered!delayanim Butdelay.delay.delay.delaywelldelay.delay.delay.delay
animDon't get me wrong—delayfun_00050005
is delayanimsuch an awesome town.delay And I'd
probably love living here!
animBut I'm pretty populardelay back in my
old town. delayanimThey'd be lost without
medelay.delay.delay.delayanim Such an important decisiondelay.delay.delay.delay
animI got it!delay Let's play a game to decide.delay
If you win,delay I'll move here. delayIf I win,delayanim I
get your fun_00030011!fun_00050008
Great plan!
That's a terrible idea. |
| animFor reals? delayYou want me to move
here?delayanim That'sdelay SUCH a nice offer!delayanim
But I just don't knowdelay what to do...
I mean, delayanimI totally love the placedelay
where I'm living now. delayanimBut I also
love taking risks! delayWhat to do?!
animHow about we play a game delayand let
fate decide? delayanimIf you win, delayI'll do you
the honor of moving to this town.
But if I win, delayanimyou have to send me
homedelay with a nice souvenir! delaySaydelay.delay.delay.delay
OK!, thanks. |
| animYou don't want to play? delayHow am I
supposed to make up my mind now? |
| animReally? delayI thoughtdelayanim it was a pretty
good offer... |
| animToo bad for you!delay Games are,delay like,delay
FUN. |
| animThat's the spirit!delay OK,delay let's play a
game of delaycolorrock-paper-scissorscolor!fun_00120007 |
| animI like your enthusiasm! delayOK, delayanimlet's
play delaycolorcharadescolor!fun_00120007 |
| animI knew you'd say yes! delayLet's play a
little game of delaycolorMade Ya Lookcolor!fun_00120007 |
| animToo bad! delayNo delayfun_00010005 delayanimand no
more fun_00030011! |
| animI suppose delayyou'll be handing over
that delayfun_00030011 now... |
| animI guess that delayfun_00030011
will bedelay coming home with me now! |
| animBut don't worry! delayI'll take delaysuch good
care of it. delayanimAnd it'll always remind
medelay of this amazing camping trip! |
| animThis'll make such a great souvenirdelay
of my time spent in delayfun_00050005! |
| animThis'll be thedelay BEST reminderdelay of
my awesome time here. delayanimThanks
for playing with me! |
| animYou got me! delayLooks like I'm moving
into town! animdelayYour name is delayfun_00000005,delay
right? delayI'm fun_00010005!
animI can telldelay we're gonna be good
friends, delayfun_00000005. delayGuess I'll start
packing delayas soon as I get home! |
| animYay! delayI can't wait to pack my bagsdelay
and move into town! delayanimWhoadelay.delay.delay.delay This is
all happening so quickly.
animYou're fun_00000005,delay right?anim What a
coincidence! delayMy name's delayfun_00010005!delayanim
Fate totally brought us together! |
| animThat's that!delay Looks like I'm moving!delay
We should probably be friends now,delayanim
seeing that our fates are entwined.
animYou're delayfun_00000005,delay right? delayanimMy name
is delayfun_00010005!delay I can tell right awaydelayanim
that we're gonna be great friends!
animThanks for helping me makedelay such
a difficult decision. delayanimI never could
have done it delaywithout you! |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |