Num | English |
| i10_7 |
| i10_7 |
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| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animI'm headed back to my humble
abode tomorrowdelay to start preparing
for the move of the century!delaypageBreakanimParting is such sweet sorrow,delay but
don't worrydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI'll be back!delayanimdelay
animcolorSeriously, though, don't forget
about me.color |
| animHave you heard?delay I've become so
popular around here, they don't
want me to leave, delayfun_00070005.
animdelayI mean, I saw it coming, butdelay I'm
still flattered beyond beliefdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimSo that means delaysoon we'll BOTH be
making waves in this town.delay animThis is
gonna be fun! |
| animHey now! delayWhat can I do for you?fun_0006000F
Let's talk.
You should live here!
Stay cool. |
| animHa ha ha!delayanim As if I have a choice
in the matter. |
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| animGreetings!delay Please, hold your
applause.delayanim I know.delay My rideanim
is the definition of awesome. |
| animOh! delayYOU live here?delay
animI knew there was a reason I was
drawn to this place. I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI've driven through so many towns,delay
but none had the tasteful ambiance
of this locale. And I require taste.delay
animNo wonder this town was calling
out to me, waiting for medelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimEnough about me—let's talk about...delay
animME, fun_00070005! |
| animAh, I just love nature.delayanim That sweet,
fresh air... delayThe relaxing pace of
Plus, animI look great in outerwear.delay |
| animA magnetic free spirit like me can't
be tied down to one dwelling.delay pageBreakanimLocking this bright personality in
one place, hidden from the rest of
the world, welldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimthat would just be selfish!delaypageBreakanimThink of all the people who would
never get to meet me!delay |
| animWelcomedelay to fun_00010005's traveling
paradise!pageBreakanimI know. delayMy taste is impeccable,
delayfun_00070005. |
| animLiving out of a van can seem
challenging.delay And claustrophobic.delay And
But when I do it, delayanimit just seems cool,
delayfun_00070005! |
| animSure,delay this camper has something of
a lived-in feel, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakBut only fun_00010005 could make
lived-indelayanim look so good!delayanim |
| animYou know, this place isn't getting
the kind of foot traffic it needsdelay to
become an A-list destination.delay
animI would be happy to lend my talents
to the cause and become this
campground'sdelay.delay.delay.delayanimofficial spokesman!delay |
| animLeave litter behind?! delayI would never,
delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimI have a spotless reputation as a
camper,delay animand I plan to keep it that
way. |
| animThis town has quite an aura about
it.delayanim I wonder where all this positive
energy comes fromdelay.delay.delay.
animdelayAnd could I bottle it up for my own
purposesdelay.delay.delay.delay?delay animWhat am I saying?!delay
animMy aura is perfect as is! delayHah ha! |
| animHow did I come to be here, you
ask, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimWelldelay.delay.delay.delayhonestly, I pulled over for a
teeny, tiny catnap when...delaya
powerful force took control of me!delay
animAs I came to, delayI realized my hands
were behind the wheel, and I had
a strong feeling about this town!delay
animI was pretty upset delaybecause in all the
excitementdelay.delay.delay.I forgot to make an
entry in my dream journal!
animNow what am I going to read for
entertainment, fun_00070005?delay |
| animHow did I come to be here, you
ask, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimWelldelay.delay.delay.delayhonestly, I pulled over for a
teeny, tiny catnap when...delaya
powerful force took control of me!delay
animAs I came to, delayI realized my hands
were behind the wheel, and I had
a strong feeling about this town!delay
animI was pretty upset delaybecause in all the
excitementdelay.delay.delay.I forgot to make an
entry in my dream journal!
animNow what am I going to read for
entertainment, fun_00070005?delay |