Num | English |
| Today I'm not just gonna eat.delayanim
I'm gonna try cooking too! |
| animUsually I just focus on the eating,delay
but today I decided to give cooking
a shot too. |
| animI tasted a dish too many timesdelay and
accidentally ate the whole thing.delay
Now I gotta start all over again. |
| animfun_000B0007Oh yeah!delay animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay do you have
fun_0002000Efun_00030011?pageBreakI really need that ingredient for the
dish I'm making!pageBreakanimBring it to me, and I'll give you
something else in return,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animI can't finish cooking without
fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakanimDo you have fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 for me?fun_0005000F
Here. Take this!
Can't help you. |
| animOh,delay did you bring me fun_0002000E
Here. Have this!
Sorry, no. |
| animIf you give me fun_0002000E
fun_00030011,delay I'll share
my special ingredients with you! |
| animI'vedelay collected lots of different
ingredients for today.pageBreakanimIf we exchange some ingredients,delay
I bet we can make all sorts of
things,delay fun_00070005. |
| animAw, maaan.delay I thought for sure
you had brought me fun_0002000E
fun_00030011delay.delay.delay. |
| animUmdelay.delay.delay.delay This is great and all,delay but
what I really want is fun_0002000E
fun_00030011. |
| animAwesome!delay Thanks, fun_00080005!delay
This is a big help!pageBreakanimWell, in return, I'll give you my
fun_00030011.delay Enjoy it! |
| animAwesome!delay I'm gonna cook up
something great! |
| animOh, hey!delay As a further thank you,delay
animlet me give you some cooking
advice! |
| animFor the hidden ingredient in
fun_00050012, I suggest
using colorlemoncolor, delayfun_00070005.
animThat little bit of sourness adds
a fresh kick!fun_00010007 animYou should definitely
give it a try sometime, fun_00080005! |
| animFor fun_00050012,delay colorapples
colorare a tasty addition.pageBreakanimThe crunchy texture pairs well with
the mushrooms.delay animYou should give it
a try, fun_00080005! |
| animOne great thing to add to
fun_00050012delay is a little
honey from a colorbeehivecolor.
animIt gives the dishdelay that extra little
something,delay fun_00070005. |
| animAdding a little colorvinegar colorto
fun_00050012 is a good
way to jazz things up.
animGive it a try sometime!delay Trust me,
it's great, delayfun_00070005! |
| animA bit of creamy colorbuttercolor is the
perfect finishing touch for
It gives the flavor more body.fun_00010007
animSeriously, try it out sometime,
fun_00080005! |
| animYou know, if you're making
fun_00050012,delay you should
add some colorcoconutcolor!
animSweet plus spicydelay is just the most
amazing flavor combination.fun_00010007
animGive it a shot, fun_00080005! |
| animCan you smell that great food?!fun_00010007
animI think it's coming from the plaza.pageBreakOnce I'm done cooking, delayI'm gonna
go check it out,delay fun_00070005! |
| animCooking is actuallydelay pretty fun!fun_00010007
animOf course,delay it's not as fun as eating,delay
but what is,delay fun_00070005?delayanim |
| animDon't I totally look like a celebrity
chef today?pageBreakanimA huh huh huh!delay If you tasted my
dish,delay you'd totally want my
autograph,delay fun_00070005! |
| animThanks for helping me out earlier
with my cooking, fun_00080005!delay
I really appreciate it,delay fun_00070005! |
| animThanks to your help,delay I think I'll be
able to whip up something really
delicious today, fun_00080005! |
| animSince today's the colorHarvest Festivalcolor,
I'm super busy cookingdelay and planning
what I'm gonna eat. |
| animI hope I'm as good at cookingdelay as
I am at eating! |
| animI love eating,delay but it makes cooking
kind of difficult.fun_00010007 animI can't stop tasting
what I'm making! |
| |
| |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was so much
fun! |
| The feast is all over, delayfun_00070005.delay
animIt was one for the books! |
| animI wish the colorHarvest Festivalcolor was
every day.pageBreakanimBut it's probably a good thing it's
not.delay I'd need to buy bigger clothes. |
| animThanks to that ingredient you got
me,delay my dish turned out delicious!delay
animMaybe I should become a chef! |
| animI just love the colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay
The only bummer is that we have to
wait another year for the next one! |
| Thanks to you, my dish turned out
great!delay animIn fact, I liked it so much, I
might just make it every day! |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was way fun!delay
animBut now I understand how tough
cooking can be.
animI always thought it'd be easy 'cause
eating comes so easily to me.delay.delay.delay
But it actually takes a ton of work. |
| animAt next year's colorHarvest Festivalcolor,delay
I hope there's a lot more food,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was fun!fun_00010007
animBut to be totally honest, I was
hoping there'd be more dishes.
Well, maybe next year will be
better. |
| animI was really hoping to eat more of delay
colorFranklincolor's cooking. |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was really fun!
I got to eat lots!pageBreakanimBut it wasn't enough!delay animNext year, I'm
gonna eat ALL of colorFranklincolor's food,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animcolorFranklincolor's cooking was delicious.anim
I just wish there had been more
of it, delayfun_00070005. |
| animI'm so full!delay I feel great.delayanim Even so,
I could go for some dessert.pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimNah,delay animI shouldn't be greedy,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animNothing makes me happier than
getting to eat tons of tasty stuff!delay
And now it's time for dessert.
animI'm gonna keep it light, though, and
just eat fun_0002000Efun_001A0005. |
| animA huh huh huh!delay Today is the
greatest day ever!pageBreakcolorFranklincolor's cooking was delicious,delay
and dessert was just amazingdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI was moved to tears, delayfun_00070005!
animGood work helping him out,
fun_00080005! |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was awesome!delay
Cooking and eating... Now that's
what I call a party!
animcolorFranklin coloreven included secret
ingredients in his dishes that really
added something special to them. |
| animA huh huh huh!delay Today was like a
dream. I got to eat all of colorFranklincolor's
cooking—delayeven dessert!
animTalk about sweet, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI got to try all of colorFranklincolor's dishes—delay
even dessert!delay animNow my heart and
stomach are both full!
animGood job helping him out.fun_00010007 animYou made
a great sous-chef,delay fun_00070005! |
| |
| |
| animIf you're going to eat coloroysterscolor,delay
I recommend squeezing some
colorlemoncolor over 'em!
animThe sourness of the lemon gives the
oysters a nice zing.fun_00010007 animOysters and
lemons are a classic combination! |
| animIf you make colormushroom saladcolor,delay
I recommend adding some colorapplescolor!pageBreakanimThe soft texture of the mushroomsdelay
pairs nicely with the crunchiness
of the apples!
animIt's a delicious combination,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animI've made a huge discovery!delay
animFor salads using colorfruitcolor,delay an awesome
additiondelay.delay.delay.delayanimis honey!
animJust a little bit of honey really
brings out the sweetness of the
animYou can get good honey from a
colorbeehivecolor!delay A huh huh huh!fun_00010007 Just
thinking about it is making me drool! |
| I love colormixed saladscolor!delay But a really
good one will be more than just
some salad stuff tossed together.
animTo pull a colormixed salad colortogether,
you have to add colorvinegarcolor!delay animThat'll
take the salad from good to great! |
| animDo you like fish, fun_00080005?fun_00010007
animI love them!delay They're good grilleddelay
or stewed!
But putting them in a salad is good
too!delay animIf you make a colorfish saladcolor,delay throw
some colorlemoncolor in there!
It adds a little zing that is just
super delicious, delayfun_00070005! |
| animcolorMushroom bisque coloris best with tons
of mushrooms!pageBreakanimAnd if you add a little colorbuttercolor,delay
it makes the flavor even richer!pageBreakanimSitting in a warm room eating tasty
soup with melted butter in itdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animNow, that's my idea of a good time! |
| animAdding a bit of colorbutter colorto colorshellfishcolor
colorchowdercolor really takes the flavor
to a whole other level.
animcolorButter colorand colorshellfishcolordelay are like a match
made in heaven! |
| animOne of the most memorable meals
of my life was this colorbouillabaissecolor.pageBreakIt was a really hearty colorfishcolor stock
with a little bit of colorlemon coloradded.pageBreakanimYeah!delay animThat colorlemoncolordelay was really
important for the flavor,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animI wanna tell you about a new way to
eat fruit, fun_00080005!fun_00010007 I call itdelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorfruit
animTo make it right,delay you gotta squeeze
some colorlemon colorin there.pageBreakanimSo don't forget the colorlemon colorwhen you
make colorfruit soupcolor, OK, animfun_00080005? |
| animHave you ever had a spicy soup delay
called colortom yum kungcolor?fun_00010007 animIt's got
colorlobster colorin it,delay and it's really good.
colorLobsters colorare pretty rare, and you
gotta dive for them, you know?pageBreakanimcolorTom yum kung coloris good as is,delay animbut if
you add some sweetness,delay the flavor
is milder delayand more delicious!
I recommend colorcoconut colorfor the
sweetness.delay It gives the soup a
tropical twist! |
| When you're cooking colorfishcolor,delay adding
something sour can really brighten
the flavor.delay Likedelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorlemoncolor delayor colorvinegarcolor!
animI'm never sure which one to pickdelay.delay.delay.
animGuess it depends on your own
personal taste, fun_00080005! |
| When you're cooking colorfishcolor,delay adding
something sour can really brighten
the flavor.delay Likedelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorlemoncolor delayor colorvinegarcolor!
animI'm never sure which one to pickdelay.delay.delay.
animGuess it depends on your own
personal taste, fun_00080005! |
| When you're cooking colorfishcolor,delay adding
something sour can really brighten
the flavor.delay Likedelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorlemoncolor delayor colorvinegarcolor!
animI'm never sure which one to pickdelay.delay.delay.
animGuess it depends on your own
personal taste, fun_00080005! |
| When you're cooking colorfishcolor,delay adding
something sour can really brighten
the flavor.delay Likedelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorlemoncolor delayor colorvinegarcolor!
animI'm never sure which one to pickdelay.delay.delay.
animGuess it depends on your own
personal taste, fun_00080005! |
| When you're searing colorfishcolor,delay adding
something sour can really brighten
the flavor.delay Likedelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorlemoncolor delayor colorvinegarcolor!
animI'm never sure which one to pickdelay.delay.delay.
animGuess it depends on your own
personal taste, fun_00080005! |
| animcolorFruitcolor piesdelay are the kings of all
desserts.pageBreakanimIf you want to bring out the
sweetness of the colorfruitcolor more,delay you
can add some honey.
You can get honeydelay from a colorbeehivecolor,delay
and it's so worth it 'cause fruit and
honey are amazing,delay fun_00070005! |
| animcolorFruitcolor piesdelay are the kings of all
desserts.pageBreakanimIf you want to bring out the
sweetness of the colorfruitcolor more,delay you
can add some honey.
You can get honeydelay from a colorbeehivecolor,
delayand it's so worth it 'cause fruit and
honey are amazing. |
| animPies made with lots of colordifferent
fruitcolordelay are great 'cause they have tons
of different flavors going on.
animThe trick to making them even
betterdelay animis squeezing a bit of colorlemon
coloron top!
animAdding a little bit of sourness to
something sweet balances things
out and really improves the flavor.
animSighdelay.delay.delay.delay I wanna eat some right now! |
| animcolorCoconut tartscolordelay are the kings of all
desserts.pageBreakanimIf you want to bring out the
sweetness of the colorfruitcolor more,delay you
can add some honey.
You can get honeydelay from a colorbeehivecolor,delay
and it's so worth it 'cause fruit and
honey are amazing. |
| animcolorBanana tartscolordelay are the kings of all
desserts.pageBreakanimIf you want to bring out the
sweetness of the colorfruitcolor more,delay you
can add some honey.
You can get honeydelay from a colorbeehivecolor,delay
and it's so worth it 'cause fruit and
honey are amazing. |
| animToday's the colorHarvest Festivalcolor!delay
Everyone's inside their houses
cooking up a storm, delayfun_00070005.
animMaybe I'll cut my walk shortdelay animand do
some cooking myself. |
| animThere are all sorts of good smells
coming from everyone's houses.delay
Wonder what everyone is makingdelay.delay.delay.
animI wonder if any of them would share
some of their leftover ingredients,delay
fun_00070005? |
| animcolorFranklincolor is in the plaza!delay animI'm so
excited to try the cooking of a
famous chef!
animIt's gonna be amazing,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animMy entire town is celebrating the
colorHarvest Festivalcolor today, fun_00000005.pageBreakanimBut you probably already knew that
from all the great smells! |
| animcolorFranklincolor, the turkey hanging out in
the plaza,delay came to our town just for
the colorHarvest Festivalcolor.
animHe's making some delicious dishes!fun_00010007
animSince you're here,delay why don't you
talk to him? |
| What kind of food do they makedelay
animat the colorHarvest Festivalcolor in your
animI hope I don't seem nosy.delay I'm just
really curious about what other
people eat, delayfun_00070005. |
| animI hope you enjoyed the colorHarvest
Festivalcolor!pageBreakanimYaaawwndelay.delay.delay.delay I'm so stuffed that it's
making me sleepy,delay fun_00070005. |
| The colorHarvest Festivalcolor is over now,delay
fun_00070005.pageBreakanimEveryone deserves a round of
applause for all their hard work! |
| animI wish tomorrow was the colorHarvest
Festival colortoo.delay Once a year just isn't
enough,delay fun_00070005. |
| I wish we'd had some of colorFranklincolor's
cooking,delay but at least most of us
in town made food.
animAt next year's colorHarvest Festivalcolor,delay
I hope there's even more to feast
on,delay fun_00070005. |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was so fun!fun_00010007
animBut I was hoping to eat
even more.pageBreakanimI guess I shouldn't be so greedydelay.delay.delay. |
| animThe colorHarvest Festivalcolor was so much
fun.delay animBut to be completely honest,delay
I could have eaten more.pageBreakanimNah,delay animI shouldn't be so greedy,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animI got to eat so much good food
today.delay It was so great!pageBreakanimAnd now it's time for dessert.delay
I'm gonna keep it light and just
snack on fun_0002000Efun_001A0005. |
| I hear you helped colorFranklin colorwith
today's festivities, fun_00080005.fun_00010007
animAwesome!delay All the food was great!pageBreakanimEverything was tasty.delay animBut for me,delay
the dessert was the highlight. |
| animThe festivities are pretty much
over for the day,delay but you can still
smell some of the food in the air.
animA huh huh huh!delay Make sure you take
a big whiff before you go home,
fun_00080005! |
| animI hope next year's colorHarvest Festival
coloris as good as this year's.pageBreakanimYou should come back for next
year's colorHarvest Festivalcolor, fun_00080005! |
| animThanks for visiting our town today,
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimHolidays are way more fun with lots
of friends around,delay fun_00070005. |
| animThanks for visiting our town today,
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimHolidays are way more fun with lots
of friends around,delay fun_00070005. |