Num | English |
| animThank you so much! |
| animDid fun_00010011 say anything
about it?fun_0005000F
Actually, yes...
I forget. |
| animHow did fun_00010011 react when you
handed it over?fun_0005000F
I don't remember. |
| animOh no!delayanim It would have been nice to
hear what fun_00010011 thought, delaybut
that's OK.delayanim |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimWHAT?!delay You opened it?!fun_00010007 animWhy
would you do such a thing?!pageBreakanimI put my heart and soul into
wrapping that package!delay I'm really
disappointed,delay fun_00070005. |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimWHAT?! delayYou opened it?!delay
animfun_00010011 might not have noticed, delay
animbut that doesn't make it OK!
animI know it's hard to try reign in your
curiosity, delayanimbut try to use better
judgment next time! |
| animAw, delaythat's just great! delaySounds like
fun_00010011 liked it so much, fun_0008000E put
it on right away!
animI can't wait to see how good it
looks the next time I visit! |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.delay So fun_00010011 didn't even
try it on.fun_00010007 animI'll just ask about it the
next time I visit. |
| animOh?delay Maybe it's not quite the right
look?pageBreakanimEveryone has their own style, delayanimand
it's hard to peg what someone's
going to like! |
| animOhdelay.delay.delay.delayanim fun_00010011 didn't really like it
that much, huh.delay It seemed like just
the right style,delay but what do I know?
animIt's just another reason to become
better friends and learn more about
fun_0008000E tastes!anim |
| animI see.delay So fun_00010011 just sort of
liked it, huh?pageBreakanimI'll bet if fun_0008000E keeps it,delay fun_0008000E'll come to
love it.delay One can hope, anyway!anim |
| animHee hee!delay I knew fun_00010011 would
like it!animfun_00010007 animIt's EXACTLY the right style,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animAll right!delay I'm so glad fun_00010011
liked it!delay I spent a lot of time picking
it out. |
| animGood!delay Now I know what fun_00010011
likes.fun_00010007 animI was really just guessing,delay so
I'm glad it worked out. |
| animThanks for going to all that trouble!pageBreakanimWith you acting as our mediator,
fun_00080005delay,anim I have a feeling we'll
be friends again in no time! |
| animThanks for going to the trouble!pageBreakanimUm, delaydid fun_00010011 say anything?fun_0005000F
Oh, yeah.
I don't remember. |
| animThank you for doing that!pageBreakanimUm, delaydid fun_00010011 say anything
about it?fun_0005000F
Oh, that's right...
Not really. |
| animOh, delayI seedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI was looking forward to hearing
that it brightened fun_00010011's day
or something like that.delay Oh well. |
| animThat's great!delay animHopefully we're well
on our way to making up now.fun_00010007
animIt's all thanks to you, fun_00080005!anim |
| animWHAT?!delay You opened the package?!pageBreakanimI worked so hard to wrap it!delay animI really
hope this doesn't keep us from
making up.delayanim |
| animHey!delay You opened it before you
delivered it?!pageBreakanimI don't care if fun_00010011 didn't
notice!delay animI put a lot of work into
wrapping it!
animI'm lucky we're still making up.delay Just
don't do anything like that again! |
| animThanks for delivering that package
to fun_00010011! |
| animI was borrowing it for so long, delayanimit
feels good to finally return it! |
| animDid fun_00010011 say anything?fun_0005000F
Come to think of it...
I don't remember. |
| animReally?! fun_00010007animSo fun_00010011 wasn't mad
or anything?pageBreakanimI was worried,delay since it took me so
long to return it.delayanim But it sounds like
everything's good! |
| animOh, good. delayI'm glad to hear it.pageBreakanimConsidering how long I kept it, delayI was
worried she'd be really mad!delayanim |
| animGood, good.pageBreakanimHonestly,delay I was afraid she was going
to make a really big deal out of it.delayanim
I guess that was silly of me. |
| animOh, good!pageBreakanimShe can be a bit of a stickler about
these things, delayanimso I'm relieved to hear
everything went OK. |
| animI'm glad she accepted it without
a fuss.pageBreakanimI wasn't really worried, though. delay
animfun_00010011 doesn't care quite so
much about manners. |
| animOh,delay good.fun_00010007 animHe's pretty laid back, delayanimso I
guess he doesn't stress about things
being returned on time. |
| animOh, good!pageBreakanimI guess he doesn't sweat the little
things, like how long someone's
been borrowing his stuff. |
| animReally?!fun_00010007 animHe's such a particular guy,delayanim
I was worried he'd be mad. |
| animThat's great,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimNot that I thought he would actually
get mad. delayanimI had a feeling he'd let it
slide. |
| animThanks for taking that package to
fun_00010011!fun_00010007 animDid fun_0008000E say anything
about it?fun_0005000F
I think so!
I don't remember. |
| animI guess you forget things too
sometimes, fun_00080005! |
| animOh no! delayanimfun_00010011 had already
bought the exact same thing?!pageBreakanimI guessdelay.delay.delay.delayI guess I should have gotten
it back sooner. delayanimI feel so ashamed. |
| animReally?!delay fun_00010011 hadn't even
realized fun_0008000E left it at my house?pageBreakanimEven so,delay I should have returned it
sooner.delay I'll be sure to apologize. |
| animThanks for taking that delivery to
fun_00010011! |
| animThank you for delivering that
package to fun_00010011! |
| animDid fun_00010011delay say anything?fun_0005000F
Yep, let me tell you.
I don't remember. |
| animDid it go over well?fun_0005000F
I don't remember. |
| animDid fun_00010011delay say anything?fun_0005000F
That's right...
I don't remember. |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?! delayYou opened the box?!fun_00010007
animI'm shocked that you would do such
a thing,delay fun_00080005! |
| animOhdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animI kind of wanted to hear what
fun_00010011 thought of it. |
| animDrat!delay animI wanted to know what
fun_00010011 said about it! |
| animWow!delay animI can't believe it was actually
a present for you, animfun_00080005!delay
animWhat a crazy coincidence! |
| animOh,delay you got a present for your
efforts?!delay That's great! |
| animOh no!delay fun_00010011 forgot about it
and bought the same thing again?pageBreakanimI should have returned it sooner!delay
This is all my fault. |
| animWow!delay animI had no idea it was a present
for you, delayfun_00080005!pageBreakanimThat's pretty funny,delay you delivering
your own present.delay animNice work! |
| animSo you got a reward?delay animGood, good! |
| animWow,delay fun_00010011 put it on right
away?!delay animI guess that means things
went well! |
| animMaybe fun_00010011 wasn't really
crazy about it thendelay.delay.delay.delay animOh well. delay
Thanks, anyway! |
| animMaybe fun_00010011 wasn't really
crazy about it thendelay.delay.delay.delay animOh well. delay
Thanks, anyway! |