
Script : [Jock] HA_Sp_Prologue

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animWhat's up? delayanimWe'll have lots of time
to chat later.delay You should get over to
the colortown hallcolor!


animOh, I've got tons of ideas for you.delay
animBut we can talk after you take care
of your business at the colortown hallcolor!


animHa ha!delay A little nervous,
fun_0006000E Mayor?delayanimpageBreakanimIt's OK! delayYou should get a move on,
though. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


Haha!delay I don't think I've even told
you my name yet!delayanim I'm fun_00010005!delaypageBreakAnd, delayfun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delayam I glad you're
here, fun_0006000E Mayor!pageBreakanimI can just tell you're really gonnadelay
fun_000B0007get this town in gear!delay Hoo yeah!pageBreakanimYou'redelay going to turn this town into
an amazing place!delay I can't wait!pageBreakanimWe've got high hopes for our new
mayor! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animdelayHoooofun_000B0007yeaaah!delay animName's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimSo you're the new mayor everyone's
been talking about? pageBreakanimHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay You've got a good look
about you!delay I like it!pageBreakanimI've decided I'm gonna root for you.delay
We're all in this together, and I think
you're gonna rock! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim


animfun_000B0007Whodelay.delay.delay.delay?delay animOh yeah!delay You must be the
new mayor!delaypageBreakanimI'm fun_00010005!delay My hobby is training
myself—getting buffer every day.pageBreakanimMayors need lots of muscle, so I
better see you training like crazy!delay


animOh!delay Nice to meet you!delay So you're the
new mayor, huh? pageBreakanimI'm fun_00010005,delay and you can count
on my full-tilt support, fun_0006000E!pageBreakanimI'm sure you'll make this town
second to none! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animdelayHoooofun_000B0007 yeah!delayanim So are you the new
mayor I've been hearing about?pageBreakanimI'm fun_00010005!delay I'm usually pretty
sweaty, so don't freak out.delay My mind
and my muscles are always on fire!
animBut I'm so glad we finally met!delay This
town is going to get so ripped!delay
See you around! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animYo!delay delay.delay.delay.delayanimHey, who are you? pageBreakanimfun_000B0007Oh, delaythat's right!delay You're new here!pageBreakanimI'm fun_00010005!delay I've actually heard
a bit about you, and it seems like
we might have a lot in common!
animDream big, and go for the top spot!delay
That's how I do things, and I'm
thinking you're the same way!
animMan, we are totally going to make
fun_00060005 the best town around!delay
We can do it!
Just have to focus!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimAnyhoo,delay nice meeting you!


animfun_000B0007Hey!delay You must be the rumored
newcomer in town!pageBreakanimI'm fun_00010005,delay and I'll warn you:
I'm the full-speed-ahead type!pageBreakanimYou and I are gonna make this town
super amazing! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animdelayHooofun_000B0007 yaaaa!delayanim I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakAnd you must be the new kid on the
ol' block!pageBreakanimHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay You look like you can handle
yourself pretty well.pageBreakanimYou and I should train like maniacs
and try to rule the world together!








animOh! Mayor!fun_00010007anim I'm fun_00010005! We're
gonna be big fans of each other!pageBreakanimSodelay.delay.delay.delay That tree you planted?fun_00010007anim When I
saw you performing that ceremony,
I had a thought.pageBreakanimI thought, if this fun_0006000E in charge,
fun_00050005 is in good hands!animpageBreakWe're counting on you, fun_00000005!fun_00010007
Make this town the strongest town


animHeya, fun_0006000E Mayor!fun_00010007 animI'm fun_00010005!delay
My hobby is training my bod.pageBreakanimMayors need plenty of physical
stamina, right? If I were you, I'd
train like crazy! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWhy are you just hanging around?delay
Shouldn't you be at the colortown hallcolor? pageBreakanimIf you don't know how to get there, delay
just take a look at your map!


You don't know where you're going
to live yet, do you? pageBreakanimcolorNook's Homes coloron Main Streetdelay.delay.delay.delayanim
They can get you started!


animOh!delay Are you looking for a place to
build a house?pageBreakanimHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Maybe I shouldn't butt in.delay
But, whatever.delay I have some advice.pageBreakIf you live in an out-of-the-way
place, getting around could be really
inconvenient. Butdelay.delay.delay.delay
animAll the running around you'll do will
be fantastic training!delay animSo what do
you think? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?


animHeya, fun_00080005!delay
animHave you picked out a place to live?delaypageBreakanimGood for you!delay I'll have to stop by
for a visit one of these days!pageBreakdelayThis is important news!delay I hope you
let folks at the colortown hallcolor know
where you're living! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!











animSo I hear you've bought a house!pageBreakanimCongratulations! You can finally
start your new life!pageBreakanimNew furniture, new clothesdelay.delay.delay.delay You
probably have a lot of things you
want to get, right?!fun_0012000A


animHere's a workout that really pays
off: delayface a tree with fruit on it, and
press  to shake it like crazy!pageBreakanimThe fruit will drop, and you can animpick
it up by pressing !delayanim Shake, bend,
pick up!delay It's great cardio!
animTry picking up other stuff besides
fruit too! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimAaaaand,delay stuff you pick updelay.delay.delay.delayyou can
sell to colorRe-Tailcolor!pageBreakanimIf you need some extra spending
money, this is the way to go!delay
Cardio and cash! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animI'm at the alpacas' Re-Tail shop all
the time!pageBreakanimI sell them my furniture, delayclothes,
delayfruit,delay shellsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakI think they would buy just about
anything if you took it to them!pageBreakanimSometimes I just sell everything in
my house so I can replace it all with
new stuff!
animMoving stuff is quite the workout,
you know!delay I wish I could move all my
stuff every day!delayanimpageBreakAnyway, stop by colorRe-Tailcolorcolor colorand check
it out, delayfun_00070005!


animOK, listen up!delay I've got some things
to tell you about tools!pageBreakanimPay attention!pageBreakanimFirst of all, delayyou need a colornetcolor if you
want to catch bugs!pageBreakanimNext, delayyou should get a colorfishing rodcolor! I
know it's obvious, but I have to say
itdelay.delay.delay.delay You catch fish with it!
animLast is adelay.delay.delay.delayanimcolorshovelcolor!pageBreakanimUse a shovel to dig at a  you see
on the ground.pageBreakAll kinds of stuff might be buried
at those spots.delay Fossils, treasuredelay.delay.delay.delay
Who knows what you'll dig up?pageBreakanimAnyhoo, when you get stuff with a
colornetcolor, colorfishing rodcolor, or colorshovelcolor, you might
want to sell it at the recycle shopdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay You don't have to sell, but
it's a good way to make some
money, delayfun_00070005!delayanimfun_0012000A


animHey!delay I need your opinion about
something.delay fun_000B0007Be honest!fun_000D0007


animSo where did you build your house?fun_00010008
Over there.
Way over there.


animHave you read the colorbulletin board colordelay
yet today? fun_00010008
I did!
Not yet.
The what now?


Hey!delayanim You want a picture of my
perfectly sculpted bod, fun_00080005?pageBreakanimOh!delay Do you need to know how to
take a picture?pageBreakanimIt's simple!delay Just press  and  at
the same time, anddelay.delay.delay.delayfun_000B0007SNAP!delay You'll
have a picture!
Check out your pictures in
colorNintendo 3DS Cameracolor!pageBreakanimThen you can admire pictures of medelay
anytime you want! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim


animOh, great.delay I don't really know what
this means, but I think I fell asleep
without savingdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWhen I woke up the next day,delay I
couldn't remember anything that
happened the day beforedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWhen you want to save,delay press
colorSTARTcolordelay and then select
colorSave and continuecolor!
Or delaycolorSave and quitcolor!pageBreakanimI really need to make sure I don't
forget to save either, delayfun_00070005.


animA lot of people don't know this, but
mayors need to be really buffdelay.delay.delay.delay
Like,delay superhero buff.
animYou're really lucky to have me heredelay
giving you pointers about all the
physical demands of mayorhood.pageBreakanimI'm happy to be kind of a buffness
advisor to Your Honor, butdelay.delay.delay.delayyeahdelay.delay.delay.delay
I honestly don't know everything!
animBut I'll tell you what, fun_00070005.delay
When I get stuckdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI go to the town
hall and check in with colorIsabellecolor!
She can give you lots of great
coloradvice about lifecolor, delayfun_00070005!


animHow's it going?delay Are you having a
fun time in town?delay Settling in OK?pageBreakanimI think you'll find that fun_00060005 is
just one crazy character after
another!delay Personally, I love it!
animFolks always have something to say,
so go up and talk to them!delay Cool fun_0006000E
like you? No sweat! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimIf you're in a pickle,delay they may be
able to give you some advice!delay But
you come to ME for workout tips!
animIf you're still stuck,delay you should go
see animcolorIsabelle colorat the town hall.pageBreakShe has tons of coloradvice about lifecolor in
fun_00060005, delayfun_00070005!


animBuy tools as soon as possible.delay You
can burn some calories using them.pageBreakAnd you can sell stuff you collect
to make a little spending money!pageBreakIt's win-win, reallydelay.delay.delay.delaydelayfun_00070005!



animTake a look!delay What do you think
about these clothes?fun_000A0008
They look great!
They're awful...


animAll right!delay I knew my muscular form
could make any outfit look good!pageBreakI feel good, so I'm gonna keep
wearing it! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!fun_001B000A


animSweet!delay You think it looks pretty
good, huh?fun_001B000A


animdelayHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Just OK, huh?pageBreakanimWell, I don't feel like changing, so I
guess I'll stick with my current look.delayanimfun_001B000A


animfun_000B0007What?!delay Not so great?!delay Really?!pageBreakanimButdelay if I accept that,delay I will have been
beatendelay.delay.delay.delayby clothes!fun_00010007 So, nope.delay animI'm
not changing!fun_001B000A


animWhat? delayIt looks that bad on medelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakanimMan, I thought my muscular form
could make anything work!delay I'll try
again, I guess, delayfun_00070005!fun_000E0007fun_001B000A


animfun_000B0007But, hey!fun_00010007anim I really don't want my old
outfit.delay You should take it as a
moving-in present!fun_000F0007fun_0001000A


animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
animKnow how to change outfits?pageBreakanimTap  on the bottom screen to
open your pockets.delay Choose your
new threads. Then choose colorWearcolor!pageBreakanimThen say good-bye to the old you!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanimpageBreakanimOh!delayanim Yeah, I should also tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay
colorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,
and colortankscolor don't have any sleeves.delayanim
Remember that!


animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
animYou seem like a cool chick, so I bet
you can make it work!pageBreakUmm..delay animDo you know how to put on
new items of clothing? pageBreakanimTap  to open your pockets.delay
Choose a clothing item, and then
choose colorWearcolor!pageBreakanimGive it a try whenever you want!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimOh!delayanim Yeah, I should also tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay
colorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,
and colortankscolor don't have any sleeves.delayanim
Remember that!




animfun_000B0007Oh, hey!delay I have an idea!fun_00010007anim You helped
me, delayso I'm giving you some clothes!pageBreakanimIt's also to celebrate you moving in!delay
Don't be shy!fun_00100007


animYou're pretty cool for being honest
with me.delay I should help you out too.delaypageBreakanimI'm giving you some clothes I
think you'll like.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!fun_00100007


It's animfun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
animDo you know how to change?pageBreakanimTap  on the bottom screen to
open your pockets. delaySelect an item
of clothing. Then select colorWearcolor!pageBreakHeh heh!delay Give it a try sometime!pageBreakanimOh!delayanim Yeah, I should also tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay
colorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,
and colortankscolor don't have any sleeves.delayanim
Remember that!


If you want to get some clothes for
yourself,delay go to colorAble Sisters coloron Main
animThey usually have a pretty good
selection.delay They come up with new
stuff all the time, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimOh!delayanim Yeah, I should also tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay
colorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,
and colortankscolor don't have any sleeves.delayanim
Remember that!


animYeahdelay.delay.delay.delay Maybe I should go shopping
again.delay I can't look like a freak when
I'm working out!
animfun_0003000Efun_00080005, you can buy clothes
too,delay if you want to.delay Just head to
colorAble Sisters coloron Main Street.
It's kinda cool, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimThey sell tons of stuff!delay It makes
me happy just thinking about it!pageBreakanimOh!delayanim Yeah, I should also tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay
colorTees colorare shirts with short sleeves,
and colortankscolor don't have any sleeves.delayanim
Remember that!


animOh!delay Not far, huh?fun_00010007 animYeah, I can feel
the power of awesomeness nearby!


animHey, nice!delay I've always thought over
there was pretty great!


animWay over there, huh?delay Pretty sweet!


animSince you seem to be meeting folks
and figuring out the lay of the land,delay
why not write a few letters?pageBreakanimYou knowdelay.delay.delay.delaydespite what you might
think, I actually like getting letters!pageBreakanimHa!delay I can tell you're getting an itch
to write, aren't you, fun_00080005?pageBreakanimYou can buy colorstationerycolordelay at the colorstore
on Main Streetcolor,delay and you can mail
letters at thecolor post officecolor.
animOh, delaybut be careful what you write!fun_00010007
animLike everyone else in this town,delay I
tend to brag about any letters I get.pageBreakanimSo don't write about anything you
want to keep secret, OK?


animOh!delay You already checked it out?pageBreakanimYeah, I make a habit of checking out
the colorbulletin board coloron my daily run
past the train station.pageBreakanimBy the way, delaysometimes colorbirds colorsit on
top of the bulletin board.delayanim Have you
noticed that? pageBreakanimIt's a sign that there's a new
message there.pageBreakanimI don't understand why it works like
thatdelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut it does! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animYou should check it out soon!delay It's
kind of important!pageBreakanimYeah, I make a habit of stopping by
the colorbulletin board coloron my daily run
past the train station.delaypageBreakanimBy the way, delaysometimes colorbirds colorsit on
top of the bulletin board.delayanim Have you
noticed that at least? pageBreakanimIt's a sign that there's a new
message to read.pageBreakanimI don't understand why it works like
thatdelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut it does! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animReally?delay Well thendelay.delay.delay.delayI should tell you
about it.delay First, the colorbulletin board coloris
colorin front of the train stationcolor.
animYou'll find tons of great stuff on it,delay
all kinds of announcements and info
about town events.
animNot only that...delaybut you can post
things there too!delay You can write
whatever silly thing you want!pageBreakanimHa ha!delay Don't be nervous!delay Just post
whatever you need to post!delayanimpageBreakanimBy the way, sometimes colorbirds colorperch
on the bulletin board.pageBreakanimAccording to legend, they sit up
there when there's a new message
to read.pageBreakanimWeird, right?delay But it's probably a
good idea to check for news when
you see a bird.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThere's a ton of cool stuff at
colorTimmy and Tommy's Nookling
Junction colorand colorAble Sisterscolor!pageBreakanimThey try to keep the latest and
greatest stuff on their shelves.pageBreakanimYou really ought to go see for
yourself! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThere's a ton of cool stuff at
colorTimmy and Tommy's T&T Mart
colorand colorAble Sisterscolor!pageBreakanimThey try to keep the latest and
greatest stuff on their shelves.pageBreakanimYou really ought to go see for
yourself! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThere's a ton of cool stuff at
colorTimmy and Tommy's Super T&T
colorand colorAble Sisterscolor!pageBreakanimThey try to keep the latest and
greatest stuff on their shelves.pageBreakanimYou really ought to go see for
yourself! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThere's a ton of cool stuff at
colorT.I.Y.color and colorAble Sisterscolor!pageBreakanimThey try to keep the latest and
greatest stuff on their shelves.pageBreakanimYou really ought to go see for
yourself! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThere's a ton of cool stuff at
colorTimmy and Tommy's storecolor and
colorAble Sisterscolor!pageBreakanimThey try to keep the latest and
greatest stuff on their shelves.pageBreakanimYou really ought to go see for
yourself! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


By the way,delay you can find tools at
colorNookling Junctioncolordelay on Main Street,


By the way, you can find tools at
colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store, colorT&T
Martcolor, on Main Street, delayfun_00070005.


By the way,delay you can find tools at
colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store, colorSuper
T&Tcolor, on Main Street,delay fun_00070005.


By the way,delay you can find tools at
colorT.I.Y.color on Main Street, delayfun_00070005.


By the way,delay you can find tools at
colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store,
colorT&T Emporiumcolor, on Main Street.


By the way,delay you can find tools at
colorTimmycolor and colorTommycolor's store,
colorT&T Emporiumcolor, on Main Street.


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