Num | English |
| Good morning, fun_00000005! |
| animTake a look in your mailbox.delay
I may have dropped a little
something in there for you. |
| animAs you can see, I'm busy delivering
the mail this morning. |
| animPhew! delayI swear...delayhuff...delaythese people
are mailing bricks to each other just
to spite me. |
| animYadelayadelayadelayadelayadelayawndelay...pageBreakanimI was up late last night thinking
about colorPhylliscolor. delayWhy do I always do
this to myself?
animDelivering the mail is my livelihood,
so I can't afford to be tired. |
| Good evening, Mayor! |
| Hi there, fun_00000005. |
| animHave you checked your mailbox?delay
animI just delivered a letter for you. |
| The evening shift is always the
hardest. delayanimIt's a tough job, but
somebody's gotta do it! |
| As soon as I clock out, I'm going to
eat this fish I've been keeping in my
bill pouch.anim |
| Man, delaytime flies when you're not
using your wings. delayIt's already
evening, for Pete's sake!
animHa! Get it?! delay"For Pete's sake."delay
Because of my name? delayanimHa ha ha!delay
Oh, man.delay I crack myself up.
animAnywaydelay.delay.delay. animI wonder what colorPhylliscolor is
doing tonight. delayProbably working.anim
Oh, erm...delay
Sorry. I get kind of loopy toward
the end of my shift. delayanimCatch ya later! |
| fun_000B0007animAHHH! delayI'm behind schedule!
Gotta get a move on! |
| animWow, this mailbag is HEAVY!delay
Haven't these people ever heard
of a phone conversation? |
| I can't make out the address on this
letter because the handwriting is so
Not that I'm surprised. Most of the
town's residents don't even have
opposable thumbs. |
| animNo time to talk!delay Gotta get the rest
of these letters delivered! |
| Sure, e-mail and text messages
might be faster, more convenient,
and better for the environment.
animBut there's nothing quite like
receiving a handwritten letter
in the mail.
That's why I do it! |
| Whenever I see a letter that came
from overseas, I think to myself:pageBreakanim"Wow, the bird who carried that
must be EXHAUSTED!" |
| The residents of fun_00050005 sure
send A LOT of letters.pageBreakNot that I'm complaining.
animJob security, right?! |
| People sometimes think that all the
letters are just magically delivered
into their mailboxes.
animThat's not how it works at all.animpageBreakI deliver each letter by hand, but I
work so fast that nobody sees me
drop the letters off.
animI'm like a postal ninja! |
| animYou know how there are two girls
working at the post office, right?pageBreakThere's colorPellycolor, who works during
the day,delay and colorPhylliscolor, who works
at night.
This might be a weird question,
but animwho do you think is cuter?fun_0001000F
Umm... |
| animThe rumor about me and colorPellycolor?delayfun_00010007
Not true at all.pageBreakcolorPelly coloris a really nice person and all,delay
but I just can't stop thinking about
There's just something about her,
you know?pageBreakBut I guess I could see myself with
colorPellycolor. I don't know.pageBreakAnyway, thanks for listening. |
| animYou know what today is, don't you?!fun_00010007
animIt's fun_000A0007WEDNESDAY!pageBreakanimToday's the day I ask colorPhylliscolordelay
out to dinner!pageBreakanimI hope she says yes this time... |
| animAHHHHHHHH! delayGuess what?fun_00010007
animcolorPhylliscolordelay blew me a kiss today!pageBreakanimShe put her hand up to her mouth
and wentdelay delayfun_000A0007mwahdelay-choo!delaypageBreakanimThen she blew her nose into a tissue
and someone said bless you.delay Hmmdelay.delay.delay.delay
animWhatever. delayI know what I saw. |
| delayFriday already? delayThat was quick.pageBreakI like to kick back on Friday nights
and just let my feathers hang loose.
animdelayMakes me feel as free as a bird!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI wonder if colorPhylliscolor is free tonight.delay
animShe's a bird too, you know. animIt'd only
make sense that she'd be up for it! |
| animcolorPellycolor, huh?pageBreakanimSure,delay colorPelly coloris great if you want a
girl who's nice,delay sweet,delay and girlydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut if you want a girl who'sdelay feisty,delay
moody,delay and abrasive,delay colorPhyllis coloris
absolutely better.
She can be a bit...delayprickly...delayat times,delay
but that's just the way she shows
animI just love the way her bill wrinkles
up in disgust every time she sees
me. I know what she really means... |
| animfun_000B0007WHOA!delay Really?delay I thought I was the
only one who understood colorPhylliscolor's
charm and sophistication!
animThe cold, unfeeling eyes hidden
under those long lashes...pageBreakThe tangy smell of her feathers
when she's molting...pageBreakanimdelayIf only she were mine... |
| "Umm"? What do you mean,delay "Umm"?delay
animYou can't decide who's cuter?pageBreakanimIf you're not sure, why not vote fordelay
colorPhylliscolor?pageBreakanimShe might come off as rude
sometimes, but she's not rude.delay
She's just misunderstood.
animI really wish everyone could see
what I see in her. |
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| |
| animWeather like this makes me want to
stretch my wings and fly until the
sun goes down!
animI better deliver these letters quickly
before the weather turns. |
| animI won't stop until delayeverydelay lastdelay letterdelay is
delivered to its intended recipient.delay
animfun_000B0007RAIN OR SHINE!
animBut I'm really glad it's sunny today.anim |
| animHmm. delayIt's pretty gloomy out today.pageBreakanimSeems like a good day to stay
inside and write a letter!pageBreaksizeThis message brought to you by the fun_00050005
post office.size |
| animOh...delayuh...delayhey,delay fun_00000005.pageBreakI know I must really look like I just
stepped out of the showerdelay, but it's
only because it's raining today.
animI hope I don't run into colorPhyllis colorin this
sad, soggy condition... |
| animMan,delay it's raining cats and dogs out
here today!pageBreakanimfun_000A0007delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSorry.delay Is that rude? delayI don't want to
upset any of our feline or canine
residents. |
| animdelayBrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelayr!delay
It's delayso delaycolddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI can't feel my feathers! |
| animThis blizzard is intense,delay but I'll never
give up!delay I'll never quit!delaypageBreakWherever mail sits undelivered...fun_00010007
Wherever letters lie unread...fun_00010007
That's where I'll be!
Because I am a postman in the great
city of fun_00050005,delay and the mail
animdelayfun_000A0007MUSTdelay fun_000A0007BEdelay fun_000C0007DELIVERED!
animMan... delayI wish colorPhyllis colorwas here to
hear that. |
| animSuch beautiful and, delayuh, delayfragrantdelay
weather we're having today.pageBreakanimIt makes working sodelay muchdelay moredelay
rdelayedelayldelayadelayxanimdelayidelayndelayg... |
| |
| Hey! You have a letter from
colorfun_00220012color!pageBreakanimOh,delay but it looks like you have too
many letters already and can't
receive this one.
Why don't you clear out some of
your old letters, and I'll stop by
later to deliver this one. All right? |
| You have a letter from
colorfun_00220012color! |
| OK, looks like you're all set!delay
animSee you later! |
| animSo many letters!delay
So little time! |
| animRead any good letters lately?delay
animAny with some juicy gossip?pageBreakanimSorry.delay None of my business. |
| animI still have a lot of deliveries to
make... |
| People say I talk too much while
I'm out making deliveries.delay I disagree. |
| A lot of people ask me why I walk
instead of fly when I deliver the
Well, animflying is pretty exhausting
when you're carrying a bag full of
mail and packages.
Also, there was this kid at my old
job who used to knock me out
of the sky with a slingshot.
animKind of ruined flying for me. |
| delayanimdelayOh, delayfun_00000005!delay Great timing!pageBreakanimI have an express delivery for you
from colorfun_00220012color.pageBreakanimI'll just stick it in your mailbox,delay
so make sure you check it ASAP!pageBreakanimCatch you later! |
| animOh, delaygreat timing, fun_00000005!pageBreakanimI have a bunch of letters addressed
to you, but I can't deliver them
because your mailbox is full!
animPlease clear out some of your old
letters so I can deliver the new
ones! |
| animOh, delaygreat timing, fun_00000005!pageBreakanimI have a bunch of letters addressed
to fun_00000011, but fun_00000011's
mailbox is full!
animCould you ask fun_00000011 to clear
out some old letters so I can deliver
the new ones? |
| animI'm counting on you! |
| Also, please ask the other players
who have full mailboxes to clear
them out.
animThank you! |
| It would be a shame if a really
important letter went undelivered
because of a full mailbox.
animI'm counting on you! |
| Well,delay back to work!delay
animSee ya! |
| I'd love to stay and chat, maybe
have a cup of tea. But colorPhylliscolor
would be really upset.
sizeShe has eyes everywhere...size |
| |
| |
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| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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| |
| animdelayHello, delayfun_00000005!delay Great timing!pageBreakanimThere's a special delivery for
you from colorfun_00220012color.pageBreakanimI've put it in your mailbox for you,delay
so check it out right away! |
| Oh yes, delayanimthere was a MEOW Coupon
or two with your mail today.delay Well,
precisely fun_00070004 of them,delay actually.
animHere,delay I'll make a hand delivery.delay
Enjoy! |
| Oh yes, delayanimthere was a MEOW Coupon
or two with your letter today.delay Well,
precisely fun_00070004 of them,delay actually.
animHere,delay I'll make a hand delivery.delay
Enjoy! |
| delayanimWell,delay I'd better get back to it. delay
The mail doesn't deliver itself,
you know!delay |
| delayanimWell,delay I'd better get back to it. delay
The mail doesn't deliver itself,
you know!delay |