Num | English |
| animWhoa!delay It's been a while since I've
seen you, fun_00080005!pageBreakanimHuh?delay You saydelay I haven't changed a
bit?pageBreakanimThat's not true!delay You might not have
noticed, delaybut I'm about five grains of
rice taller!
animAnyway, delaydon't be a stranger, OK,
delayfun_00070005? |
| animfun_000B0007fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay It's really you!
Where have you been?pageBreakanimI was setting aside some snacks
especially for you,delay but I got tired of
waiting and ate them last night.pageBreakAw man,delay what a bummer.delay animDon't be
such a stranger! |
| Wait.delayanim Is that you,delay fun_00080005?fun_00010007
animI haven't seen you for so long, I
almost forgot what you looked like.
animI can be such a space cadet
sometimes.delay animSo don't be such a
stranger, OK? |
| animWhere have you been?delay Don't you
know I was worried about you,
animHuh?delay You haven't been on vacation?delay
animWaaah!delay You've just been avoiding
animWell, to make up for it,delay from now
on, you have to talk to me every
day!fun_00010007 animIt's gonna be great, I swear! |
| animHey!delay You haven't been talking to me
at all recently!delay Don't think I haven't
animIf you don't start paying attention
to me, I'm gonna start doing stuff
to MAKE you pay attention to me.
animJust the other day, delayI was banging
some pots and pans together!delay
The noise was terrible.
animYou wouldn't want me to do
something like that again, would
you? |
| animWhewdelay.delay.delay.delay You finally decided to talk
to me, fun_00080005.pageBreakanimI've been so lonely,delay I've been eating
fun_00100005 nonstop,delay
animOf course,delay that's actually been
pretty great, butdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIf you open the door, close it!delay
If you see me, talk to me!delay
animThat's just basic manners. |
| fun_001A000A |
| fun_001A000A |
| fun_001A000A |
| animOh,delay it's you, fun_00080005!delay
animWelcome back, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimWe're all so glad that our mayor
is back in town!delay We missed you,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animWelcome back, fun_00080005!fun_00010007 animYou
were gone for so long that we were
all worried.
animBut we should have known our
mayor would be back to take care
of our town!
animI'm seriously so glad you're back!
delayIt's great to see you! |
| animAh, delaynice to meet you.delay You must be
related to fun_00080005, right?delay
You two look awfully alike.
delay.delay.delay.delayWhat?delay It IS you, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animOh!delay
That's why I thought you looked
animLong time no see!delay I'm glad you came
back, Mayor.fun_00010007 animI can't wait to see how
you'll be improving fun_00050005. |
| animHey!delay It's fun_00080005!delay animWelcome back!delay
We've been waiting to see when
you'd come back!
animAnd now here you are!delay You're likedelay
the most popular kid in town!pageBreakanimWell then,delay fun_00080005,delay now that
you're back,delay we'll have to hang out
a whole bunch,delay fun_00070005. |
| animWelcome back,delay fun_00080005!fun_00010007 animI was
just worrying that maybe you were
gone for good.
I'm so relieved to see you againdelay
that I'm actually tearing up a little.delay
animWaaaaah!delay Thanks for coming back! |
| animAh, delaynice to meet you.delay You must be
related to fun_00080005, right?delay
You two look awfully alike.
delay.delay.delay.delayWhat?delay It IS you, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animOh!delay
That's why I thought you looked
animLong time no see!delay I'm glad you came
back.fun_00010007 animLet's plan on hanging out a lot
to make up for lost time! |
| animAh, delaynice to meet you.delay You must be
related to fun_00080005, right?delay
You two look awfully alike.
delay.delay.delay.delayWhat?delay It IS you, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animOh!delay
That's why I thought you looked
animLong time no see!delay I'm glad you came
back.fun_00010007 animLet's plan on hanging out a lot
to make up for lost time! |