Num | English |
| animUmdelay.delay.delay.delay Hey there.
Is there...umdelay.delay.delay.delayany chance you're
my delayanimdream guy, fun_00080005? |
| animOh! Hi there, fun_00080005...
Where've you been?!pageBreakanimI've been waiting all morning
just to get a glimpse of your
face, fun_00070005! |
| animHey, fun_00080005!pageBreakThis may seem kindadelay.delay.delay.delayout of the
blue, animbut I really wish I was more
like you. delayYou're like, my idol! |
| animHey, fun_00080005!
Wanna hear a secret?fun_00010007
animI think you're swell! |
| I'm dead serious. I really, really,
really respect you, fun_00080005.fun_00010007
As a friend AND a person. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!
Perfect timing!pageBreakfun_0003000Efun_00020005 gave me fun_0002000E
fun_00030011. Pretty
neat, huh?
animJust between you and me, I think
fun_00020005 is, like, my biggest fan.
Which is nice, but...pageBreakanimI'm having fun_00030011
overload right now. fun_00010007animHere. Why
don't you take the extra? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!
I've got a super-duper, awesome,
fantabulous gift for you!pageBreakanimHmm? Why this sudden burst of
generosity, you ask?pageBreakLet's just say I have a big heart.
animAnd YOU have a big place in it.
So enjoy! |
| animTa-da!
Check it out! I have the most
amazing gift for you!
You look delaySTUNNING today. This
whole thing you've got going on justanim
knocks my socks off, fun_00080005.
So in honor of you and your
awesomeness, animI'm giving you a
surprise! Take it and enjoy! |
| |
| animWait a second! What in the world
am I saying? |
| fun_00000009 |
| animIt's just that I think about you
ALL the time. animI've got fun_00080005
on the brain, fun_00070005! |
| You're just so...delayanimso fascinating! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animYou really GET me. delayAnd the way
you look me right in the eyes when
we're talking...
animI can tell you're really listening to
me, you know? animI...I just wish I
was more like you! |
| animAnd you're so fashionable! Always
looking so cute and put together,
you know?
animI should take notes every time we
hang out. I could learn a lot from
you! fun_00010007I'm so happy we're friends! |
| animThe way you strut around this town,
soaking up information... fun_00010007I love how
you do that! So impressive!pageBreakanimI could only dream of being such a
social butterfly! animPromise me you
won't ever change, fun_00070005. |
| fun_00010009 |
| animI know it's not the fanciest thing
in the world, delaybut I wanted you to
have it.
You can throw it away if you want.
Just wait until I'm out of sight, OK?
animOtherwise, it'll break my heart! |
| animDoes this little gift make you
happy? I hope so, fun_00070005! |
| animAHH!fun_00010007 I feel so much better now
that I've given you a gift. Like a
weight's been lifted off my chest! |
| animAHH!fun_00010007 I feel so much better now
that I've given you a gift. Like a
weight's been lifted off my chest! |