Num | English |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animWow, delayI didn't know fun_00010011
likes colorfun_00030011color!delay
That's super surprisingdelay.delay.delay.delay
animNot a bad song, if I may be so bold
as to say so. animGets you in a nice,
cool, dancing mood! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| So fun_00010011delay uses a double beddelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimJudging from her behavior,delay I'd say
she needs it because she tosses and
turns a lot.
animI toss and turn a lot too, animbut only
because it helps me get exercise
when sleeping! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animHuh? delayfun_00010011delay lives on her own,
right?fun_00010007 animdelaySo how come she has that
animAhh,delay I seedelay.delay.delay.delay animNormal people have
couches that seat more than one.
Right, I get it now... |
| animListen up, delayfun_00080005!delay When you see
someone's chair,delay you can somehow
guess that person's taste in things.
animdelayThe chair in fun_00010011's housedelay.delay.delay.delay
animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011,
animSee?delay Now can't you just picture
her entire decorating style? animMy
methods never lie,delay fun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animdelayThe fun_00030011 in
fun_00010011's house, huhdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimThere might be some avant-garde
clothing inside, or maybe just a shirt
or something,delay fun_00070005. |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakIs that fun_00010011's clothes for
special occasions?delay animWell, I give her
fashion sense a pass for now!
animHeh heh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay Did I just sound like a
famous fashion designer?delay colorGraciecolor, anim
eat your heart out! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakanimHeh heh heh.delay fun_00010011 may act
like she doesn't care about looks,delay
animbut I can see her true feelings! |
| Earlierdelay I discovered a book called
on the fun_00030011.delay.delay.
animI'd never have guessed, but it looks
like fun_00010011 is into more
advanced readingdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI used to be a speed-reader, by the
way. Had the highest reading speed
back in fun_001F0005 school.
animProblem was that I read so fast animI
couldn't remember anything I read. |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animOh,delay fun_00010011 made some tea for
us,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimI thought she wasn't into that sort
of thing,delay but I guess I had her all
wrong!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Look, fun_00080005!delay Do you see the
fun_00030011 theredelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakanimOh! animfun_00010011 might think we're
rude if we just keep staring at it,delay
fun_00080005. |
| animHuh? delayI wonder if fun_00010011 animknows
how to actually use the
animI worry she'll end up breaking itdelay.delay.delay.delay
animIn fact,delay it may already be broken!delay
Hah ha!delayanim |
| animAhh,delay fun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
Definitely my favorite type of
flower,delay even more than the othersdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI wonder if fun_00010011 decorated
the house just for me.pageBreakanimHeh heh heh.delay I guess she knew I'd
be visiting today,delay fun_00070005! |
| animAh ha! fun_00010011's
fun_00030011!pageBreakanimI'm scared of looking inside,delay but
at the same time I'm kinda curious! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animOh,delay fun_00010011 apparently has
fun_0002000Efun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimHuh. I wouldn't expect her to use
that. I mean, she probably has
better things to do. |
| animOh,delay fun_00010011 has a real, working
fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Interesting!delay A girl like herdelay
getting into games?pageBreakanimI bet she couldn't beat my high
score, though!delay animFor which game?
delayanimALL of them, of course!delay animHah ha! |
| animHey,delay this is interesting!delay There's a
cute fun_00030011delay
in fun_00010011's roomdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI guess she puts on a tough attitude,
but she's not without her softer,
gentler side. animLike me,delay fun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
animI didn't know fun_00010011 knew
the stork!
animI mean, I'm sure he's busy, but
I wish he'd stop by and see me
instead.delay animHah ha! |
| animOh, wow,delay there's a really nice
fun_00030011 theredelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimHeh heh heh.delay Who knows?delay Maybe
fun_00010011 is my ideal best friend!
animHer taste in furniture sure says so! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animOh my.delay fun_00010011 has her
fun_00030011 just
set up in the middle of the roomdelaydelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayfun_0003000Efun_00080005, let's not stare at it.delay
That might be sort of rude, yeah?
Rude and very confusing. |
| animOh, weird!delay I wonder why there's
in fun_00010011's house.
animMaybe for guestsdelay.delay.delay.?delay animWow,delay even I'm
not that accommodating for guests! |
| animHeh heh heh.delay That's quite surprising!delay
I didn't expect to see a girly item
like that fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
I guess fun_00010011 isn't so opposed
to the charm of a good, fruity piece
of furniture.
animMaybe this means she's been taking
my decorating advice? |
| Ah, fun_0002000Efun_00030011,delay
but I wonder if fun_00010011 is part
of a band.
animI always feel like she would break
any instrument the moment she
picked it updelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_00040009 |
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| animdelayMmm. Smells like fun_00010011delay.delay.delay. |
| animI see.delay So this is fun_00010011's room!
animYeah, it's got a nice vibe to it! |
| animHeh heh.delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay If you keep
looking around like that,delay it's kind of
rude to fun_00010011, don't you think? |
| animWaitdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelay Somehow it smells like
fun_00130005 in heredelay.delay.delay.delay animOr am
I just imagining things again? |
| animHeh. This is fun_00010011's room!delay
Make yourself at home,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimWell,delay I guess it's weird for MEdelay to
say something like thatdelay.delay.delay. |
| animHeh heh heh.delay I wonder if all the
furniture here is stuff fun_00010011
picked out herself! |
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