Num | English |
| i10_7 |
| i10_7 |
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| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animBefore I settle down, delaythere's more
of this world I gotta explore!delay Plus, I
have some unfinished businessdelay.delay.delay.delay
animUntil then, delaythink of me when the sun
is high in the sky! animI'll be back delaybefore
you know it!delayanim |
| animdelayKnow what? delaySomeone's asked me
to give up my nomadic waysdelay and
settle in heredelay.delay.delay.
animdelayI don't wanna be rude,delay but who'd
wanna wake up in the same place
every day? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?
So I'm moving here for good!delay
animSee ya soon, neighbor! |
| animOh! delayWhat's happening?fun_0006000F
Let's talk.
You should live here!
Nothing, really. |
| animTrue, delaytruedelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut then, delaythat's how it goes with
life on the road sometimes. |
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| animHiya!delay Thanks for stopping by!pageBreakanimYou know, delayI've really taken a liking
to this town.delay I can even see myself
living here.delay.delay.delayanim For real! |
| animAck!! delayDo you live here?delay
animSorry, you startled me! Oof!delay You're
sure out early. |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delaysomeday delayI'd love to soup up
my wheels.delay You know, give 'er the
works. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animAt the very least, I've gotta get her
cleaned up.delayanim The other day I spilled
fun_00130005 all over the floor.
animIt was not pretty. delayanimBut it WAS
delicious. |
| animSo whaddaya think?delaypageBreakDude, I love this car. She's my pride
and joy!delay Plus, she still runs like a
dream! |
| animEh... delayIt's a little cramped here,delay but
at least we'll get to know each
other real quick!anim delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHuh, delayusually I top off every camping
trip with some soft serve and
fun_00130005, but this timedelay.delay.delay.
animI'm just not in the mood!delayanim What's
wrong with me, fun_00070005? |
| Know what I just realized? animIn a
funny sorta way, delaythis car's likedelay my
most faithful friend.delay.delay.
animMaybe I oughta venture outside
once in a while. |
| animdelayOh yeah, I take pride in my driving
skills.delay It's kind of a special talent of
mine!pageBreakanimDon't believe me?delay
animHa.delay You should see me out on the
open roaddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWe oughta go on a road trip
sometime! delayThen you'll see... |
| animWhat am I doing here?delay
animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay It's hard to explain.pageBreakWhen the open road calls to youdelay.delay.delay.delay anim
you gotta just take adventure by
the reinsdelay and go for it!delayanim |
| animOofdelaydelay.delay.delay.delay I'm pooped.delay This vehicular
lifestyle delayis really taking its toll!pageBreakanimBut delayas long as the road keeps
calling, I'll keep moving!delay |
| animHuh? delayYou wanna know why I came
all the way here, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimActuallydelay.delay.delay.delayI was just taking a nap,delay
and I heard this voice calling out
"fun_00050005," delayover and over.delay.delay.
animWhen I woke up, I was already on
the roaddelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimdelayNow that I think about it, delayI
should've been way more alarmed
by that situation.anim |
| animHuh? delayYou wanna know why I came
all the way here, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimActuallydelay.delay.delay.delayI was just taking a nap,delay
and I heard this voice calling out
"fun_00050005," delayover and over.delay.delay.
animWhen I woke up, I was already on
the roaddelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimdelayNow that I think about it, delayI
should've been way more alarmed
by that situation.anim |