Num | English |
| animI've got some news!delay I'm fixing to
leave this town soon!pageBreakanimYeah, I was hoping to move in the
summer, but I dragged my heels a
bitdelay.delay.delay.delay I'm such a slacker.
animIf winter gets here and I haven't
moved yet, I'll never go anywhere.
So I've made up my mind.
animI'm moving on the fun_000F0004 of this
month.delay But you're stuck with me
until then!fun_00000008
Don't move!
Maybe it's time. |
| animI've got a secret!delayanim I was gonna keep
it quiet, but I feel like I should tell
you.delay I'm moving this summer.
animdelayHaha!delay If my life was a book, you
could call itdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010005's Folly!pageBreakanimFierce battles,delay strange new lands,delay
exotic fruits,delay new hairstylesdelay.delay.delay.delay It's all
out there waiting for me!delayanim
animYou get the idea!delay Anyway, I've made
up my mind. I'm moving out of town
before the summer ends.
animPretty soon, actually.delay You're stuck
with me until the fun_000F0004 of this
Think it over!
Good luck. |
| animSo listen.delayanim Idelay.delay.delay.delayI've decided I'm gonna
get out of this town!pageBreakanimI mean, it would be lovely if I could
just stay in fun_00060005 foreverdelay.delay.delay.delayanim
No, wait.delay Scratch that!
animGirls like me, we just gotta run wild!
animI'm sure you understand.delay You usually
seem to get me.
animI'm leaving on the fun_000F0004 of this
month.delay You gonna be OK with that?fun_00000008
Please stay!
Who are you? |
| animDude, I heard the craziest thing
from a friend in another towndelay.delay.delay.delay
They're actually having turf wars!
animTURF WARS!delay And I guess things are
really heating up!delay I mean, what do
they do?delay Sling turf at each other?
animYou ever hear of anyone caring that
much about turf in this town?delayanim I'm
thinking we're too sheltered here!
animI wanna get a piece'a that awesome
turf-slinging action while it lasts.delay
animSo I'm outta here.delay I'm moving.
animI'm leaving this month on the fun_000F0004!delay
You'll see me around slinging some
turf for practice.delay But then I'm out.fun_00000008
Don't do it!
Sling away! |
| animSo, my friend...delay You know how there
are a lot of good-byes in the spring?pageBreakanimWell, the thing isdelay.delay.delay.delayI've decided I'm
gonna get out of this town.pageBreakanimNot that I'm on the run from the
law or anything!pageBreakanimdelayIt's justdelay.delay.delay.delaydelaythe winds of changedelay.delay.delay.delay
animOr something like that.pageBreakanimHa!delay Considering the situation, I
thought I'd try to get serious for a
sec. But that's just not me.
animWell, anyway, I'm thinking I'll leave
next month on the fun_000F0004.fun_00000008
You can't leave!
Nice knowing you. |
| animSo, hey. Big news.delay I'm moving away.pageBreakanimI was hoping to leave in the summer,
but you know medelay.delay.delay.delay I'm such a
hopeless procrastinator.
animIf I don't move now, winter will be
here and I'll never go.delay So I'm bound
and determined.delay I'm outta here.
animI've even set myself a deadline—the
fun_000F0004 of next month.delay You're stuck
with me for a bit, but then I'm gone!fun_00000008
Have a nice life. |
| animI've got something to tell you.delay I'll
try to break it to you gently.anim I've
decided it's time to move.
animdelayNow listen.delay When you write my life
story, I want you to call itdelay.delay.delay.delay
The Legend of fun_00010005!
animBe sure to include some stuff about
furious battles, whirlwind romances,
and exotic fruitsdelay.delay.delay.delay Everything "me."delayanim
animAnyway, my plan is to be gone
before the end of summer. animMy
deadline is the fun_000F0004 of next month.
You're stuck with me until then!fun_00000008
I'll miss ya!
Sorry. I drifted off. |
| animYou ready for a shocker?delayanim Idelay.delay.delay.delayI'm
shakin' the dust of this town off my
feet.delay Yup.delay I'm movin' out!
animI mean, I can't just stay in
fun_00060005 for the rest of my lifedelay.delay.delay.delay
animI've got too much I want to do!
animI gotta run wild!anim You can understand
that, right?delayanim Anyway, I'm leaving on
the fun_000F0004 of next monthdelay.delay.delay.delayOK?fun_00000008
Not OK!
Later, gator. |
| animOh, yeah!delay I heard the craziest thing
from a friend in another towndelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakOther places have these things they
call "turf wars." animI guess they're all
the rage right now.
animYou never hear about anyone gettin'
excited over turf in this town.delayanim We
are way too sheltered here!
animI mean, I don't even know how you'd
wage a turf war.delay animDo you fire turf at
each other with big turf cannons?
animAnyway, I need to get out there and
experience stuff like this.delay So next
month on the fun_000F0004, I'm leaving!delayfun_00000008
Don't go to war!
Get some turfs for me! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animWhat? delayYou...delaywant me to stay?pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007animWell, I meandelay.delay.delay.delay OK, I guess.delay If it'll
make you happy, I can stick around
a while longer, delayfun_00070005! |
| animWha—?!fun_00010007anim Wow, sorrydelay.delay.delay.delay Ya kinda took
me by surprise there!pageBreakanimHeh,delay but I'm kinda glad to hear you
feel that way.delay Now I'm thinking
maybe I should hang around!
animIt'll give us a chance to become
even better friends, delayfun_00070005! |
| animWhoadelay.delay.delay.delayanim Hmm, delayyeah, I guess I was
kinda hoping you'd say something
like that.
animIf you're gonna give me that look,
I guess I'll have to reconsiderdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimOK! Done! I'm postponing my big
move! delayanimThanks for stopping me from
making a mistake! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00060009 |
| fun_0000000A |
| fun_0000000A |
| animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, delayis that how it is?delay Yeah, I guess
we never really clicked all that well.pageBreakanimHmmm...delay Actually, forget about
moving!delayanim I can't leave knowing that
we should have been better friends.
animWe just needed some quality time
together, that's all!pageBreakanimChange of plans! delayI'm not moving! I'll
be seeing you around, delayfun_00070005! |
| animHold up!delay You're just gonna let me
walk away like that?pageBreakanimGah!delay I thought we were close, and
you're practically chasing me out
of town!
animI can't believe you! delayI'm calling it off!delay
animNo way am I moving now! We have
work to do on our friendship!
animMaybe once you and I are a bit
tighter, I can think about going off
and exploring.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhat...?delay How can you act so
indifferent about this?delayanim Doesn't it
bother you at all?!
animMan, you're breaking my heartdelay.delay.delay.delay
animGah!delay That's it! The move is off!pageBreakanimYou and I,delay we've got unfinished
business! delayanimfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHah!delay I get it.delay You're playing it cool.delay
Trying your best not to cry.delay It's OK.pageBreakanimDo NOT start blubbering!delay It's not
like we can never visit each other!pageBreakanimWell, I gotta go plan my big move.delay
See ya around, delayfun_00070005! |
| animHah!delay I get it.delay You're playing it cool.delay
Trying your best not to cry.delay It's OK.pageBreakanimDo NOT start blubbering!delay It's not
like we can never visit each other!pageBreakanimWell, I gotta go plan my big move.delay
See ya around, delayfun_00070005! |