
Script : [Normal] FU_Q05_Req

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animIt feels like something's missing
from my house.fun_00010007 Something with a
rectangular shape...
animIt's like adelay rectangular-shaped hole in
my heart!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay I'd really appreciate it
if you could pick out some
rectangular furniture for me.
animIt would fill that hole in my heart


animI don't know what it is, delaybut I feel
like my room is lackingdelay.delay.delay.delaya certain
animI think I need an extra item on
the floor!pageBreakanimYou knowdelay.delay.delay.delay If you could find a nice,delay
small piece of furniture for me,delay
that'd really help me out.


animI'm in the middle of redecorating
my place,delay and I really want to
replace my fun_00030011.
animWould you pick out something for
me that's the same size,delay please?delay
Something you think I'd like.


I need your help,delay please. animI'm having
trouble getting the look and feel
of my place just right.
animI think it'd be nice to put something
on my fun_00030011.pageBreakanimDo you think you could find me
something that would fit the bill?delay
I'd be forever grateful!


animHmm, delayI'm looking for a little insight
on interior design.pageBreakanimI want to get something to replace
my fun_00030011.pageBreakanimIf you find something you think
would work,delay could you please bring
it over?


animMy walls seem kind of bare, delayanimso I
want to put something on them.delay
I'm not talking about wallpaper...
animI'm thinking of something more
substantial,delay like a shelf or a light
animIf you find anything like that,delay could
you please pick it up?delay I trust your
sense of style,delay fun_00080005!


animI'm working on redecorating one of
my walls, delayand I want something to
replace my fun_00030011.
animDo you have any recommendations?fun_00010007
If you find something good,delay I'd love
for you to just bring it to me.


animI've been reading a book recently
on interior design.delay It's really got
my creative juices flowing!
I want my place to look just as
stylish as the ones in the book, delay
but I need new furniture.
animIf you find furniture you think I'd
like,delay I'd appreciate you picking it
up for me.


animI'm thinking I want some new
furniture.delay You know,delay just to change
things up a bit.
animThe problem is that I can't find the
perfect piecedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimIf you happen to find something
good,delay would you please pick it up
for me, fun_00080005?


animI've been clearing the clutter out
of my room,delay and now I've got a lot
of empty space.
animI think what I need to fill the spacedelay
is a really big piece of furniture.delayanim If
you find one,delay will you get it for me?


animI'm thinking I'd like to fill out my
room with a little more furniture.delay
Specifically,delay rectangular furniture.
animIf you spot anything,delay could you bring
it to me?delay I'd really appreciate it.


animI want to add a little something to
my room, delayanimand I think a small piece
of furniture could do the trick.
animNot something to put on a table or
wall,delay but instead something small
that goes on the floor.
animIf you find the perfect item,delay would
you please bring it to me?


animFor a change of atmosphere,delay I'm
thinking of getting something to
replace my fun_00030011.
animIf you find anything that's around
the same size,delay could you please pick
it up for me?


animI'd like to get something to put on
top of my fun_00030011
that jazzes up the place a bitdelay.delay.delay.delay
animLet me know if you find anything
good.delay Better yet,delay could you please
just bring me it to me?anim


animI wonder how it would look if I got
something to replace my old
animDo you think you could find
something around the same size
for me, fun_00080005?


animI've been meaning to ask youdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007
animDo you think the walls of my room
look a little plain?
I don't think wallpaper is enough,delay
either.delay I need something like a shelf
or a lighting fixture...
animIt's been bothering me for a while,delay
so let me know if there's something
you think would look good.


animI think my fun_00030011
might be looking a little stale.pageBreakanimDo you think you could find a
replacement for me?delay Please?


animI think my place could use a little
design shake-up,delay don't you?pageBreakanimIf you spot anything that would look
good in here,delay would you mind
bringing it by?


animI think it's time to change up this
room with some new furniture.pageBreakanimWhy don't I let you pick something
out.delay Just bring me anything you
think would look good,delay please!


animI think it's time to change up this
room with some new furniture.pageBreakanimWhy don't I let you pick something
out.delay Just bring me anything you
think would look good,delay please!


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