Num | English |
| animHey, delaygood morning, fun_00080005.i10_11 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00060007So, hello there, fun_00080005fun_00070007!i10_11 |
| animHey, delaygood afternoon, fun_00080005.i10_11 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00060007Hey, hi there, fun_00080005fun_00070007.i10_11 |
| animHey, delaygood evening, fun_00080005.i10_11 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00060007Hey, hello there, fun_00080005fun_00070007!i10_11 |
| animHi there, fun_00080005. You're out
late, aren't you!i10_11 |
| animAll this rain, delayit feels SO good on my
skin, delayyou know? delayNo one else feels
that way, fun_00070005.
But I delaycan delaybarely delayanimcontain myself,delay
fun_00080005... |
| animI love rainy days! delayIt's like my whole
body is gulping fun_000E0005
by the glass, fun_00080005.
animI know that sounds weird, delaybut on
days like this? delayWeird delayis delaydelicious. |
| animI'm not into this rain, fun_00080005.delay
It makes us soggy. delayNot a good look
for ANY of us, fun_00070005. |
| animI think it's going to rain for the rest
of the day, fun_00080005. delayanimYeah, most
definitely, fun_00070005. |
| animIt's been raining for a while now.delay
Everything's getting muddierdelay
and delaymuddier, delayfun_00070005. |
| animIt's going to just keep raining on us
until night, delayisn't it, fun_00080005?delayanim
Don't answer. delayI know, fun_00070005. |
| animThere's been SO much rain today.delay
All of fun_00060005 is muddy and
gross, fun_00070005. |
| animIs it going to just keep RAINING all
over us until tomorrow? delayanimI'm so
waterlogged already, fun_00070005. |
| animYou know, delayI'm not a fan of the rain,
fun_00080005.delay animIt makes everything
so muddy all day, fun_00070005.
But by THIS late at night? delayanimI just
want to roll around in it! |
| animIt's been raining all night. delaySo why
do I keep standing outside in it?fun_00010007
Why, delaywhy, delaywhy?! delayanimOH!
animAm I...? delayIs it possible...?!delay
Oh no. delayanimI love the rain. delayanimPlease don't
tell anyone, fun_00080005. |
| animAll this rain. delayIn the dark. delayIt's like
I'm totally in my own world at the
bottom of a pond, fun_00070005.
Yeah, animI'm finally in my element,
fun_00080005!delay animHoo yeah! |
| animAll this rain. delayIn the dark. delayIt's like
I'm totally in my own world at the
bottom of a pond, fun_00070005.
Yeah, animI'm finally in my element,
fun_00080005!delay animHoo yeah! |