Num | English |
| animI'm feeling super snacky.delay I could
really go for some colorfruit colorright now,delay
animIf you happen to find some colorfruitcolor,delay
could you please bring some to me,
No problem.
Do it yourself! |
| animI usually like chowing down on
fun_00130005, but a piece of
colorfruitcolor would really hit the spot now.
animI'm not picky.delay Any type of colorfruitcolor
would be good.delay Can you get some
for me, fun_00080005?fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I can't right now. |
| animI've got a problem, and you're the
only person I can talk to about it.fun_00010007
I really need a piece of colorfruitcolor.
And you have hands that aredelayanim
PERFECTdelay for picking colorfruitcolor.fun_00010007
animSee where I'm going with this?fun_0005000F
I'll get you some fruit.
Tough it out! |
| animYou know what I'd like right now?delay
They grow right here in fun_00060005!
animI love them so much,delay I'm drooling
just thinking about them!fun_00010007 animActually,
all this drooling is getting gross.
animWill you get me fun_0002000E
colorfun_00030011 colorso I don't
flood the town with my drool?fun_0005000F
Sure thing.
Not right now. |
| animAw, mandelay.delay.delay.delay I'm so hungry,delay I don't
even have the energy to shake
a tree.
animWould you pick fun_0002000E
colorfun_00030011 colorfor me,
fun_00080005?delay Oh, please?fun_0005000F
Oh, all right.
Tough it out! |
| You might not know this about me,delay
but I've never tried fun_0002000E
animIt's actually kind of embarrassingdelay.delay.delay.
animBut they don't grow in this town, so
there's not a lot I can do about that.
animIf you're in another town and you
find fun_0002000Ecolorfun_00030011color,delay
would you please bring one to me? fun_0005000F
You got it!
No can do. |
| I saw a special on TV about the
most delicious-looking fruit...the color
I was drooling, just watching it!
animI really want one,delay but I guess they
don't grow here in town.pageBreakAnd I don't really get a chance
to travel.pageBreakanimI know!delay You could get fun_0002000E
colorfun_00030011 colorfor me next
time you're out and about.pageBreakWhat do you say?fun_0005000F
Sorry, I can't. |
| animHave you heard ofdelay colorperfect fruitcolor,
fun_00080005?fun_00010007anim They're, like, three
times tastier than normal fruit!
animYou gotta help me!delay If you find any
colorperfect fruitcolor,delay promise me you'll
bring it to me, OK?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005?fun_0005000F
Sure thing.
Nope. |
| animWhen it comes to food, I'm more
of a quantity-over-quality kinda
animBut I'd do anything to try even one
colorperfect fruitcolor.delay Will you help me make
this dream come true,delay fun_00080005?
It doesn't matter what kind of
colorperfect fruitcolor you bring me.delay I'd
appreciate any kind,delay fun_00070005!fun_0005000F
I'm on it!
I can't help you. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animYesssss!delay I can't wait! |
| animYay!delay My appetite is ready and
waiting,delay fun_00070005! |
| animAwesome!delay This is gonna be great! |
| animBut don't you care that I'm hungry,delay
fun_00070005? |
| animI guess I'll just go without then,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animAw, mandelay.delay.delay.delay You're really letting me
down here. |
| animAw, mandelay.delay.delay.delay You're really letting me
down here. |