Num | English |
| animWhat?!delay Y-delayyou think I'm nice?!fun_00020009 |
| animYou may be the only one who truly
gets me, delayfun_00080005!pageBreakanimI'm all about the kindness—delaya deep
thinker who's all heart!fun_00010007anim Yep, a
real man of the people.delay That's me! |
| animWhat what with the what now?fun_00010007
animYeah,delay that doesn't seem right.fun_00020009 |
| anim.delay.delay.delayOh boy.fun_00010007 You think I'm scary,delay huh?fun_00010007
animBut you know you can't judge a guy
by the shirt he wears,delay right?pageBreakSometimes you have to dig deep to
discoveranim qualities like kindness and
sincerity, you know?pageBreakanimOf course,delay you can't find kindness
and sincerity if they just don't exist
in someone.delayanim GAHAHA!delayanim |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007anim Well, I guess I'm not shocked,delay
considering how I talk to people.pageBreakButdelay.delay.delay.animdelaywait a sec!fun_00010007anim How can I be sure
delayanimyou aren't just judging me by
my looks, delayfun_00070005? |
| animHey, not so loud!fun_00010007 animI have a reputation
to uphold,delay fun_00070005! |
| animOh, wow!fun_00010007 I had no idea people
thought of me that way!pageBreakanimI don't go around trying to be nice,delay
I swear.fun_00010007anim I just try to be me! |
| animOK, OK.delay Enough mushy stuff!fun_00010007
animAnd if anyone asks,delayanim you better
tell 'em you're afraid of me! |
| animGAAAAAAH!fun_00010007anim That is NOT what I'm
going for! You're driving me sneezy!delay
animAchoo! |
| animI mean, what do I look like?delay A piece
of wimpy...delaymilky...delaytoastdelay? Or what?delay
Seriously!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHuh. Guess it's time to kick things
up a notch thenanimdelay.delay.delay. |
| animYa know I'm no ordinary guy, don't
ya?delay I'm a real rise-to-the-occasion
type,delay get it?
animanimAnd occasions don't just occur
occasionally!delay animI meandelay.delay.delay.delay animYeah! |
| animI guess I have been kinda lazy about
my attitudes lately.fun_00010007 animAll right,delay time
to be a better dude, delayfun_00070005! |
| animHey, fun_00080005!delay
Question. If I were an animal,delayanim what
kind of animal would I be?fun_00030008
A nice fun_001F0005!
A raccoon!
A fox!
A mole!
A dove! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animWhat?!delay Oh.delay Yeah.delay Real imaginative.delay
animfun_000A0007THAT'S WHAT I ACTUALLY AM! |
| animRight?delay I get that a lotdelay.delay.delay.delay animWait a sec.animdelay
animThat's what I actually am! |
| animOh, wow. delayGet out of my head! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animUhh...delayhmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animYou sayin' I'm a rich
business tycoon?delay animBecause I'm not! |
| animReally?delayanim Huh. I guess I've just never
thought of myself as the crafty-
businessman type, you know?delay animHa! |
| animDo I really look like I've got a mask
on and I wash my food before I eat
it?delay animYeah right! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animBut I'm really not sly and devious!delay
animI'm actually a straight shooter! |
| animDo I really seem that crafty to you? |
| animDo you think I'm acting suspicious,
delayor what? |
| fun_00010009 |
sizefun_000B0007animWhaaaaaaaaaaat?!sizepageBreakanimDid you just call me a mole?!
| animDo I really seem like a mole?
animAll buck-toothed and angry
all the time?
animfun_0004000Dfun_000B0007sizeYOU'RE CRAZY!sizefun_0005000D |
| animA mole, huh?delay That makes me think
of those mole brothers. animYou know
them?delayanim colorSonnycolor and colorDoncolor?
I know colorSonnycolor seems fierce,delayanim but the
older brother, colorDoncolor, is actually the
scarier of the two.
animDon't believe me? Just look into
his eyes sometimes. animPure intensity,
staring right back at you. |
| fun_00010009 |
| animReally? delayDo I seem like a peaceful
guy to you? |
| anim.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI tried to make a face like a dove
with a feather allergy,delayanim but it didn't
quite turn outdelay.delay.delay. |
| animHmm, yeah.delay So I'm like a symbol of
peace, huh?delay animHah!delay I guess I can live
with that! |
| animHey, fun_00080005,delay which do you like
better—delayspaghettianim or good ol'-
fashioned mac 'n' cheese?fun_00010008
Mac 'n' cheese!
I'm not sure... |
| animSpaghetti?!delay animRight on!fun_00010007anim Gimme some
of those hot noodles right now, and
I'd be a happy fun_001F0005.
animI eat spaghetti right outta the pot
with a little parmesan, fresh olives,delay
and some zesty tomato sauce.
animMan!delay Now I'm hungrydelay.delay.delay. |
| animYou're a mac person, huh?! delayanimGood!fun_00010007
animMac is perfection!delay This might seem
weird, but I even like it cold.delay
animHere's the secret:delay melt some chunks
of gouda into your noodles and
sauce...delayanimand godelay todelay town!delay
Then chill the leftovers. Next day,delay
animBAM!delay Cheesy, chewy city!delay Perfect!
animMan! delayNow I'm hungrydelay.delay.delay. |
| animYou gotta be kidding me!delayanim You can't
be "not sure" about this stuff!delay This
is serious business!anim Use your noodle! |
| animYou gotta be kidding me!delayanim You can't
be "not sure" about this stuff!delay This
is serious business!anim Use your noodle! |