
Script : [Jock] HA_Re_Moveout

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animYou know, I've decided to move out.
I'm getting ready for it right now!pageBreakanimMan, once you decide to move,
there are so many things you have
to worry about!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimI think about who'll keep the
peace in this town and who'll keepdelay
fun_00000005's muscles in shapedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay Make sure you keep up
with your training even after I leave,
all right?


Thanks for listening to me the other
day! I've decided to move out!pageBreakanimAwwwdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess it's time to say
good-bye to this house that my
sweat and muscles maintained!
animAll right! animTen thousand squats
before I leave! Here we go!


animI finally decided to move out, and
I'm getting ready for it now.pageBreakanimI hope to see you again,
fun_00000005!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animYo! Nice to meet you!delay
I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI know we just met for the first
time, but I'm moving out tomorrow!pageBreakanimDon't worry, though! Time doesn't
affect the depth of our friendship!delay
animHope to see you again!


animOh! Hey, fun_00000005!delaypageBreakanimComing to hang out on a day like
thisdelay.delay.delay.delay You here to say good-bye?pageBreakanimI actually decided to move out
of this town!delayanim This is the beginning
of a new chapter in my life!delay
animWish me luck! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


Yo! Did you come to visit me?delay
animI'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimJust so you knowdelay.delay.delay.delayanimthis room isn't
filled with cardboard furniture, OK?pageBreakanimI'll be moving out tomorrow, so
I'm packing up all my stuff!pageBreakIt may be a bit weird to hear this
from somebody who's moving out,delay
animbut fun_00050005 is a really nice town!delay
animYou should stay here as long as you


animOh! If it isn't you, fun_00000005!delay
Did you come to say good-bye?pageBreakanimThanks a lot! That's definitely a
nice way to start my journey!pageBreakBut to be honest,delayanim I haven't decided
where I'm going to live yet.pageBreakanimHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Guess I could start walking
in the direction the wind is blowing.
Come to my town!
Good luck!


animYup! Thanks for your support!delay
If you see me around, don't be a
stranger!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWhat?! Are you inviting me to live
in your town?!pageBreakanimA-delayare you sure about that? You're
kidding, right? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimWoohoo! Now that I have a plan,
I gotta start getting ready!pageBreakanimThank you so much, fun_00000005!delay
I'm looking forward to living in the
same town as you! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWhat?! Are you inviting me to live
in your town?!pageBreakanimA-delayare you sure about that? You're
kidding, right?pageBreakanimWoohoo! Thanks a lot, fun_00000005!pageBreakanimIt's a relief to know that I'll be living
in the same town as you again!
I'm already excited about it!


Oh! We haven't met before, huh?delay
I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimYou came to visit me at the right
time! I'm moving out tomorrow!pageBreakBut to be honest,delay animI haven't decided
where I'm going to live yet.pageBreakanimHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess I could start going
in the direction the wind is
blowing,delay fun_00070005.endTag
Come to my town!
Good luck!


animYup! Thanks! I'll do my best to find
a place to live,delay fun_00070005!delayanim


animWhat?! Are you inviting me to live
in your town?!pageBreakanimYay! That's amazing!
What perfect timing!pageBreakanimMe and my six-pack abs thank you
so much!delay animHa! Just kidding! The abs
don't really talk!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005.pageBreakBut we're all looking forward to
living in the same town as you from
now on!


animBe careful not to trip on any of my
boxes, OK?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005.


animMy training equipment is really
heavy, so it's gonna be really tough
to move everything!


Moving to a new place is hard work!delay
animEven though I'm always working out,
I'm exhausted now,delay fun_00070005.


Please remember this while you
work outdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWe'll always be linked with each
other by our muscle telepathy.


I'm going to move to a place called
fun_00020011!pageBreakanimIf you wanna see me, you should
come to fun_00020011 to hang out!delay


The next place I'm going to live will
be fun_00020011!pageBreakanimDo you know that town?fun_00010007 animIf you do,
you should come to visit!


Next time I see you, we'll both be
residents of fun_00060005!delay animThat's
really exciting!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


We'll be living in the same town
again, huh?


animActually, I haven't decided where
I'm going to live next.pageBreakanimHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Do you know of any nice
towns I could live in?endTag
Come to my town!
I have no idea.


animI seedelay.delay.delay.delayanim Well, I gotta be independentdelay
animand find a place on my own,delay


animWhat?! Did I just hear you asking me
to move to your town? For reals?delay
animA-delayare you sure about that? You're
being serious, huh?pageBreakanimWoohoo! Now that I have plans, I
gotta start getting ready!pageBreakanimThanks a lot, fun_00000005!delay I'm really
looking forward to living in the
same town as you!


animWhat?! Are you asking me to live
in your town?!pageBreakanimA-delayare you sure about that? You're
not joking, huh?pageBreakanimWoohoo! Thanks a lot, fun_00000005!pageBreakanimIt's a relief to know that I'll be living
in the same town as you again! I'm
excited about it!


animAh,delay fun_00000005!delay
animSo you heard that I'm leaving?delaypageBreakanimListen,delay I got a challenge from an
anonymous rival.delayanim That's just not
something you can ignore!delaypageBreakanimI have a reputation to uphold,delay if you
know what I mean.pageBreakanimThe next time we meet,delay I'll have
another win under my belt.delayanim A win in
what,delay I'm not quite sure.
animThe challenge I got was pretty
animAnyway, see ya later, delayfun_00070005!


animYo! delayfun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay
animDid you hear the news? delaypageBreakanimWell, it's true,delay in case you were
wondering!delayanimpageBreakanimI ran into someone named
fun_00010011,delay and fun_0008000E was pumped to
move to a new place.
And I thought,animdelay hey,delay I'd be pumped
to move somewhere new toodelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIt was kinda like an epiphany, I
guess.pageBreakanimI hope we meet again someday,
fun_00000005.delay In the meantime,delay stay
cool, delayfun_00070005!


animYo! delayfun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay
animDid you hear the news? delaypageBreakanimWell, it's true,delay in case you were
wondering!delayanimpageBreakanimI ran into someone named
fun_00010011,delay and fun_0008000E was pumped to
move to a new place.
And I thought,animdelay hey,delay I'd be pumped
to move somewhere new toodelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIt was kinda like an epiphany, I
guess.pageBreakanimI hope we meet again someday,
fun_00000005.delay In the meantime,delay stay
cool, delayfun_00070005!


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