Num | English |
| animYou might not have guessed this
about me, delayfun_00080005, delaybut I used to
be quite the flamenco dancer!
animI don't do flamenco much
anymoredelay.delay.delay.delay But I still have the
rhythm.delayanim Cha...delaycha...delayfun_000B0007CHA!!!fun_00050008
Why don't you dance?
I'm sorry. |
| animIf I seemed familiar the first time
you met me,delay it's probably because I
used to do a little acting.
animOh, they said I'd see my name in
lights before long, delaybut I gave it up
for the quiet life here in fun_00050005.fun_00050008
Good for you. |
| animHey, fun_00080005, have you ever
played mahjong?delaypageBreakanimI know some people think it's a
game only a grandpa could love, delayanimbut
it's actually really fun!
Once you learn the strategy,delay moving
the tiles feels like commanding an
army.animdelay So empowering!fun_00010009 |
| animHey, fun_00080005, have youdelay ever
traveled alone? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?fun_00050008
Yes, I have!
No, never. |
| If you're looking for a good book,
you should really pick up
animI just love the story. delayI can't stop
rereading it!pageBreakanimDo you have a favorite that you
can't stop reading? delayOr do you like
discovering new books?fun_00060008
I look for new books!
I reread favorites.
Reading? LOL! |
| animYou know, fun_00050005 is a great
place, delaybut there's a whole world out
there. delayHave you ever traveled?fun_00060008
Yes, I've traveled far!
I've visited a few places.
No, never. |
| I hope you don't slurp when you eat
spaghetti, fun_00080005. animdelayfun_000A0007Urgh! delayIt just
drives me up the wall!fun_00050008
I would never!
Uh, about that... |
| animCan I tell you a secret,delay fun_00080005?delay
OKdelay.delay.delay.delaythis is really hard to talk about,delay
animbut I'm having a bad hair day.
animI know it probably looks OK to you,delay
but to me it's a total disaster.delayanim Do
you ever get that feeling?fun_00050008
Unfortunately, yes.
No, my hair is perfect! |
| animWould it surprise you if I saiddelay
animthat I'm pretty proud of my legs?pageBreakanimOh, delayI don't mean in terms of how
they look! I meandelay.delay.delay.delayanimI'm one of the
fastest runners in fun_00050005!
animAnd I owe it all to these strong
legs. animWhat did you think I was
talking about, fun_00080005?fun_0001000A |
| |
| animWell, after the show aired, delayI was
recognized everywhere I went. It
was fun at firstdelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut then it got really annoying! delayI
couldn't go anywhere without
signing a cheesy picture of myself.
Sodelay I totally reinvented myself.delay animNew
hairstyle and everything.delay Life's been
grand ever since!
animNow I just sing in the shower. delayanimAnd I
still sound fabulous! |
| animYeah, it's kind of a sad story.delayanim I
would have thought you'd be
interested in hearing it! |
| animWell, you can't dance flamenco
without any flamenco music,delay
I only perform as part of a triodelay.delay.delay.delay
I require a qualified singer and
guitaristdelay animto showcase my dancing.
animIf you ever want to see me perform,delay
animplease thoroughly review my
200-page contract for details.fun_0000000A |
| animOf course, for youdelay.delay.delay.delayI might be
willing to make a small exception.pageBreakanimOr maybe we could go out dancing
together. delayWe can do the
fun_0004000Efun_00050005 Town Slide! |
| animOh, I don't suppose it would hurt
anything to show you one of my
animdelaySee? delayI told you I was hot stuff. delayI'm
probably the best dancer in
fun_00050005,delay don't you think? |
| Yeah, it's a shame.delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00050005 just
doesn't have a big enough stage for
me, fun_00070005. |
| Well,delay I used to think it was fun to
dress up and pretend to be
someone else.
animBut one day I realized that I'm
happiest just being myself.fun_0000000A |
| animEspecially now that I have so many
good friends in fun_00050005delay.delay.delay.delay Like
you, fun_00080005!anim
I know it's a little corny, delayanimbut you
guys are the best.delay I'm so happydelay.delay.delay.delay
I don't think I could even act sad! |
| That's why fun_00050005 is such a
great place to live.delay I've connected
with so many cool friends.
animOf course,delay you and I aren't quite
BFFs yet,delay fun_00080005,delay but maybe
we'll get there someday. |
| animYeahdelay.delay.delay.delaybeing a celebrity isn't all it's
cracked up to be. delayWho has the time
to sign autographs,delay fun_00070005? |
| Of course,delay it's not an easy game to
learn.animdelay That's probably why I'm so
good at it. |
| animIf you're worried that it will be too
hard to learn how to playdelay.delay.delay.delayyou're
probably right. |
| animWe should play sometimedelay.delay.delay.delayonce you
understand the rules, delaybut before you
get too good! |
| animWow,delay that's impressive!delay It can be
kind of scary to explore a foreign
land all by yourself.
But it's also a good way to see the
things you wantdelay.delay.delay.delayanimwithout worrying
about anyone else's schedule.fun_0001000A |
| animI never knew you had so many
interesting stories to tell. delayWe
should talk more! fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI think you've inspired me,
fun_00080005!delay I feel like I could pack
up right now and travel the world. |
| animWell,delay that's understandable.delay It's
easier to travel with your family or
But I have to say,delayanim it can be an
eye-opening experience to visit
new places by yourself.
animI think you should try it sometime,
fun_00080005!delay You might find you're
more adventurous than you think. |
| animYep, there's nothing like opening a
new book for the first time.delay The
crisp pages, animdelaythat new-book smelldelay.delay.delay.delay
But don't forget to reread the
classics every now and then. delayThey
always have something to offer.
animAre you surprised I'm such a big
reader? You shouldn't bedelay.delay.delay.delay I'm, like,
the smartest fun_001F0005 in townanim! |
| Oh, me too! animdelayThere's nothing better
than curling up with an old favorite
on the couch.
animAnd if it's something you haven't
read in a while, delaythere's so much to
animThat reminds me—delayI haven't read
The Saga of the fun_0004000Efun_000A0005
and the fun_0004000Efun_000F0005 in ages! |
| animWhat? delayYou don't read at fun_000A0007ALL?delay Oh,
fun_00080005,delayanim that's so disappointing
to hear!
animAre you sure you don't secretly like
reading? delayIt's OK,delay you know. I think
reading's cool, animdelayand I'm delaythe coolest. |
| animThat's great! delayThe best time to get
out and see the world is while
you're still young.
See,delay when you're older,delay it can be
tough. delayYou get used to a certain
level of comfort.
animAnd when kids are partying all night
long in your hosteldelay.delay.delay.delayanimit just makes
you want to scream!
fun_000B0007I NEED TO GET SOME SLEEP!delay
animOh! I meandelay.delay.delay.delaythat could happen. delayIn
theory. delayI'm sure you'll be fine. |
| animGood for you. Even if you only visit
the next town over,delay it's always a
rewarding experience.
animOf course, the farther away you
travel from fun_00050005,delay the more
exciting things get!
animYou should try to explore as many
places as you can while you're
young,delay fun_00080005.
Because when you get older, delayyour
priorities change. delayFor exampledelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI'm here today to eat prunes and
yell at kids to stay off the lawn.animdelay
And I'm almost out of prunes. |
| animOh, fun_00080005, you're missing out!
There are so many sights to see,delay
people to meet, delayand foods to try!
animTrust me, delayyou haven't lived until
you've tried fun_00100005-
infused fun_00130005! |
| animDon't even get me started on loud
gum smackers. delayOr crunchy-chip
chewers! |
| animAre you serious? delayYou're one of
those infernal spaghetti slurpers?delay
animYou guys drive me nuts!
animLet me give you a quick lesson.delay
First,delay twirl the spaghetti on your
Don't twirl up too much at once.delay
Only twirl an amount you can eat in
one bite.
Anddelay.delay.delay.delayI guess that's pretty much it.delay
animHey, I never said it was rocket
science! |
| animHeh, delayso you know exactly how I
feel. delayOn days like today, I want to
be a rebel and just buzz it all off.
animThen I can throw away my combs
and brushes and products and save
myself an hour each morning.
Ah, delaybut when I have a good hair
dayanimdelay.delay.delay.delayit's all worth it, delaydon't you
think?fun_0001000A |
| Of course,delay the style in fun_00050005 is
so casual. delayanimEveryone's got their own
look,delay and they rock it!
animSo it's best not to let a few funky
follicles ruin your day, delaymy little
tantrum notwithstanding! |
| animOf course, it's best not to let a few
funky follicles ruin your day. delayI just
think of the old saying:
"Good hairdelay.delay.delay.delaybad hairdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI'm the one
with the activator and straight
iron!" |
| animWelldelay.delay.delay.delayit's good to be confident! delayJust
remember,delay looks aren't everything.delay
animYou need smarts to get ahead! |
| animMaybe I shouldn't brag, delaybut I've
been named "Fastest fun_0004000Efun_001F0005 in
fun_0004000Efun_00050005" for 3 years running. |
| animLet me know if you ever need any
running advice—delayfrom one speedy
girl to another. delayOK, delayfun_00080005? |
| |
| |
| Brr!animdelay It's so cold out!delay animAt least we're
getting a little snow to go with
these freezing temperatures.
animAnd you know what that means,
don't you, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animIt's time to
make a snowman!
animYou don't know how to build one?delay
Well, it's easy. delayJust start rolling up
the snow, delaylittle by little.
animBe careful around the waterdelay.delay.delay.delayand
make one snowball at a time.delay When
they're the right size,delay stack 'em up!
I can't wait to see what kind of
snowman you'll build, fun_00080005! |
| You know what's really fun about
this wild weather,delay fun_00080005? animYou
can build a snowman!
animOf course,delay a snowman is more
than just two snowballs stacked
on top of each other,delay you know.
animYou can build a baby snowman,delay
a kid-sized snowmandelay, or even a
giant papa snowman!
animI wonder what would happen if you
made an entire snowfamily.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| |
| You know, delayevery time I eat
fun_00130005,delay I think of my
animNobody makes it like my mom!delay animAre
there any foods that make you
nostalgic,delay fun_00080005?fun_00050008
Of course!
No, not really. |
| animThat's so good to hear!delay I worry
about kids who eat nothing but
frozen dinners.
animSo what was your favorite?delay A
classic like fun_00130005?delay Or
a new twist on fun_00130005?
animEither waydelay, hang on to that recipe!delay
It's something you can share with
your own kids when the time comes. |
| animOh,delay that's surprising! delayTaste and
smell usually have a way of
bringing up old memories.
I'd offer to make a traditional
fun_00050005 meal for you sometimedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimBut I'm not your mother! delayOr your
father,delay for that matter! delayDads can
cook too,delay you know. |
| I've been wondering, fun_00080005:
Are you really good at
How did you know?
No, not at all. |
| animHaven't I told you before?delay I'm a
little bit psychic.pageBreakIn all seriousness, you just have the
look of someone who has some
experience with fun_00110005.
animTake it as a compliment,
fun_00080005! You seem like a
sporting fun_0006000E. |
| animWell, you should think about taking
it up.delayanim I know the uniform would look
good on you. |
| So tell me,delay fun_00080005, delayanimwhat kind of
clothes do you wear when you're
relaxing at home?fun_00000008
Whatever's comfy.
I keep it stylish. |
| animMe too.delay I just don't feel like putting
on fancy clothes when I'm going to
sit around and eat popcorn.
animYou won't tell anyone, delaywill you? delayI
have a reputation to maintain! |
| animReally?delay Who are you trying to
impress?pageBreakanimDon't get me wrong—delaysweatpants
are not meant to be seen in public.delay
But they're fine for a lazy day in. |
| fun_0001000A |
| animThis might seem like a weird
question, delayfun_00080005,delay but do you
ever wear makeup?fun_00050008
Yes, once in a while.
No, never. |
| animOK, delayfun_00080005, delayfrom one girl to
another: delaydo you usually wear
Yes, I do.
Not usually. |
| animWell,delay there's nothing wrong with
that. delayIt's fun_00000004.delay Boys are wearing
makeup.delayanim I say delaydeal with it!
animJust don't put too much foundation
and self tanner on,delay or you'll look like
a news anchor. |
| animWell, you've got really nice skin and
a good complexion. delayI'm jealous!pageBreakOf course, delaymore and more men are
wearing makeup these days.delay animNothing
wrong with trying to look good! |
| animMe too.delay It's nice to add a little
sparkle or some color when you're
feeling flat.
animBut nothing radiates beauty like a
pretty smile and kind eyes.delay Don't
you agree, delayfun_00080005? |
| animWow, you look greatdelay.delay.delay.delayand so
natural! delayI'm jealous of your
animYou'll have to share your skin-care
routine with me sometime.delay OK,delay
fun_00080005? |
| animWow, you look greatdelay.delay.delay.delayand so
natural! delayI'm jealous of your
animYou'll have to share your skin-care
routine with me sometime.delay OK,delay
fun_00080005? |