Num | English |
| animOh?!delay So you're here to celebrate
with us as well?!pageBreakanimCool! delayLet's get this party started! |
| animYo!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay You came too?pageBreakanimI got here just a bit before you, thus
making me the better friend!delay
animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| Oh, hey, what kind of present did
you bring for the birthday animal?pageBreakanimOf course, your sincerest feelings
are always the best present. animOr at
least that's what we tell everyone! |
| animI gave fun_00010011 a present just a
bit ago, and fun_0007000E's super happy with
it,delay fun_00070005!
Heh. animI guess that means you've got
some strong competition in the
"good friend" department... |
| Did you already give fun_00010011delay
anima birthday present?pageBreakanimI'm sure fun_0007000E be thrilled no matter
what you gave fun_0007000E! You can't lose!
animWell, unless you just give fun_0007000E old
socks again.delay animYeah, I don't know why,delay
animbut people never go for that one... |
| animBirthdays are definitely things
worth celebrating, if only for cake!pageBreakanimdelayAwww...delay Why won't my birthday get
here any sooner?! |
| animdelayI'm starting to worry whether I'll
get anyone at MY inevitable party.
animYou think anyone will show up? |
| animTimes like this help deepen the
bonds between friends.delay Plus, animyou
get to mooch some cake!delay animGAHAHA! |
| When it's my birthday, animare you
gonna remember and come bring
me a present?
animGAHAHA!delay animJust kidding!delay animSort of... |
| animfun_00010011 must be pretty happy
to have everyone fawning over fun_0007000E,
don't you think,delay fun_00070005? |
| animHmm?delay I don't think we've ever met!delay
animDid you come for the party?pageBreakanimfun_00010011 brought us together!
animI guess that means fun_0007000E good for
something after all.
animI'm fun_00010005!delay animNice to meet you
at last,delay fun_00070005! |
| |
| Birthdays are fun, delayaren't they?delay
animIt's all about YOU. delayYour cake,delay
your presents, delayyour time.
animI wish my birthday would hurry
up and get heredelay.delay.delay. |
| animI wonder who's going to show up
for my birthday this yeardelay.delay.delay.anim
Probably should have sent an invite! |
| animI'm glad we could all get together
to celebrate fun_00010011's birthday
like this.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Speaking of birthdays,delayanim today is
fun_00010011's birthday,delay isn't it?pageBreakI hope someone showed up, delayanimso fun_0007000E
isn't just sitting there twiddling
fun_0007000E thumbsdelay.delay.delay.
animI'm in the middle of something,delay but
maybe you oughta stop by for a
few minutes, delayfun_00080005. |
| animHey, delaydid you know that today is
fun_00010011's birthday?pageBreakWaitdelay.delay.delay.animaren't fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011 twins?delay So it would
be a double birthday!
animWhaddaya mean they don't look
a thing alike?! |
| animHey, delaydid you know that today is
fun_00010011's birthday?pageBreakWaitdelay.delay.delay.animaren't fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011 twins?delay So it would
be a double birthday!
animWhaddaya mean they don't look
a thing alike?! |