
Script : [Characters] NPC_Cafe_Racket

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Hello there,delay fun_00000005!delay
Nice to see ya again!


Hey, hey,delay fun_00000005!delay It seems like
we're always here around the same
time! You a big coffee fan?


You know,delay I'm a firm believer that
a coffee shop should be judged
primarily on its house blend.
By the way, the colorblended coffee
colorcolorBrewster colormakes animis definitely the
best! There's no question!


I just think it's a shame to add milk
to the coffee colorBrewstercolor makes here.delay
I absolutely colordon't put any colorin mine.


Coffee is fine when it's bitter,delay
but I usually put color3 spoonfuls
colorof sugar in my cup.
I've got a theory sweet coffee helps
relax your body and mind better
than the bitter stuff.



colorSonnycolor nags you all the time,delay doesn't
he?delay animYeah, I'm really sorry about
that. colorSonnycolor's a handful.
animBut you know,delay usually he's always
dwelling on something whenever
he's by himself.
animI think he's getting really stressed
out about the gap between his job
and the changing social trendsdelay.delay.delay.anim


colorSonny colorand I are brothers,delay but even
though we eat the same things,delay we
look completely different.
My guess is it has a lot to do with
the WAY he eats stuff.pageBreakWhen I eat,delay animI chew slowly to relish
my food,anim but when he eats,delay he's
animexactly the oppositedelay.delay.delay.
animHe shovels food into his mouth and
chokes it down animwithout chewing
animHe's like a competitive eater!delay
It can't be good for him.pageBreakanimEating fast can be hard on your
digestive system.delay It doesn't do
a body good at all!delay


It's nice to have a place like this to
enjoy a cup of coffee and relax in.delay
animI'm very grateful!
animOur bodies would break down if we
were all constantly stressed out,delay
never takin' time to relax.
If we don't calm down once in a
while, we're all headin' for an early
animAnd I don't mean that as a happy
sort of retirement, if you get my
drift. animI'm talkin' dirt nap!delayanim
Yeah, let that sink in. Maybe you'll
relax a bit more. You hearin' me?
That's what I thought.


It's nice to have a place like this to
enjoy a cup of coffee and relax in.delay
animI'm very grateful!
animOur bodies would break down if we
were all constantly stressed out,delay
never takin' time to relax.
If we don't calm down once in a
while, we're all headin' for an early
animAnd I don't mean that as a happy
sort of retirement, if you get my
drift. animI'm talkin' dirt nap!delayanim
Yeah, let that sink in. Maybe you'll
relax a bit more. You hearin' me?
That's what I thought.


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