Num | English |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor,delay fun_00080005!delay animCan
you feel the magic in the air?delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animTonightdelay.delay.delay.delayI'm going to get to the
bottom of this whole "Santa Claus"
thingdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor, fun_00080005!delay animLet's
get this party started.delay Ho ho ho! |
| animIt's finally colorToy Daycolor!delay animAbandon hope
all ye who expected to get more
than an hour of sleep. |
| animAhhdelay.delay.delay.delaysnow as far as the eye can
see. delayanimWhat a perfect setting for colorToy
Daycolor! |
| animIt's impossible to be in a bad mood
when there's snow on the ground
and everything is this beautiful.
animBelieve me—I've tried! |
| animI just KNEW we'd get a white
colorToy Day colorthis year.pageBreakanimUh-oh.delay At the rate it's snowing, delaywe
might get a white New Year's toodelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animNow THIS is what I like to see! delayA
blanket of fresh snow for colorToy Daycolor.delay
I hope it snows like this forever!
animOn second thought, delayit should stop
snowing in March,delay and then be sunny
every day until October. delayanimPerfect! |
| |
| animIf it's silly to get excited about
colorToy Day coloras an adult,delay then I don't
want to bedelay.delay.delay.delayuhanimdelay.delay.delay.delaynot silly.
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaythat was a terrible
analogy,delay but who cares?delayanim It's Toy
Day! |
| animI'm glad it's cold outside, because
I'm burning up with colorToy Day colorfever!pageBreakanimSymptoms include smiling, delayhugging,delay
and random proclamations of
excitement. delayanimfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYay! delayIt's a white colorToy Daycolor! delayThe snow
is so pure and fresh looking.delayanim I can't
wait to mess it all up! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayanimit's a little brisk out
here to be wearing this outfitdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animAll this snow reminds me of my
favorite colorToy Day colorever.delayanim It was that
one year when it also snowed.
animI never said it was a great story. |
| animLook! delayFresh snow,delay just in time for
colorToy Daycolor.delayanim Isn't fun_00050005 beautiful
like this? |
| animIt's so romantic out here with all
the snow and festive lights. |
| animI just came out to peek at the snow
without realizing I was walking into
the mother of all blizzards!animdelay Brrrrr! |
| animA white colorToy Day coloris one thing, delaybut
this is like a whiteOUT colorToy Daycolor.delay
animHow will colorJingle colordeliver his presents? |
| |
| animIt's getting late, and colorJingle colorstill
hasn't handed out gifts. delaypageBreakanimUgh, delayhow much longer is this
wonderful holiday going to last?delay
animThis fun_001F0005 needs her sleep! |
| animIsn't it about time for colorJingle colorto
pass out gifts? delayanimI hope he doesn't
forget! |
| animThat old fellow in red always keeps
us waiting, delaydoesn't he? delayanimI'm talking
about the pizza-delivery guy, delaySteve. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005, delayis that you? delayWhy are
you dressed up like Santa?delayanim Do you
have a gift for me or something? |
| animThat's quite an outfit, delayfun_00080005.delay
I hope you're prepared to hand out
some giftsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animWait. Is thatdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00080005?delayanim
fun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayyou almost fooled
animYour punishment for trying to fool
me is that you owe me a present.delay
Kidding! delayanimOr am I? |
| animSo sleepydelay.delay.delay.delay Must stay awakedelay.delay.delay.delayfor
colorJinglecoloranimdelay.delay.delay.delayzzzzzzzzz! |
| animZzzzdelay.delay.delay.delayanimhuh? delayanimWas I asleep? delayDid I miss
colorToy Daycolor? delayNOOOOOOO!pageBreakanimOh, delayOK. delaycolorJingle colorhasn't handed out
gifts yet.delay Everything is cool. delayanimBe
cool,delay fun_00010005. |
| animI must be tired,delay because for a
second there I thought you were
Santa! |
| animSanta? delayWhat are YOU doing here?delay I
was expecting colorJinglecolor!pageBreakanimWait a seconddelay.delay.delay.delay Is that you,delay
fun_00080005?delay animWhy would you dress
up like Santa and try to fool me? |
| animGuess what just happened. fun_00010007animSanta
showed up and brought me exactly
what I wanted!
animThe weird thing is I didn't even
write him or put out a wish list.delay
animHow did he know what to get?
animWell,delay I guess that's why he got the
job as Santa.delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay Santa just gave me
the best present! delayanimHow did he know
exactly what I wanted?
animHe's either psychic or he's been
reading my diary. delayanimEither way,delay I don't
care.delay Ha! |
| OK,delay this might seem like a weird
question, delayanimbut are you actually
animHear me out. delayWho else could know
exactly what I wanted? delayanimYou're the
only person I told!
animYou don't seem old enough to be
Santadelay.delay.delay.delay Maybe you just told him
what I wanted and he picked it up.
Well, fun_00070005. delayanimSanta or not,delay
thank you so much! |
| animWell,delay I just opened my gift from
Santadelay.delay.delay.delay It wasn't exactly what I
was hoping for.
animI knew I should have sent him a
letterdelay or left out some cookiesdelay or
something! |
| animHey, fun_00080005.delay Did you get your
gift from Santa yet?delay I just got mine.pageBreakanimTo be honest, I'm a little sad.delay It's
the thought that counts,delayanim but I don't
know WHAT Santa was thinking! |
| animWell, delaythe good news is that Santa
just visited!pageBreakanimThe bad news is that I wasn't
completely satisfied with my gift.pageBreakanimWhat am I going to do, delaygo all the
way to the North Pole to return it?delayanim
fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHi, Santa! delayHow exciting to see you!
animHey,delay colorJingle colorthe reindeer was looking
for youdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHey, Santa!delay Is that really you?delay animYou
know,delay I just saw one of your
I think it was colorJinglecolor.delay animAnyway,delay he
seemed a little nervous. delayYou might
want to go check on him! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00080005, delayanimhave you seen colorJingle
colorthe reindeer yet?pageBreakanimI know he's around here
somewheredelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animI've got good newsdelay.delay.delay.delay animcolorJingle colorthe
reindeer has arrived in fun_00050005!pageBreakanimAnd some bad news: delayhe only had
one sack of gifts. delayanimHow could he fit
everything I want in there? |
| animWell, delaylook at you, delayfun_00080005. All in
red,delay just like the man from the
North Pole himself.
animYou are trying to dress like Santa,delay
right?delay animOr do you just really like red? |
| animSanta, delayis that you?delay Let me take a
closer look.fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00080005? delayWhat are
you doing in Santa's clothes?
animI don't want to see Santa running
around fun_00050005 in his long johns,delay
so you better give his clothes back! |
| animSanta?delay animIt's too early for Santa. delayWho
are you trying to fool, delayfun_00080005? |
| animI'll always cherish the present you
gave me this year,delay Santa.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThanks for the great present this
year, delaySanta! delayanimfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaythat
outfit is really impressive in person. |
| animYou seem awfully familiar somehow.delay
Anyway, delayanimthanks for the present.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWow, delayit's Santa! delayButdelay.delay.delay.delaywhere's your
sack of toys? delayanimI hope you didn't
forget it back at the North Pole.
animYou had one job! |
| animMaybe you're not the real Santa.delay
Maybe you're one of those "helpers"
my parents used to talk aboutdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI think the REAL Santa would have
his toy sack with him at all timesdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animSanta, delaywhat happened to your sack
of toys?pageBreakanimIf you don't have presents to hand
out to people, delaythen what are you
going to do in fun_00050005 tonight? |
| animYay,delay you're finally here!delayanim Happy colorToy
Here's your present!
Uh...happy Toy Day? |
| fun_0003000Efun_00070005, Santa! Happy colorToy
Here's your present!
Uh...happy Toy Day? |
| animWhoa,delay Santa,delay is that really you?delay
animWell, delayhappy colorToy Day colorto you,delay sir!fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Uh...happy Toy Day? |
| animSantadelay.delay.delay.delayis that you?delay Sorry.delay I was half
asleep. delayanimOr maybe three-quarters
asleep.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delayfun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Uh...happy Toy Day? |
| animOh. delayYou know,delay I might act tough
sometimes, delayanimbut I'm still a little girl
when it comes to colorToy Daycolor.
animAnd little girls get what they want
on Toy Day!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animNo present this year?delayanim
fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animGreat, delaynow Santa himself is teasing
me! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay Can I open it? |
| animI've been waiting so long! delayCan I open
it right now? |
| animLook at me.delay I'm as giddy as a little
schoolgirl. delayanimI'm opening it right now! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011?fun_00010007 I
mean,delay I love it.delayanim You shouldn't have. |
| Ohdelay.delay.delay.delayanimYES!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011! delayIt's
just what I wanted. |
| animOh my goodness.delay Is it really fun_0002000E
fun_00030011?fun_00010007 animMy dream
came true! |
| animAww, delayit's exactly what I wanted.delay
fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay animHow
thoughtful of you. |
| animThis has been the best colorToy Daycolor
everdelay.delay.delay.delaythanks to you!pageBreakanimGo, delayspread your cheer around the
whole world. delayI'm all good! |
| animThank you,delay Santa! delayGood luck with
the rest of your deliveries tonight.pageBreakanimPeople all around the world are
waiting for youdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animBeing Santa Claus must be a pretty
good gig. delayanimYou only work one night a
animAnd the wholedelay "making children's
dreams come true" thing. delayThat's
good too. |
| animAhhdelay.delay.delay.delaynow I can finally go to sleep.delayanim
fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animWhat's this? delaySanta without a sack
of toys?delay On the one day of the year
when he absolutely has to deliver?
animFar be it from me to give advice to
you, delayMr. Claus, delaybut you might think
about checking with colorJinglecolordelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animWithout a sack of presents,delay you're
just a person in a Santa suit,delay aren't
animIf you were the real Santa,delay wouldn't
you at least have some reindeer? |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor,delay Santa!delay I've been
patiently waiting for youdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_0005000F
OK, here's your present.
Sorry. Nothing for you. |
| animSanta? delayYou seem awfully familiar
somehow. delayanimDo you have a summer
job delivering pizzas?fun_0005000F
Ha! Here's a present.
Sorry. Nothing for you. |
| animHow many years have you been
doing this? delayanimAnd you're still able to
keep up with it all. delayImpressive!fun_0005000F
Thanks. Here you go!
Sorry. Nothing for you. |
| animWhat? delayNo present?delay animWell,delay I didn't get
you anything either. |
| animWell, delayaren't you looking festive?delay
animHappy colorToy Daycolor,delay fun_00080005! |
| animWell, delaysomeone's fired up for colorToy
Daycolor! delayLooking good, delayfun_00080005!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI have to hand it to you,delay fun_00080005.delay
You make a pretty good Santa. delayanimYou
almost had me fooled! |
| animI hope you have a fun colorToy Day colorin
fun_00050005,delay fun_00080005! |
| animI'm glad you decided to spend colorToy
Day colorhere in fun_00050005 with us.animdelay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI hope you have a real fun_00050005
experience this colorToy Daycolor.delay
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| |