Num | English |
| animMy, my! Welcome,delay fun_00000005!fun_00010007
Are you interested in perusing
our fine colorHH Showcasecolor?fun_0005000F
No, not right now. |
| delayanimdelayOh,delay that's not why you're here?delay
animIf you desire a look around our
showcase,delay please let me know! |
| delayanimdelayOh,delay that's not why you're here?pageBreakanimMy post is here,delay animso do let me knowdelay
if and when you'd like to take a
look around our showcase! |
| animTo begin,delay I'll need to know your
name!fun_00010007 animCould you tell medelay.delay.delay.delay? |
| In our showcase,delay we have models
of Happy Home Academy members'
homes on display for all to enjoy! |
| If you activate colorStreetPasscolor,delay you can
share your home with other HHA
And in turn, you'll also get to see
their homes,delay including all their lovely
furniture and such.
animcolorDesigns colorthat you're wearing or
displaying in your home will be
displayed as well.
Please keep in mind.delay And that goes
double for your TPC information! |
| animOK!delay Activate colorStreetPass colorfor colorAnimal
Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome
amiibo coloron this colorsystemcolor?animfun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
No. |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimUnfortunately,delay if you don't activate
StreetPass, you cannot enter the
showcase.delay animSorry, but it's necessary.
If you do change your mind,delay
animplease inform me immediately! |
| animdelayExcellent!delay animI'll be sure to get your
StreetPass features rolling for you
right away! |
| delayanimdelayOhdelay.delay.delay.delay!delay animI'm sorry!delaypageBreakanimIt looks like colorStreetPass colorcannot be
activated for any more software
titles on this colorsystemcolordelay.delay.delay.
animI'm sorry to say,delay but if you'd like to
enter the showcase, delayyou must first
do a few things...
Go to colorStreetPass Management colorin
colorSystem Settings colorand deactivate
StreetPass for other software.anim
Once you've done that, I see no
problem with letting you in. |
| animAll right!delay Thank you for waiting!animfun_00010007
From now on,delay you can exchange
information via colorStreetPasscolor!
animStreetPass will continue to run even
after you close the software,delay so
please don't worry about anything.
animWhen you're tagged,delay you'll receive
a note in colorNotificationscolor on your
colorNintendo 3DS systemcolor!
animI'll look forward to all your future
visits! |
| animNow that I have your name,delay
let me briefly explain about our
animIn our showcase,delay you can find model
homes simulating the homes of
Happy Home Academy members!
Member information is exchanged
via colorStreetPasscolor.pageBreakanimBased on that information,delay model
homes will be displayed in the
showcases of each player involved.
This even includes a clone of you
that talks to the other players.
animIsn't that fascinating? |
| Unfortunately,delay you haven't received
data from other HHA members yet,delay
so no model homes are displayed.
But worry not! The arrival of new
homes will not go unnoticed!pageBreakWe'll let you know via colorNotificationscolor
on your colorNintendo 3DS systemcolor,delay animso
be watchful for them! |
| animWelldelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007delayanimdelayit's probably better if you
actually get a chance to see it!pageBreakAllow me to show you around.delay
Please come this way! |
| |
| You'll have to activate colorStreetPass
colorto look around our showcase.pageBreakActivate StreetPass for colorAnimal
Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome
amiibo coloron this colorsystemcolor?animfun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
No. |
| |
| animCare to activate colorStreetPass colorso that
you can look around the showcase?delayfun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Nope. |
| Ah!delay Well, hello there!delay
Would you like to reenter?animfun_0005000F
Not now. |
| animOK, I quite understand.fun_00010007
We look forward to your next visit! |
| animExcellent!fun_00010007 animPlease come this way! |
| delay.delay.delay.delaySo would it be OK to activate
Nope. |
| animOK!delay Thank you!pageBreakanimFear not! We'll be sure to let you
know when model homes arrive.pageBreakanimKeep an eye on the Notifications on
your colorNintendo 3DS systemcolor for any
updates from us!
I look forward to helping you in the
future! |
| animOK!delay
delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayHold on a sec!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005, I believe this is your
first time back since upgrading...pageBreakto colorAnimal Crossing: New Leaf -
Welcome amiibocolor. animAm I right?animpageBreakanimIn that case,delayanim I should probably tell
you that now this exhibition space
can only be accessed by...
other folks playing colorAnimal Crossing:
New Leaf - Welcome amiibocolor.pageBreakanimSo please keep that in mind!delay
animNow then,delay follow me. |
| |
| fun_00040007animOK!delay fun_0006000E fun_00000005delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelay sizeOh!fun_00050007pageBreakanimsizeThat means you're the mayor of
sizesizefun_00050005, right?!pageBreakanimMy sister has told me about you!fun_00010007
animYour secretary,delay colorIsabellecolor, is
actually my twin sister!
animOh the stories I could tell you
about her!delay She got in so much
trouble when she was a pup!
animEr,delaydelay pardon me!delay animI seemed to have
sidetracked our little conversation
for a momentdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animOK,delay now that I have your name,delay let
me explain what the HH Showcase
is all about. |
| animOK!delay It's so nice to meet you
today, fun_0006000E fun_00000005! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayOnce again,delay thank you for visiting
animthe colorHH Showcasecolor!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005, since this is your first
time visiting us,delay I'd like to briefly
explain about our space here. |
| First of all,delay this is the entrance.pageBreakThere are three exhibition areas for
you to view—delayone to the left, one to
the right, and one in the back.
animYou can reference the colorTouch Screen
colorfor a detailed map! |
| animYou're welcome to look around the
model homes in the exhibition area.pageBreakAlso,delay you can buy any furniture in
the model homes except for items
that don't happen to be for sale.anim
animThe only real downside is that the
price does tend to be a little higher
than in regular storesdelay.delay.delay.
animBut in return,delay you may end up
finding rare items you can't find
in this town!
animIf you find anything you like,delay please
place your order in the model home.
We'll deliver it to you later! |
| animLastly,delay I've got one more important
thing to tell youdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIf you see someone suspicious or
find a model home that's not
appropriate for public displaydelay.delay.delay.
animplease ask the person to leave, or
go to the model home and request
it be removed from the area.
animOnce you've done that, we'll take
care of the rest as soon as we can! |
| animWell, I believe that's all from me!fun_00010007
animdelayI hope you enjoy your time in the
HH Showcase! |
| |
| animPlease enjoy your time looking
around. |
| animSome home remodeling has also
recently taken place,delay so be sure
to go have a look! |
| animSome home construction has also
recently taken place,delay so be sure
to go have a look! |
| animWell, hello there!delay Can I assist you
with anything at this time?fun_0007000F
I'd like to go home.
Current model home.
I have a question!
Nope, nothing. |
| I see.delay animWell, I'll be here if ever you
need me! |
| animYou'd like to know about the data
provided from this town to other
HHA members, is that right? |
| Currently,delay your house is being shown
as the model home representing
fun_00050005. And I thank you for it! |
| If you'd like to show the house of
another member from this town...pageBreakthat member would have to come
here personally so we can go
through the necessary procedures! |
| animCurrently,delay fun_00000011's house is
the model being shown to represent
animWould you like to change it so your
animhouse is shown as the model home?delayfun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
No, leave it as is. |
| Of course. Understood!fun_00010007
animI'll just leave the status quo.delay |
| Excellent. Understood!fun_00010007
animI'll make the arrangements!delay |
| animThank you for your patience!fun_00010007
animFrom now on, your house will
be shown as the model home!
animI hope many members get to see it! |
| |
| |
| |
| animWhat would you like to hear about?fun_0008000F
This town's model.
Other model homes.
Ordering furniture.
Blocking users.
Never mind. |
| animWould you like to hear about
anything else?fun_0008000F
This town's model.
Other model homes.
Ordering furniture.
Blocking users.
No, thank you. |
| From each town,delay there's one model
home representing the town, and it
gets shown to everyone!
If you'd like to change the house
representing your town, the
process is fairly simple.
Whoever wants to have their home
represent fun_00050005 just needs to
come speak to me about it. |
| In our showcase, there's enough
space to accommodate up to 48
model homes!
When we run out of open space,delay the
newer model homes will replace the
old ones in order.
If you'd like to keep displaying a
specific house,delay be sure to use the
colorMark as favoritecolor option!delay
animIf you want to move a model home
to or from your favorites, use the
sign in front of it.
animButdelay keep in mind you can only
mark up to 16 homes as your
favorites.delay No more than that! |
| animYou're free to look inside the model
homes here all you like.pageBreakanimPlus,delay excluding some exceptions,delay
you can purchase the furniture in
the homes via mail-order service!
If you'd like to buy an item, simply
order it from the colorTouch Screencolor
while you're in the house. |
| animIf you find someone suspiciousdelay
or a model home that's rather
inappropriate for public displaydelay.delay.delay.
animbe sure to ask that person to leave.delaypageBreakYou can also check the sign next to
the home and request that it no
longer be displayed in our town.
When doing so,delay you can choose if
the offensive person or home should
be removed temporarily or forever.
If the user is removed temporarily,delay
he or she can return once you tag
them via StreetPass again.
If you choose to colorblock colorthe user
forever, well, that's quite different.pageBreakHe or she won't be displayed in the
showcase ever again, even if you
tag them in the future.
Please be aware that it may prevent
you from seeing that same player's
content in other games as well. |
| |
| delayanimdelayAhdelay.delay.delay.delay!delay animWould you like to reenter?fun_0005000F
Yes, please!
Nah, I'm fine. |
| delayanimdelayErdelay.delay.delay.delayhold on just a second!pageBreakUmmdelay.delay.delay.delayanimwelcome to fun_00050005's
animcolorHH Showcasecolor!delaydelayanimpageBreakanimWould you like to look around?delayfun_0005000F
Uh, yes?
Nope. |
| delayanimdelayErdelay.delay.delay.delayjust a second,delay fun_00000005!pageBreakanimWould you like to look arounddelay
animthe colorHH Showcasecolor?fun_0005000F
Nope. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| delayanimdelayOh,delay are you leaving already?fun_0005000F
Yup, I'm going home!
No, not yet. |
| |
| animOK!delay Then I'll escort you to the gate!delay |
| animThank you!delay I hope to see you again!delay |
| |
| |
| |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAh!delay animdelayI'm very sorrydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSince we use colorStreetPass colorhere, you'll
have to agree to the latest Nintendo
3DS Service User Agreement first.
animWould you like to check the user
agreement right now?fun_0005000F
Yes, please!
No, maybe later. |
| If you don't agree to the latest
Nintendo 3DS Service User
Agreement,delay you can't enterdelay.delay.delay.
If you'd like to come in,delay please
go to colorSystem Settingscolor in your
colorNintendo 3DScolor.pageBreakThen choose colorInternet Settings →
Other Information color→color User
After you agree with the user
agreement, come and talk to me
again and I'll let you in! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAh!delay animdelayI'm sorrydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimcolorSharing photos, images, sounds,
movies, or long messages coloris
restricted by Parental Controls.
That means, at this time, you can't
access the HH Showcase.endTag
color colorI'm a parent! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAh!delay animdelayI'm sorrydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimcolorSharing photos, images, sounds,
movies, or long messages coloris
restricted by Parental Controls.
That means, at this time, you can't
access the HH Showcase.endTag
color colorI'm a parent! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAh!delay animdelayI'm sorrydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimcolorSharing photos, images, sounds,
movies, or long messages with
other users, as well as colorcolorStreetPasscolor...
is sadly restricted by the current
Parental Controls. That means you
cannot presently enterdelay.delay.delay. |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAh!delay animdelayI'm sorrydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimcolorStreetPass functions colorare currently
restricted by the Parental Controls,delay
so you can't enter the showcasedelay.delay.delay. |
| |
| |