Num | English |
| animDon't you think people start gettingdelay
excited about colorToy Daycolor earlier and
earlier each year?delay
animIt's got me all panicked! |
| animCan't you just feel it in the air?delay
The holiday season is growing
stronger, animand that means colorToy Daycolor! |
| animEverybody is so restless since
colorToy Daycolor is coming.delay It's pathetic!pageBreakanimWhoa!delay I just got hit with a bout of
colorToy Daycolor cheer! animGreat. Now even
I'M in a happy mood! |
| animcolorToy Daycolor is getting closer and
closer!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakYeah, you could say I'm looking
forward to it just a bit! |
| animcolorToy Daycolor is getting closer!delay This time
of year, we both have to make sure
not to catch a cold. So bundle up! |
| animOnly a little bit to go until it's
colorToy Daycolor!delay animEven I'M getting a little
restless for it to get here! |
| animJust a bit to go until colorToy Daycolor! |
| animOnly a few days left until colorToy Daycolor! |
| animTomorrow is finally colorToy Daycolor!pageBreakanimAh!delay animI'm...delayI'm not getting overly
carried away, am I?!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAt long last, tomorrow isdelay
colorToy Daycolor! Hooray!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animTomorrow is that colorToy Daycolor you guys
have been waiting for all year!pageBreakanimI'm, well,delay you know.delay It's just another
day!delay I'm totally keeping calm!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayGah, it's no use.delay My body can't
tell a lie! Bring on colorToy Daycolor! |
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| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor for a
piece of colorfurniture colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor for
some colorcarpet colorthis year for
colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor for
some colorwallpaper colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor for an
colorelectrical appliance colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor for
an colorinstrument colorthis year for
colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor
for a colorplant colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJingle colorfor
some colorclothing colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor
for a colordoll colorthis year for
colorToy Daycolor!
What? animDon't gimme that look! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor
for a colortoy colorthis year for
colorToy Daycolor!
animMakes a lot of sense, doesn't it? |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor
for some colorfood colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor
for a colorlamp colorthis year for
colorToy Daycolor! |
| animI thought I'd ask colorJinglecolor
for an colorumbrella colorthis year
for colorToy Daycolor! |
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| animYou know, I just really want fun_0002000E
colorfun_00020012color gift from colorJinglecolor this
year.delay animThat simple! |
| animThe mood is always best on colorToy
Daycolor if there's snow all around.delay
animYou think colorJinglecolor can make it snow? |
| animBy the way, if you really think
about it a bit...pageBreakanimcolorJinglecolor doesn't have an easy job!
I mean, he's got to keep track of
everyone's wishes and stuff.
animThat's too much stress for one
guy to deal with! I'd crack! |
| animJust because it's called colorToy Daycolor
doesn't mean colorJinglecolor only gives
away toys, you know.
animSo then why d'we call it colorToy Daycolor?!
animMaybe our old mayor would know... |
| animJust because it's called colorToy Daycolor
doesn't mean colorJinglecolor only gives
away toys, you know.
animSo then why d'we call it colorToy Daycolor?!
animMaybe our old mayor would know... |