Num | English |
| animPaintings really add a touch of
class to a wall. delayThat's why I love
my fun_00030011. |
| animA home without plants is like
fun_00130005 without a
stalk of celery on the side!
animSo says Chic fun_0004000Efun_001F0005 Monthly.
That's why I have a little greenery
in here, fun_00070005! |
| animYou've seen the audio equipment
I've got in here,delay right? delayMy home
would just be TOO quiet without it! |
| animI know, delayI know, delayI've got a television
in here. delayDidn't think I watch TV,delay
did you?
animWell, delaylife can't be all books and
fancy food,delay you know. delayI've got
my own favorite showsdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI've never missed an episode of
fun_0004000Efun_001F0005 fun_0004000Efun_00140005,delay
fun_00080005! |
| animYes, delayI've got one of my favorite
instruments in here,delay fun_00080005.pageBreakanimI bet you didn't know they used to
call me fun_0004000Efun_00030011
fun_00010005, delaydid you? |
| animIt's nice to throw kitchen equipment
into the mix, delaydon't you think?delay
That's what I do, anyway. |
| fun_00040009 |
| animWonder why I have such a large
bed, fun_00080005? It's because I'd
fall out of bed otherwise.
animWhy, just recently, I dreamed that
a giant fun_000F0005 was
chasing me!
animI woke up on the other side of the
bed, so I think I outran the darn
thing, fun_00080005! |
| animI don't know what I love to do more
on my fun_00030011.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimSip fun_000E0005? delayOr snack on
some fun_00130005? Ordelay.delay.delay.delayanimboth
at the same time? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI read all sorts of books while in
my fun_00030011.pageBreakOne of the books I'm reading is
animI'm really enjoying it, fun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animNow, delayyou didn't take a peek inside
my fun_00030011, delaydid
you, fun_00080005? |
| animIf you can't tell, I really like to have
a fresh pot of coffee on hand,
fun_00070005. |
| A home without gyroids is like
football without cheerleaders. delayanimIt's
just not complete!
animSo says Chic fun_0004000Efun_001F0005 Monthly.delay
That's why I have a little gyroid
action in here, delayfun_00070005! |
| animSo,delay fun_00080005,delay do you like the
fun_00030011 I have on
display? delayIt's one of my favorites! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animNow and then, delayI sit in front of my
fun_00030011, delaylook in the
mirror, delayand give myself a pep talk.
anim"Now, fun_00010005," delayI say, delay"today you
are going to be the best fun_001F0005
you can be!"
And then.delay.delay.delayanimI am,delay fun_00070005! |
| animI bet you're wondering what kind
of books I have. delayanimWell, if you'll
keep a secret.delay.delay.delay
one book is The fun_0004000Efun_000F0005
Scandal, delayand it is SO juicy,
fun_00080005! |
| animI'm so embarrassed. delayI left my
fun_00030011 in the open.delay
animWell, at least you know I clean! |
| animYou'd think a chic fun_001F0005 like
me wouldn't have fossils, delayright? delay
animWell, delaythey're actually chic too! |
| animSeen my tea set, fun_00080005?delay
I actually don't use it. delayanimIt's just
too pretty, fun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animDon't take too close a look at my
computer screen. I'm working on
my latest blog entry.delay.delay.delay
I just don't know if I want it to
be about fun_00120005 or
fun_00120005 yet.delay.delay.delay |
| animI have an eye for floral design,
fun_00080005. delayDo you like what I've
done in here, fun_00070005? |
| animHungry, fun_00080005? delayWell, I'd tell
you to root around in my
animBut the truth is it's like a pigsty in
there. delaySo to speak. |
| fun_00040009 |
| animYou know, I never step on the
fun_00030011 I keep in
here, fun_00080005.
I like to think smart about food,delay
animbut I refuse to let that darn
scale taunt me with numbers! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI know.delay You'd never think that a
grown-up fun_001F0005 like me would
still have a stuffed bear.
animBut I love it SO much! delayI don't
know what I'd do if I couldn't hug
my fun_00030011! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI know, delayI know.delay.delay.delay I've got fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 in here.pageBreakIt's where I keep my fun_001A0005
collection from bruising. It's SO
nice and soft, fun_00070005. |
| fun_00040009 |
| animThe fun_00030011 I keep
is here only for nostalgic
reasons, fun_00080005.
animYes, I used to be very sporty when
I was a little fun_001F0005! |
| animIt's handy to have your own
fun_00030011, you know.pageBreakYou can practice fun_00110005
inside without worrying about
scuffing your floor! |
| animDon't you just adore the
fun_00030011 in here?delay
It's such a luxury having one! |
| animIt's nice to have baths or showers
close at hand, fun_00080005.pageBreakanimI never know when I'll come home
tracking mud all over the place,
fun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animMy guitar is only here for show
these days.delay.delay.delaybut I used to play
all sorts of songs.
animOh yes, I could really play a mean
fun_00140005 jam! |
| animIt's so handy having a garbage bin
in here. delayI can throw trash away.delay.delay.delay
instead of paying to get rid of it! |
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| animI've really looked forward to
showing you my room,
fun_00070005. |
| animNo need to be nervous now. delayLook
around, fun_00070005! |
| animI've gone to a lot of trouble to
decorate my home, fun_00080005, delayso
please take a look around! |
| animI'm pretty selective about what
I put in my home, fun_00080005.delay
You can tell, right? |
| animPicking up some nice decorating
tips in here, fun_00080005? |
| animNow that you're here, take all
the time you want looking around,
fun_00070005! |
| animNow that you're here, take all
the time you want looking around,
fun_00070005! |