
Script : [Smug] ZK_FreeA_RumorN

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animDid you hear the news, delayfun_00080005?delay
fun_00010011delay isn't feeling well!pageBreakanimdelayI'd like to go there to help this very
second, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI can't do it now,delay
fun_00070005.pageBreakanimWowdelay.delay.delay. If only I had a clone or
a robot helper or somethingdelay.delay.delay.delay


animIt looks like a new house is being
built here in town,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimdelayI'm looking forward to seeing what
kind of girl is moving indelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAh,delayanim we still don't know if it's a girl
or not, huh? animI suppose a boy would
be fine as well. delayHah ha!


Did you hear, delayanimfun_00080005?delay It seems
a new girl recently moved to town!pageBreakanimAhdelay.delay.delay.delayactually, I guess we still don't
know whether it's a girl or not, huh?pageBreakanimMaybe I'll go to the new house and
take a rose to say hi either way,delay


Recently,delay a new neighbor named
fun_00010011 just moved to town,delay
animIt's always nice to have more people
in town! animMore people means more
friends,delay and that's a good thing!


animJust between you and me,delay it seems
like fun_00010011delay is thinking about
leaving town pretty soon.
animAre you OK with that?delay Shouldn't we
go to fun_0007000E place and tell fun_0007000E to stay?delay
animWe gotta stop fun_0007000E from leaving!


fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay did you know?pageBreakanimfun_00010011 is getting ready to
move out really soon.pageBreakButdelay fun_0007000E hasn't decided where to go
just yet,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimYou still have time!delay If you're going
to say good-bye to fun_0007000E,delay animnow's the
time to do it!


fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay did you know?pageBreakanimThey're saying fun_00010011 is
leaving towndelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakNot just that,delay but fun_0007000E already
decided where to go,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimIf you still have something to say to
fun_0007000E,delay now's the time to say it!




animWell, let's just say people think bad
blood's gone down between us,delay
fun_00070005.pageBreakanimBut if you expect me to tell you all
the details of this little scandaldelay.delay.delay.delay
animOops!delay animNo more comments from me!delay


animWell, rumor has it we're going to
buy a car together or something
like that,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimHuh?delay Are we actually going to?fun_00010007
animdelayWelldelay.delay.delay.delayI don't know.pageBreakanimDon't ask me about it.delay animI have no
further comment!


animWell, if I understand it right, people
think we're cousins somehow,delay
fun_00070005.pageBreakanimHuh?delay Are we?fun_00010007 animdelayWelldelay.delay.delay.delayI don't know.pageBreakanimI've gotta protect fun_00040005's
privacy,delay so I can't tell you anything
else about this!


animWell, if I understand it right, people
think we're cousins somehow,delay
fun_00070005.pageBreakanimHuh?delay Are we?fun_00010007 animdelayWelldelay.delay.delay.delayI don't know.pageBreakanimI've gotta protect fun_00040005's
privacy,delay so I can't tell you anything
else about this!


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