Num | English |
| animWhat? delayA present from fun_00010011?delay
I bet I know what THIS is all
about, delayfun_00070005!
We had an argument over, delayoh,delay I can't
even remember what anymore.delay
animUgh, delaynow I feel so awful.delay
fun_00010011 smoothed things over
before I did? delayNow I look like
I'm being petty. |
| animOh, it's the fun_00030011
I lent fun_00010011! delayI never thought
I'd ever get it back! |
| animOh, it's the fun_00030011
I lost! delayAnd fun_00010011 sent it over?delay
I knew it was over there! |
| animWhat? delayMy package was delivered
to fun_00010011 by accident?pageBreakanimBut, wait. Did fun_00010011 open it?fun_0005000F
That was me.
Er, I don't know. |
| animOh, this must be that special thing
I asked fun_00010011 to get for me.delay
But, delaywait. delayHas it been opened?fun_0005000F
Actually, I did it.
Um, who knows? |
| animThank you for the delivery,
fun_00080005! |
| animThank you for making this delivery,delay
fun_00080005. delayI think fun_00010011 and
I can patch things up now. |
| animBut hold on.delay.delay.delay |
| animIt isn't very well wrapped. I mean,
I'd even say it looks like it was
attacked by a swarm of bees.fun_0005000F
I opened it.
Definitely bees. |
| animOh, delaythose darn bees! delayThey probably
thought you were carrying
fun_00100005 in there. |
| animIt's very nice of you to agree
with me, but I know it was really
fun_00010011's sloppy wrapping.
animStill, a gift is a gift. delayI'm just glad
fun_00010011 was that thoughtful. |
| animNo! delayYou? delayBut I thought you
were sweet as fun_00100005?pageBreakanimBut if there's one thing I appreciate,delay
it's someone who comes clean
when they're in the wrong. |
| animBut I may not be so kind next time,
fun_00080005. delayI hope we have an
animdelayundelayderdelaystandelayding. |
| animAnd you did go to all the trouble
of delivering it to me. delayI guess
I do owe you for that. |
| animI must be feeling generous today.delay
But please, the next time you
deliver something.delay.delay.delay?
animDon't open it, fun_00070005! |
| animI don't mean to be fussy, but it
would have been nice if this came
back all nicely wrapped.
animReally, it's like everyone in this
town was raised by animals.delay
animWell, delayso to speak.
animAnyway, thanks for making the
delivery, fun_00080005. At least I can
always count on you. |
| animThank you so much for delivering it.delay
And please send back my thanks
too, fun_00080005. |
| animI thought I'd never get it back.delay
Thanks so much, fun_00080005! |
| animHmm. But I thought it was gone
forever, so I bought a new one. |
| Well, that's about as suspicious as
bees on fun_00100005.pageBreakBut thanks anyway for delivering
the package, fun_00080005. |
| animWhat? You opened the package?
That's so unlike you!pageBreakanimBut as they say, fun_00100005
is never as sweet behind your
back. |
| animStill, you're pretty sweet MOST
of the time, so I forgive you.pageBreakdelayAnd, surprise, surprise.delay.delay.delayI actually
got this for you! delayHere. It's
fun_0002000Efun_00030011! |
| animWell, delaydidn't this all turn out so
strangely. delayYou surprised me.delay
I surprised you!
animBut next time,delay fun_00080005, delaydelayI suggest
that you not just open other
people's packages so willy-nilly. |
| animStill, you're sweet most of the time.
delaySo let's never mention this ugly
matter ever again, fun_00070005. |
| animStill, you're sweet most of the time.
delayAnd since you're one of my
favorites, let's just forget this. |
| animBesides, you did tell me you
opened it, fun_00080005. |
| animBut at least it was very sweet of
you to confess what you did.delay
Let's just forget about it. |
| animBut next time.delay.delay.delay?fun_00010007 animWell, delayI'm sure
there won't BE a next time,delay
fun_00080005. |
| animAnd you did go to all the trouble
of delivering the package. delaySo I
guess I owe you something. |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakanimEnjoy the gift. delayAnd just remember
what we talked about, OK? |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakanimEnjoy the gift. delayAnd just remember
what we talked about, OK? |