
Script : [Uchi] OT_Q12_Timeover

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animOh! delayDo you remember all those
signatures you were gathering for
my cause?
animYou know, for my petition,delay
fun_00010012?pageBreakanimWell, I had to mail off the petition
by a deadline, so you can throw
away the signature list you have.
animNext time, try to get all of the
signatures more quickly, OK?delay
Thanks for helping, fun_00080005.


animI hope you're not going to be upset
with me, but don't worry about
that signature list I gave you.
animRemember? For my petition,delay
fun_00010012?pageBreakanimPetitions have to be completed
quickly, so I mailed in what I had.delay
You can throw away your list.
animThanks anyway, fun_00080005. Your
support meant a lot to me.


animI hope you're not going to be upset
with me, but don't worry about
that signature list I gave you.
animRemember? For my petition,delay
fun_00010012?pageBreakanimPetitions have to be completed
quickly, so I mailed in what I had.delay
You can throw away your list.
animThanks anyway, fun_00080005. Your
support meant a lot to me.


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