Num | English |
| animHey, delayfun_00080005.fun_00010007
I've got a special favor to ask youdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHere goes!delay animI want
your fun_00030011!delaypageBreakanimI don't mean for free or anything...fun_00010007
animHow about trading me for my
fun_00030011?pageBreakWe're talking mint-condition goods!fun_00010007
animThat's a pretty nice deal, wouldn't
you say?fun_00050008
Sure, we can trade.
No way! |
| animHold up, delayfun_00080005.delay Got a second?pageBreakListen up!delayfun_00010007 I wanted to show
you my fun_00030011.pageBreakanimYeah, some folks wait a lifetimedelay and
never own something this cool. I'm
pretty lucky, eh?delayanim GAHAHA!delayanimpageBreak.delay.delay.animdelayHmm?fun_00010007anim Hey!delay Watch the jealousy
meter there, bud. No need for that!pageBreakanimIf you want something of mine, all
we gotta do is trade, fun_00070005!pageBreakanimHow about forking over your fine
fun_00030011 for a clean,
even, mutually beneficial trade?fun_00050008
It's a deal!
You're crazy. |
| animNo dice, huh?fun_00010007anim I get it.delay Not too
many people would do that deal.pageBreakanimBut it's cool! We're still buds.delay
Looks like I'll just have to work for
my treasures.fun_00010007 animSorry I bothered you! |
| animSweet, fun_00080005!delay
You're the best!pageBreakanimAll right, let's do this trade! |
| animThanks, yo!delay This is great!
I owe you one,delay fun_00070005. |
| animButdelay you barely even thought about
itdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 I think you're missing out here.pageBreakanimOh well, delaythat's OK I guess.delay
See you around, delayfun_00070005! |
| animAll right!delay I knew you were gonna be
cool about trading.delayanim Let's do this! |
| animCool!delay I figured you'd know a good
deal when you saw one.delay
animThanks, delayfun_00070005! |
| animWait, whaaaah?!delay Not interested?pageBreakanimHeh.delay Well, I shoulda known it wasn't
gonna be that easy.pageBreakOK, well...delaymaybe next time things
will go differently, fun_00070005. |
| animSweeeet!delay You better not be foolin'.delay
animNo?delay OK then. Let's trade! |
| animGood things come to those who
waitdelay.delay.delay.delay animThat's obviously true!fun_00010007
animThanks, fun_00070005! |
| animGood things come to those who
waitdelay.delay.delay.delay animThat's obviously true!fun_00010007
animThanks, fun_00070005! |