Num | English |
002 | fun_001F000A |
003 | fun_001F000A |
004 | |
005 | fun_00000009 |
006 | fun_00000009 |
007 | fun_00020009 |
008 | |
009 | fun_00010009 |
010 | fun_00010009 |
011 | |
012 | fun_00020009 |
013 | fun_00020009 |
014 | animIt's really nice and warm in here.delay |
015 | animThis is the insect exhibit,delay but I guess |
016 | animIt's a good thing I'm not scared of |
017 | animThis place has every single bug out |
018 | |
019 | animIt's always warm in here,delay so it's the |
020 | I heard you can actually eat some |
021 | animI can't tell if that one bug over |
022 | animBugs are like the lobsters of the |
023 | animI love how warm it is in here!delay |
024 | There's a bug in here that I've had |
024 | There's a bug in here that I've had |