Num | English |
| animAfter taking my colormedicinecolor,delay my
appetite is back!delay What should I eat? |
| animfun_000B0007Ah!fun_00010007 Hey! That was only half a
sneeze!delay I must be getting better,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animThat colormedicinecolor you gave me worked
really well!delay I think I'll be better
before too long! |
| Now that fun_00000011 gave me that
colormedicinecolor,delay I think I'm going to be OK,delay
animSo I just need to eat some
fun_00130005 to build up my
strength,delay and I'll be right as rain! |
| animfun_000B0007Hey!delay My fever's gone!fun_00010007delay animBefore, delayyou
totally could have cooked a pancake
on my forehead!
animI don't think I'm totally out of the
woods yet though.delay I hope you come
check on me tomorrow. |
| animAfter taking some colormedicinecolor,delay I feel
a lot better.pageBreakanimI have a feeling this cold is going to
linger a little while longer though,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animAfter taking some colormedicinecolor,
I almost feel like I could eat a
whole meal,delay fun_00070005!
animI don't think I've completely kicked
this cold though,delay fun_00070005. |
| animThanks to you,delay I'm feeling a whole
lot better!fun_00010007anim But I think I still have
some recovering to do. |
| animWhew!delay I'm feeling a bit better since
fun_00000011 gave me some colormedicinecolor.delay
But I'm still not 100 percent yet.pageBreakfun_0008000E like the fun_00050005 town
nurse! |
| animI took my colormedicinecolor,delay so I guess all
I can do now is just take it easy
for today.
animGood thing I'm a pro at taking it
easy,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimThis cold's a real doozy, though.delay
I don't think I've seen the last of it,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animGo, colormedicinecolor!delay Do your thing!delay
Show that cold who's boss! |
| animUghdelay.delay.delay.delay I want to go play outside
soon,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakBut I think it'll still be some time
before I'm totally better.
| Thanks for that colormedicinecolor,
fun_00080005.delay animIt was really bitter,delay
so I'm sure it'll work welldelay.delay.delay.delay
Let's see how I feel tomorrow. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 gave me some colormedicinecolor
to help with my cold.fun_00010007 fun_0008000E so nice,delay
animI'll just have to wait and see
whether or not I'm totally cured,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 gave me some colormedicinecolor
to help with my cold.fun_00010007 fun_0008000E so nice,delay
animI'll just have to wait and see
whether or not I'm totally cured,delay
fun_00070005. |