Num | English |
| fun_0001000CanimYou're back!delay And it looks like you
were successful.fun_0002000Cfun_0006000Cfun_0009000C |
| fun_0001000CanimOh, good.delay I had a feeling you'd make
it back soon.fun_0002000Cfun_0006000Cfun_0009000C |
| fun_0001000CanimWhew!delay When you didn't come back,delay
I thought something bad might have
happened.fun_0002000Cfun_0006000Cfun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0008000Cfun_0002000CanimHey, fun_00010011. What's this about
you needing to see me?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0008000Cfun_0002000CWhat d'ya need,delay fun_00010011?delay It had
better be important to drag me all
the way over here.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0008000Cfun_0002000CanimSodelay what do ya want?delay You dragged
me over here for something.fun_0009000C |
| |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI just wanted to return your
fun_00030011 to you in
case you needed it for something.
animNext time I'll just take it to you
instead of making you come to me!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimOhhh.delay No problem.delayanim I didn't actually
have anything better to do,delay and I'm
glad I was able to help you out. |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimMy order from that enormous online
store arrived!delayanim Only I think they
included your order with mine.
animI thought you'd want it right away,delay
so I asked fun_00080005 to go get you.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimYeah?delay Awesome!delay animI've been wanting
my own fun_00030011 for
forever.delay So glad it's finally here!
animThanks for hooking a girl up with
that coupon code, fun_00070005.delay
I owe you one! |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI found an item of yours on the
ground near my house. delayI mean, delayI
think I've seen it in your house.
animAlthough I might have imagined it,delay
fun_00070005.delay I don't inspect all
your stuff or anything.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimWow, delayI can't believe you found my
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimYou've got some serious smarts
there,delay fun_00010011. |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimHi, fun_00010011.delay I'm conducting an
important survey about everyone's
tastes when it comes to food.
animSorry to bother you right now,delay but
I'm trying to wrap up my research
in time to get an article published.anim
animThe only question is: What flavors
do you like the best?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animWell,delay I like sweet stuff.delay And
creamy,delay buttery stuff.delay Sweet and
animBut I can't stand doofuses who try
to butter me up by being all sweet!delay
animI've got no respect for that.
animFeels good to get that out of my
system.delayanim I like sweet foods. |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI've been trying to figure out how
to bring a little more life to my
garden flowers.
animGot any advice for me,delay fun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimMore life,delay eh?delay Hmmdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007
animWell,delay first I'd tell you to give your
flowers plenty of food and water.
Second, flowers need to be pruned.delay
animThey need love and care just like
the rest of us.
animAnd if that doesn't work,delay you gotta
get right in their little flower faces
and yellanim "GROW FASTER!"
animI find a combination of all those
things works best. |
| |
| fun_0003000CanimSorry you got dragged into this,
fun_00080005.delay I'll see you both later.pageBreakfun_0005000CBe sure fun_00080005 gets a reward
for this.delayanimfun_0003000C All right,delay I'm out! |
| fun_0003000CAll right,delay I'm gone.delay Thanks for
coming to get me, fun_00080005.pageBreakfun_0005000CanimYou'd better give fun_00080005
something for acting as your
messenger.delayanim Later! |
| fun_0003000CanimWell,delay I'm done here.delay Sorry you got
sucked into this,delay fun_00080005.pageBreakfun_0005000Cfun_00010011,delay I leave the rest up to
you.delay animLater, fun_00070005! |
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