Num | English |
| animIf I were you, delayI'd be sure to walk
around with plenty of colorcandycolor today. |
| animI hear you can get something good
if you give colorcandy colorto colorJackcolor.fun_00010007anim He might
not be so easy to find,delay though. |
| animIf you give me some colorcandycolor,delay I'll share
some valuable information with you. |
| |
| |
| animTrick or treat!pageBreakanimIf you don't give me a piece of
colorcandycolor,delay I'll play a prank on you!fun_0005000F
Take it!
You can't have any! |
| |
| |
| |
| animHee hee!delay You weren't expecting
that,delay were you?fun_00010007 But may I offer
some advice?pageBreakanimYou'll have a lot more fun today if
you go talk to colorJackcolor! |
| animOh no,delay I'm sorry if I frightened you!delaypageBreakanimYou should talk to colorJackcolor too.delay Then
we can have fun together! |
| animYou're not mad, are you?fun_00010007anim Hee hee!delay
It's just part of the fun of
colorHalloweencolor! |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animPerfect!delay Now you fit right
in with today's festivities. |
| animYou should take a look at what
you're carrying.delay animYou might find that
something's changed. |
| animYou should check your pockets
later.fun_00010007 You might find a littledelay.delay.delay.anim
present from me! |
| animWhat?!delay I can't believe my prank
didn't work!pageBreakanimI guess you'll be getting off easy
today, delayfun_00070005. |
| |
| animHooray!delay animcolorJackcolor would be pleased if
I gave this to him.delay But this piece
is all mine! |
| animThank you very much!fun_00010007 animI assure you,delay
this is going toward a good cause. |
| animHee hee!delay I'm glad you know the drill
on colorHalloweencolor,delay fun_00070005. |
| animOK, delaynow I'm going to tell you a
secret about one of our neighbors
here in town. |
| |
| animfun_00010011 has a major
fun_00040012 phobia!pageBreakanimOr was it a fun_00030012
phobia?delay I can't remember which.delay
animYou'll have to figure it out yourself! |
| animfun_00010011 has a major
fun_00030012 phobia!pageBreakanimOr was it a fun_00040012
phobia?delay I can't remember which.delay
animYou'll have to figure it out yourself! |
| animI know someone who shivers
in fear at the sight of fun_0002000E
fun_00040012.pageBreakanimIt's fun_00010011.fun_00010007anim Or maybe it's
fun_00010011.delay I'm pretty sure it's
one of them.pageBreakanimI'm afraid I can't say any more
than that! |
| animI know someone who shivers
in fear at the sight of fun_0002000E
fun_00040012.pageBreakanimIt's fun_00010011.fun_00010007anim Or maybe it's
fun_00010011.delay I'm pretty sure it's
one of them.pageBreakanimI'm afraid I can't say any more
than that! |
| animI heard that fun_00010011delay and
fun_00010011delay are afraid of the same
thing.pageBreakanimI guess it's a more common fear
than I realized. |
| animI'm going to tell you exactly
what fun_00010011's afraid of!delayanimpageBreakThis one time,delay I showed fun_0008000E fun_0002000E
fun_00040012.delayanim fun_0008000E didn't
forgive me for days. |
| animfun_00010011 said to never show
fun_0008000E fun_0002000Efun_00040012!pageBreakdelayanimDon't let fun_0008000E know I told you that,
delay all right? |
| |
| animfun_000B0007Really?!delay You won't give me a treat?!fun_00010007
animOh,delay I see.delay animYou must be trying to
collect colorcandycolor too.pageBreakanimIn that case, delaylet's play a game!fun_00010007 If
you win,delay I'll give you my colorcandycolor.pageBreakanimBut if you losedelay.delay.delay.delay animI get to play a
prank on you! |
| animAwwdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess this means we're
both trying to collect colorcandycolor.pageBreakanimHey, I know!delay Why don't we play a
game together?fun_00010007 animIf you win,delay I'll give
you a piece of my colorcandycolor.pageBreakanimBut if you lose,delay animI have a surprise
for you. |
| animReady?fun_00010007 Then let's play animcolorrock-paper-
scissorscolor!fun_00120007 |
| animReady?fun_00010007 Then let's play animcolorcharadescolor!fun_00120007 |
| |
| animWell then,delay are you ready to accept
the penalty for losing?delay Here it
Take that!sizesizefun_00080007size |
| animWell, delayI'm sorry to have to do this,delay
butanim rules are rules.fun_00010007 Ready?pageBreakanimdelay
fun_000A0007sizeGot ya!fun_00080007size |
| animdelay.delay.delay.Aww. fun_00010007animOK,delay you won. delayHere's a piece
of my colorcandycolor. |
| animA promise is a promisedelay.delay.delay.delayanim
OK,delay here's a piece of my colorcandycolor. |
| animWait.delay Your pockets are already full!pageBreakanimThat's too bad.delay Since I can't give
you a prize, delaywe'll just pretend this
game never happened. |
| animI'm so disappointed.fun_00010007 animBut I'm sure
I'll win next time! |
| animAww.delay I didn't think I'd lose,
delayfun_00070005.delayanim But I guess there's
always next time! |
| animWhdelay-what?!fun_00010007 animSo you won't give me a
treat then?animpageBreakanimOh.delay You must be trying to collect
colorcandycolor as well.animpageBreakanimWait.delay I know! delayLet's play a game.delayanim If
you win,delay I'll give you a piece of my
colorcandycolor.pageBreakanimBut if you lose,delay animI have a little
surprise for you. |
| |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |