Num | English |
| fun_00070002fun_0000000DH-delayheydelay.delay.delay.
Whoa, delay'bout scared the pants off
me. delayfun_00050002Let's not do that again!pageBreakfun_00080002OK, delaylet's get to it.delay Thanks for, you
know, delayputting up with my kid
brother there. |
| fun_00070002fun_0000000DH-delayheydelay.delay.delay.
Whoa! delayWhat's up with the racket?delay
fun_00050002My achin' ears are gonna be ringin'
for hours after that!
fun_00080002OK, delayright, delaynice to meetcha,delay Mayor!pageBreakanimI'm delaycolorSonnycolor's big brother. delayName's
colorDoncolor.fun_00010007 fun_00080002Thanks for puttin' up with the
kid. delayI know what a pain he can be. |
| fun_00070002fun_0000000DH-delayheydelay.delay.delay.
Whoa! delayWho set off the alarm?delay fun_00050002It's
like being back in the control room
with no headphones or somethin'!
fun_00080002OK, delayso, right. delayPleased to meetcha!pageBreakanimThe name's delaycolorDoncolor. delayI'm colorSonnycolor's older
brother. fun_00010007fun_00080002Thanks for putting up with
the little twerp. delayI know it ain't easy. |
| animcolorSonnycolor's blood pressure delaygot a bit
higher than it shoulda, so delayfun_00020002he's sittin'
at home just takin' a load offdelay.delay.delay.
animAnd here I am delaytakin' care of things
for the family business.delay So let's just
get into it. delayAhem...
fun_0003000Efun_00000005, it looks like last time
you played, you quit without saving.
Wanna tell me what happened?fun_0006000F
I wanted to reset.
My batteries died.
I don't remember. |
| fun_00080002OK. delayHere we godelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 fun_00020002colorSonnycolor has delaythis
thingdelay fun_00060002where he yells and lectures
and gets all carried away.
animI'm sure it's caused some troubles
with folks, and for that delayfun_00050002I offer my
sincerest apologies.
animBut, ya know, delayand, yeah, this is
coming from his brother, delayhe ain't a
bad mole. delaySo give him a break, OK? |
| fun_00080002It's one thing to be passionate
about the job, delaybut he can be a bit
animinflexible, ya know? Yeah.delay
fun_00080002Tact ain't his strong suit. fun_00020002And that
mouth!delay A way with words he ain't
got.delayfun_00080002 Not much goin' for him...
animBut he's a good mole, delayso cut him
some slack, will ya? Do it for
ol' colorDoncolor. |
| fun_00040002Aw, delaywhere's my head? delayanimI don't take
care of business, then delayfun_00020002HQ's gonna
have to put me on a reportdelay.delay.delay.
animAll right, here goes nothin'.delay fun_00080002Ahem.
AHEM. delayMe-ma-mole.pageBreakanimUhdelay.delay.delay.delay fun_00020002colorResettin' colorfun_0000000Dain't no good.delay fun_00050002So, um,
don't do it, fun_00000005! fun_00020002We crystal?
Ya know, like clear?delay
fun_00050002fun_0000000DDo yourself a solid, and remember
what I just told ya.fun_00010007fun_00080002 Hmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Yeah, delayI
think that should cover it.
animNow if you don't mind, delayI gotta be
gettin' back. fun_00010007fun_00080002Be a good kid and
delaystay outta trouble! fun_00050002delaySee ya! |
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| fun_00080002Ah...delay The batteries ran out on ya,
huh?pageBreakanimI hate to trouble ya, pal,delay but do us
all a favor delayand charge those puppiesdelay
in advance, OK?
fun_00080002Thanks for your cooperation.delay fun_00050002Great.delay
Uh...see ya! |
| Hmm. delayYou don't rememberdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakfun_00080002I hear ya. I got some faulty memory
wiring upstairs too.delay Yup, it can be
a real headache some days...
Sorry to bug ya with this. animAll right.delay
See ya around! |
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