Num | English |
| animDo you know what a colortime capsule coloris,delay
fun_00080005?fun_00010007anim It's kind of like a
message for your future self.
Here's how it works.delay animYou put some
stuffdelay or a letterdelay in a capsule.delay Then
you bury the capsule in the ground.
animAfter some time has passed,delay
you dig up the capsule and collect
your loot!
animCoincidentally,delay I just made a time
capsule myself.delayanim But now I'm too
wiped out to do any digging.
fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delayanim would you do me a
huge favor and bury my colortime
capsule colorsomeplace in town?fun_0005000F
I can't. |
| animI just put together a colortime capsulecolor
with my most prized possession
inside.delay Now I just have to bury it!
animSaying good-bye to my stuff is
harder than I thought it would bedelay.delay.delay.delay
animI'm gonna miss it!delay I hope I don't cry.
I'm too bummed out to bury the
colortime capsulecolor right now.delay You have to
do it for me!fun_0005000F
I can't right now. |
| animGreat!delay I knew I could count on you! |
| animAwesome!delay Thanks!delay animHere's my time
capsule. |
| animThanks a bunch!delay Then here's my
time capsule! |
| animReally?delay That's too baddelay.delay.delay. |
| animThe time capsule is storeddelay where
you normally put your letters.delay Bury
it somewheredelay I won't find it.pageBreakanimI'd be really upset if you opened it
too,delay fun_00070005. |
| animYou know that time capsule I asked
you to bury?fun_00010007 Can I have it back?pageBreakIt's pretty obvious that you're never
going to get around to burying it,delay so
I'm just going to do it myself. |
| animfun_000B0007Whaaat?!delay You lost my
time capsule?! pageBreakanimAw, man!delay I spent forever making
that thingdelay.delay.delay. |
| animWait a sec! It's open!delay So you didn't
bury it,delay AND you opened it?delay
animI'm really disappointed in youdelay.delay.delay. |
| Did you just totally space on
burying the capsule, fun_00080005?delay
animWell,delay I guess I'll just do it myself. |
| animHuh?delay This isn't my time capsule! |
| animYay!delay It's my old pal, capsule! It's so
good to see you again!pageBreakanimWhat's this?!delay It's opendelay.delay.delay.delay Wait.delayanim Did
you open it, fun_00080005?pageBreakanimHow could you do something like
that?delay That's low,delay fun_00070005. |
| animHurray!delay It's my old pal, capsule!
It's so good to see you again!pageBreakanimHuh?delay Why is it empty?fun_00010007 animWait a
second.delay Was this your doing,
animAw, man!delay How could you do this
to my poor time capsule?delay Not cool! |
| animWoohoo!delay It's so good to see my
time capsule again!pageBreakanimI can't even remember what I put
in here.delay It's time to peek inside! |
| animYeah!delay My fun_00030011,delay
animaged to perfection!pageBreakanimfun_000B0007And there's a letter to go with it! |
| animI put fun_0002000Efun_00030011
in there?delay animWow, I totally forgot
about that!
animfun_000B0007And there's a letter in here!delay I
totally forgot about that too! |
| animfun_000B0007It's my fun_00030011!delay
animI never thought we'd see each other
animOh,delay and there's a letter in here
too,delay fun_00070005. |
| animThis is great stuff!delay animPast me
definitely had a way with words. |
| animAs my way of saying thanks,delay have
this, fun_00080005! |
| animOh, right!delay I almost forgot to give
you this thank-you present! |
| animI wanted to give you something,delay but
it looks like your pockets are full.delay
I'll just mail it to you,delay fun_00070005. |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
Next time I bury a time capsule,delay I'll
let you know,delay fun_00070005. |
| animUh...delayyou will give my time capsule
back,delay right? |
| animfun_000B0007Aw yeah!delay You found my time
capsule!fun_00010007 animYeah, I was thinking I might
dig it up soon myself,delay fun_00070005.
animWait a sec...delay It's open!delay animDid you open
it, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animHow could you?delay
That's so uncool,delay fun_00070005. |
| animfun_000B0007Aw yeah!delay You found my time
capsule!fun_00010007 animYeah, I was thinking I might
dig it up soon myself,delay fun_00070005.
animWait a sec...delay It's empty!delay animDid you do
this, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animMy poor time
capsule...delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005... |
| animfun_000B0007Yesss!delay You found my time capsule!fun_00010007
animWell, let's have a look inside! |
| animWow!delay My fun_00030011!delay
I totally remember this!delay And look!delay
There's a letter too! |
| animfun_000B0007Whoa!delay fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
I completely forgot about this!delay
animAnd there's a letter too!delay Nice! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
Awesome!delay It's a present from
past me!pageBreakanimOoh,delay and it looks like past me wrote
a letter too! |
| animA huh huh huh!delay Past me was a
really cool guy! |
| animOh, I have a present for you to say
thanks for finding my time capsule! |
| animfun_000B0007Oh, right!delay I have something for you
to say thanks!fun_00010007 animHere—take this. |
| animThanks, fun_00080005!delay If you hadn't
found it, delayI never would've seen
it again!pageBreakanimI have a present for you, but I'll
have it sent to your house. |
| animPromise me you'll take care of the
fun_00030011,delay OK,delay
fun_00070005? |
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| |
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| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
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| |
| animWhat were you thinking?delay You can't
open someone else's time capsule!delay
It's against the rules.
animUgh,delay just give it to me then,delay
fun_00070005. |
| animDon't do that again,delay fun_00080005. |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay This time capsule is empty!fun_00010007
animThis time capsule isn't even really a
time capsule,delay fun_00070005. |
| animWhat in the world?delay The time capsule
is opendelay AND empty?fun_00010007 animWhy did you
even bring this to me, fun_00080005? |
| animWhat in the world?delay The time capsule
is opendelay AND empty?fun_00010007 animWhy did you
even bring this to me, fun_00080005? |