Num | English |
| If you can retrieve colorat least colorcolorfun_00070004 itemscolor
from the sea before time runs out,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| If you two can retrievecolor colorcolorfun_00070004 itemscolor
from the sea before time runs out,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| If you sprouts can retrievecolor colorcolorfun_00070004 itemscolor
from the sea before time runs out,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
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| In this colorfree-divingcolor challenge,delay you'll
have colorfun_00070004 minutes colorto retrieve
valuable items from the sea. |
| If you retrieve colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor'
worth of items within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| If you two retrieve colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor'
worth of items within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| If you sprouts grab colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor'
worth of items within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
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| If you can retrieve colorat least colorcolorfun_00070004 colorin
colorfun_00070004 minutescolor,delay you'll be rewarded with
medals. |
| If you two can retrieve colorat least colorcolorfun_00070004
colorin colorfun_00070004 minutescolor,delay you'll be rewarded
with medals. |
| If you sprouts retrieve colorat least colorcolorfun_00070004
colorin colorfun_00070004 minutescolor,delay you'll be rewarded
with medals. |
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| That colorwet suitcolor you've got on will let
you hop straight into the ocean and
start swimming.
If you don't know how to swim just
yet,delay come see me later for a private
lesson! |
| Remember: your goal is to retrieve
at least colorfun_00070004 items colorfrom the sea! |
| Remember: your goal is to retrieve
at least colorfun_00070004 items colorfrom the sea! |
| Remember: your goal is to retrieve
at least colorfun_00070004 items colorfrom the sea! |
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| You want things that are valuable!delay
Your goal is to finddelay colorat leastcolor
colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor' worth of items. |
| You want things that are valuable!delay
Your goal is to finddelay colorat leastcolor
colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor' worth of items. |
| You want things that are valuable!delay
Your goal is to finddelay colorat leastcolor
colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor' worth of items. |
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| Work hard to find colorat least fun_00070004color
within the time limit! |
| Work hard to find colorat least fun_00070004color
within the time limit! |
| Work hard to find colorat least fun_00070004color
within the time limit! |
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| Well, I'll be... You did it!pageBreakBut don't stop now—the more you
find, the more medals you'll get as
a result! |
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| Well, I'll be... You did it!pageBreakBut don't stop now—the more
valuable items you find, the more
medals you'll get! |
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| Well, I'll be... You did it!pageBreakBut don't stop now—the more you
find, the more medals you'll end up
getting! |
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| To enter the water, just press
at the water's edge while wearing
your wet suit.
animOnce you're in the water, press delay
to swim in the direction you're
If you see the outline of an object
under the water, press delay to dive
down and grab it!
But watch out for jellyfish.
They'll sting you something fierce!
animHeh heh heh horf! |
| Just so you know—you can't take
home any of the items you find
while free diving.
It could damage other ecosystems!delay
I'm not sure how it works,delay but I'm
sure it's bad, so don't risk it! |
| As long as you didn't dive for it,delay
you can take home anything you
find here on the island!
If you're in need of tools,delay
go rent them from colorLloidcolor! |
| You found colorfun_00070004 colorof your target items! |
| You found colorfun_000B0004 Bellscolor'
worth of items! |
| Well, ain't that a cavity in the old
dentures? Looks like you came up
short of your goal. |
| animFor meeting your goal, you've
earned colorfun_00070004 colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
| Nice work! You've earned a
Bronze Tortimer award and
colorfun_00070004 colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
| Great job! You've earned a
Silver Tortimer award and
colorfun_00070004 colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
| INCREDIBLE! You've earned a
Gold Tortimer award and
colorfun_00070004 colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
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| Just as the name of this tour
implies,delay you're going to go
free diving for colorshellfishcolor! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going to go
free diving for colorcrabcolor!
colorHorsehair crabcolor, delaycolorred king crabcolor,
delaycolorsnow crabcolordelay.delay.delay.delay They're all fair game! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going to go free
diving for colorshrimpcolor and colorlobstercolor!
colorSpiny lobstercolor, delaycolorlobstercolor, delaycolortiger prawncolordelay.delay.delay.delay
If it's a shrimp or a lobster,delay I'd say
you're good to go!delay animHeh heh HORF! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going free diving
for colorgourmet ingredientscolor!
animcolorSpiny lobstercolor,delay colorabalonecolor,delay colorsea urchincolor,delay
colorhorsehair crabcolordelay.delay.delay.delay animThe sea is just
chock full of gourmet ingredients.
It's a veritable pantry of meals! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going to go
free diving for colorsea urchinscolor! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going to go
free diving for coloroctopusescolor! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going to go
free diving for colorgiant spider crabcolor!
animOh, the fabled colorgiant spider crabcolordelay.delay.delay.delay
animYou're gonna have to bring some
back for me! |
| Just as the name of the tour
implies,delay you're going to go
free diving for colorgiant spider crabcolor!
animOh, the fabled colorgiant spider crabcolordelay.delay.delay.delay
animYou're gonna have to bring some
back for me! |