Num | English |
002 | animYou didn't deliver that package to |
003 | animWait! Are you, delaylike, delayserious? delayYou |
004 | animWhat? delayYou weren't able to get that |
005 | animHey! You haven't delivered that |
006 | animYou, delaylike, delaytotally didn't take that |
007 | animI guess I just gotta do this kind of |
008 | animI'll have to gather up my courage |
009 | animGuess I'll just have to return this |
010 | animI'll just have to deliver this myself |
011 | animIt's SO tempting just to keep this |
012 | animSorry I even bothered you with the |
013 | animWhat?! delayYou opened the package?delay |
014 | animYou opened the package?!fun_00010007 animYeesh! |
015 | animWhat?! delayanimIt's been opened?fun_00010007 animBut I |
016 | animWhat?! delayYou went and opened it?delay |
017 | animHey! delayYou opened it?fun_00010007 animBut this didn't |
018 | animWhat?! delayYou opened the package?delay |
019 | animNo. delayWay. delayYou LOST it?delay animThat's so |
020 | animSay what?! You LOST it? delayanimYou have |
021 | animWHAT? You don't have it? delayBut |
022 | animNo way! You lost it? fun_00010007animBut that |
023 | animYou lost it? delayanimThat's terrible! |
024 | animWhat?! You don't have it? fun_00010007animBut |
024 | animWhat?! You don't have it? fun_00010007animBut |