Num | English |
| animIt's finally colorcolorToy Daycolorcolor today!fun_00010007 animSince
colorJingle coloris such a celebrity,delay I'm gonna
try to get his autograph. |
| animIt's finally colorcolorToy Daycolorcolor!delay animI hope colorJinglecolor
knows where my house is! |
| animMan, I love presents.delay I mean, I know
everyone likes presents,delay but I really
LOVE them. |
| animMy place is all cozy and toastydelay and
ready for some present-opening
action! |
| animIt's snowing out,delay so it's the perfect
colorcolorcolorToy Daycolorcolorcolor to just chill inside where
it's nice and warm. |
| animFreshly fallen snow makes getting
presents feel all the more special,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animIt's snowing really hard outdelay.delay.delay.delay
Hopefully colorJingle colorwill still be able to
make it to my place. |
| animLook at all the snow!delay It really gets
me in the colorToy Daycolor spirit. |
| |
| animBrrr!delay It's so cold,delay I can barely feel
my face!pageBreakanimButdelay I guess I shouldn't complain.
At least I don't have to work on
colorToy Daycolor like colorJingle colordoes! |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor!delay I've been waiting
all year for this day,delay fun_00070005! |
| animI don't know why,delay but fun_00050005
just feels more magical on colorToy Daycolor. |
| animWhat do you think colorJingle colorlikes to
eat, fun_00080005?pageBreakanimI'm guessing he'd probably like
something hot after spending all
that time in the cold. |
| animIt's finally colorToy Daycolor!delay I hope I score
lots of awesome loot! |
| animAwesome!delay It's colorToy Daycolor, and just
look at all this beautiful new snow!pageBreakanimIt's like an ice-cream sundaedelay with a
cherry on top! |
| animCheck out the awesome snow!delay
It's like the weather is getting into
the holiday spirit too, delayfun_00070005! |
| animBrrr! It's so cold today.delay Just look at
how hard it's snowing!delay We should be
careful not to get sick,delay fun_00080005.
animBeing sick on colorToy Daycolor would be
the absolute worst! |
| There's nothing better than
a snowy colorToy Daycolor,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimButdelay I hope this much snow doesn't
interfere with us getting our
presents! |
| |
| animWow, look at the time.delay What's colorJingle
colordoing?delay You don't think he forgot to
bring my present, do you? |
| animcolorJingle colorhasn't visited me yetdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animMaybedelay
my present is so big,delay it's slowing
him down or something. |
| animWhen is colorJingle colorgonna get to me?!delay
I want presents! |
| animWhat is up with your outfit?delay It's
kindadelay Santa-ishdelay but not completely
San-tastic! |
| animHuh?delay animYou've got a little bit of a
Santa look going on right now. |
| animfun_000A0007Whoa!delay Nice outfit, fun_00080005!delay
Way to celebrate the day!pageBreakBut, umdelay.delay.delay.have you seen colorJinglecolor?delay He's
usually passing out presents by now. |
| animWaaaaah!delay I hope colorJingle colorisn't
avoiding me! |
| animWhat if he lost my presentdelay while
flying over the ocean's deepest
animOr what if he fell into the holes
I dug around my house?!fun_00010007 animcolorJiiiiinglecolor, delay
why don't you liiiike meeeeee? |
| animOh, weird.delay At first I thought I saw
Santa,delay but I guess it's just you,
fun_00080005. |
| animHuh?delay animOh, delayit's just you, fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animFor a second there, I thought you
were Santa, delayfun_00070005. |
| animA huh huh huhdelay.delay.delay.delay I got a present from
Santa! |
| animA huh huh huh!delay Since I was SOOOO
good this year, I got a present. |
| animAwesome!delay I got just exactly what I
asked for, delayfun_00070005. |
| animI got a present!delay I actually wanted
something different,delay but I'm still
happy. |
| animA huh huh huh!delay I got a present from
SANTA this year!pageBreakanimBut it's not exactly what I asked
for.fun_00010007 animNext year, I'll have to be even
better! |
| animSanta didn't give me what I asked
for.delay animBut a present's a present!delay No
complaints from me! |
| Say,delay Santa!delay animWhere's colorJinglecolor the
reindeer?pageBreakanimIt just doesn't feel like colorcolorToy Daycolor
colorwithout him, delayfun_00070005. |
| Hey,delay Santa!delay animI'm pretty sure colorJingle
colorthe reindeer is looking for you.pageBreakanimHe's in town, sodelay find him quick!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, have you seen colorJinglecolor the
reindeer?fun_00010007 He hasn't started passing
out presents yet! |
| animHave you met colorJingle colorthe reindeer
yet,delay fun_00070005?pageBreakanimI'm pretty sure he's in town, sodelay
you should go meet him too,
fun_00080005! |
| animSanta?!delay But even colorJingle colorisn't here
yetdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI'm not sure if you're really Santa,delay
but you can still hang out with me
and eat snacks,delay if you want. |
| animOh, wow!delay SANTA,delay fun_00070005!delayanimdelay can't really be him.delay
After all, colorJinglecolor's not in town yet. |
| animfun_000A0007Hey!delay It's SANTA!delay animBut aren't you a
little early?delay And where's colorJinglecolor?delay
Something isn't right here. |
| animThanks, Santa!delay I'll take good care of
this present! |
| animThanks for my present, Santa!delay
I guess I was pretty nice this year! |
| animA huh huh!delay Thanks for the present!delay
animfun_000A0007Oh,delay I almost forgot I wanted to ask
you a question!
animIs it true your favorite food is
cookies?delay Or is it actually
animOh, I get it.delay It's a secret, huh? |
| animfun_000A0007Hey!delay It's Santa!pageBreakanimButdelay where's your sack? |
| animfun_000A0007Oh, wow!delay It's Santa!delay Awesome!pageBreakanimNot to sound greedy,delay but where's
my present? |
| animfun_000A0007Wow!delay It's Santa!delay In the flesh!delay
animYou're a little smaller than I
pictured you to be!
animHuh?delay And aren't you supposed to
be carrying a sack full of presents? |
| animYay!delay It's Santa!delay I'm so excited!fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Happy Toy Day! |
| animWow!delay It's Santa!delay animYou know, I've
been extra good this year!fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Happy Toy Day! |
| animfun_000A0007It's Santa!delay animI can't believe it's really
you!delay This is the most amazing day
of my life!fun_0005000F
Here's a present!
Happy Toy Day! |
| animYesssssss!delay It's Santa! delayI've been
waiting so long!fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Happy Toy Day! |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor to you too!delay
animUm, you know what I'm hoping for,
right? |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor to you too!delay animSo did
colorJingle colortell you what I wanted? |
| animB-delaybut whhhhhy? |
| animAwesome!delay I can't wait any longer!delay
I'm gonna take a look at what you
brought me! |
| animAwesome!delay Can I open it? |
| animYessssssss!delay Do you mind if I open
it right now? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011?pageBreakanimUmsizesizedelay.delay.delay.delay It's not exactly what I was
hoping fordelay.delay.delay.delay sizesizeanimBsizesizeut thanks anyway,
Santa. |
| animfun_000A0007fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
animSweeeeeeet!delay I delayreally, really wanted
this! |
| animfun_000A0007fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
animWow wow wow!delay I've wanted this
for so long! |
| animfun_000A0007fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
animI'm so happy!delay How did you know
exactly what I was wishing for? |
| animThanks a bunch, Santa! |
| animAwesome!delay Thanks! delayThis is proof
that there really is a Santa! |
| animThanks, Santa!delay Good luck with the
rest of your deliveries! |
| animThanks!delay A huh huh huhdelay.delay.delay.delay
Now I can finally go to bed. |
| animDid you forget your sack or
something?delay Did you maybe leave it
with colorJinglecolor the reindeer? |
| animDid you leave your sack somewhere,
Santa?pageBreakanimI bet it's with colorJinglecolor the reindeer. |
| animSanta!delay I'm glad you came back,delay
fun_00070005!delay So, ummmdelay.delay.delay.fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Um, about your gift... |
| animSanta!delay Is it finally my turn?fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Um, about your gift... |
| animSanta!delay You're working late, huh?fun_0005000F
Here's your present!
Um, about your gift... |
| animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay So you don't have a present
for me.fun_00010007 animBut I was so good this year! |
| animHappy colorToy Daycolor!delay Man, you look
really festive today! |
| animYou remind me of someonedelay.delay.delay.delay Or
maybe something.delay A tomato?delayanim |
| animThat's a pretty cool outfit you've
got on!delay I always did like that color.delay
It looks delicious. |
| animHope you're enjoying colorToy Daycolor
here in fun_00050005! |
| animDon't stay out too late,delay or you
might miss getting your present! |
| animcolorToy Daycolor is the happiest day of
the year, delayfun_00070005! |
| |
| |