Num | English |
| animHappy New Year,delay fun_00080005! |
| |
| animThere's less than an hour left until
midnight! delayDo you know what that
means, delayfun_00080005?
Exactly!delayanim I'm running out of time to
complete last year's resolution! |
| animOne of my New Year's resolutions is
to keep telling people I'm 5 years
younger than I actually am. |
| animSodelay was fun_00000004 a good year for
you, delayfun_00080005? delayAny favorite
animI think I'm about to create the best
memory of the year at tonight's
party.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAhhhdelay.delay.delay.delayso sleepy. delayOh!animdelay What am I
doing? delayThe big countdown is less
than 30 minutes away!
animTime to wake up, delayfun_00010005!delay
animYou're still a young fun_001F0005 who
can party with the best of them. |
| animAh, delayfun_00000004.delay My New Year's
resolution was to learn to cook
And I did,delay in the first week of the
year. animdelayMaybe I should set my sights a
little higher this year. |
| animIsn't it exciting staying up this late?delay
What are you going to do at
midnight?delayanim I'm going to scream! |
| Oh, delayfun_00070005! delayanimLess than 5
minutes left! delayMy heart is racing! |
| animWell, delayhere we are,delay less than 5
minutes from celebrating New
Year's Eve together.anim delaySo weird! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, I can't believe
fun_00000004 is almost overdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animAre you ready for the new year?fun_00080007 |
| animLess than 1 minute to go! delayMy
heart is aflutterdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00080007 |
| animI know most of fun_00050005 is out
celebrating,delay but I prefer to ring in
the new year in my own home.
It's just a bit cozier here than animout in
the cold, delaydon't you think?delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay it's been quite a
year.delayanim Good memories, good friends.delay
animHa!delay You didn't think I was serious,delay
did you, delayfun_00080005? delayYou're one of
my best friends. |
| Less than an hour to godelay.delay.delay.delayand here I
am relaxing at home. delayanimIt's exactly
what I wanted.
Are you heading out into the cold
with everyone else in fun_00050005?delay
animBrrr! delayIt's just too chilly for me. |
| animIt's hard to believe that fun_00000004 is
coming to an end. fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimOne of my New Year's resolutions is
to have even more fun next year.delay
Are you with me,delay fun_00080005? |
| animThe excitement of New Year's Eve
always makes it hard to sleep.pageBreakWell, delayanimpeople shooting off fireworks
and blasting heavy metal also has
something to do with it. |
| fun_0003000Efun_00070005,anim delayI can't imagine
standing out in the cold until
animEven with less than 30 minutes left,delay
I'd rather stay warm and cozy in
here. |
| animLess than 5 minutes to go! delayanimBetter
hurry if you're going to come up
with a resolution, fun_00080005. |
| animOnly a few minutes left in fun_00000004delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animMaybe I'll give myself a quick
mani-pedi to start the new year off
right.fun_00010007 animOh! delayThere's no time! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00070005, it's almost midnight!fun_00080007 |
| animIt's really sinking indelay.delay.delay.delaythat fun_00000004 is
almost over!fun_00080007 |
| animLooking good,delay fun_00080005. animdelayIsn't it
fun to get into the spirit of the
big countdown? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay Looks like you're
ready to party.pageBreakanimWell, delayas you can see, delayI too am ready
to party. animdelayHa! |
| animOh, delayfun_00080005, delayyou aren't dressed
for the occasion. delayDon't worry—animdelay
there's still time to get ready.
animI'm sure you can find a festive New
Year's hat somewhere in
fun_00050005. delayEven at the last minute! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005, delaywhat do you think of
my new hat? delayIs it festive enough?pageBreakanimSorry. delayI can't tell you where I got it.delay
animWe can't show up to the big
countdown all matchy-matchy. |
| animGoing all out for the big countdown,delay
eh, fun_00080005?delay Looking good! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00070005, that's the spirit!
Where'd you get such a cool hat? |
| animDon't you think you should dress up
a little for the big countdown? delayAt
least put on a fun hat or something.
animYou're going to feel pretty silly if
you're the only one in fun_00050005
without a hat! |
| animAttention:delay there are less than 30
shopping minutes remaining in
animSo if you want to pick up a special
hat for the occasion, delayyou better get
on that. |
| |
| animOh!delay I didn't know the fireworks
would be this beautiful. delayanimWhat an
amazing show! |
| animThese fireworks remind me of
myself. delayanimBrilliant, delaystunning, delayand
inspirational. fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, I want to shine as
brightly as these fireworks in the
new year.
animBut I don't want to burn out and fall
to the ground.delay That's a scary
thought! |
| animAhhdelay.delay.delay.delaybrilliant fireworks against the
crisp, delayclear winter sky.anim delayWhat a
show! |
| animOne of my New Year's resolutions is
to live a rich and full life.pageBreakJust kidding.anim delayIt's to buy a new outfit
every week. |
| animAre you too excited to sleep?delay Me
too! fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakWait. delayWhat time is it? fun_00010007Oh no! delayanimI didn't
want to stay up THIS late.delay I better
get to bed,delay and you should too. |
| Here's to a great fun_00000004.anim delayCheers,delay
fun_00080005! |
| animWhat? delayYou're still awake? delayOh,delay
fun_00080005, delayit's definitely time for
animI knowdelay.delay.delay.delay I should listen to my own
advice. |
| |
| |
| animIf you want to see the fireworks,delay
you better head outside,delay
I think I'm going to stay in.animdelay It's too
cold! delayanimMy chattering bones would be
louder than the fireworks. |
| animYou know there are fireworks going
on outside, delayright,delay fun_00080005?pageBreakanimI mean,delay it's fun hanging out with you
here, delaybut I want to make sure you
don't miss out. |
| animTake my advice,delay fun_00080005: delaydon't
stay up too late tonight.pageBreakIf you want to get the new year off
to a good start,anim delayit's better to be
well rested. |
| animAren't you going to go watch the
fireworks? delayThey aren't going to last
all night, delayyou know.
At leastanimdelay.delay.delay.delaythey better not! |
| animAll right,delay fun_00080005, delayI'm not your
mother, delaybut it's WAY past your
animDon't you want to start the new
year off with a good night of sleep? |
| animIf you haven't already wished
everyone in fun_00050005 a happy
New Year, time's running out.
animI'm not trying to kick you out or
anythingdelay.delay.delay.delaybut at the same timeanimdelay.delay.delay.delayget
out. |
| animYou're still awake? delayI thought I was
the only real night fun_001F0005
around here. |
| animIt's been fun hanging out tonight,delay
fun_00080005, delaybut I hope you're not
just staying up for my sake.
animBecause when tomorrow morning
rolls arounddelay.delay.delay.delay Waitanimdelay.delay.delay.delayit's already
tomorrow morning!
animTomorrow is today! delayAhhh! delayThis is
confusing.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayI need to
go to sleep. |
| |
| |
| animI see you're ready for the big
countdown. delayLooking good! |
| animAw, delayyou got all dressed up. delayThat's
so cute. |
| animLess than an hour until midnight,delay
fun_00080005. delayanimBetter go get readydelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animIn fun_00050005, delayit's a tradition to get
dressed up for New Year's Eve.delay animSodelay
what are you waiting for? |
| animAll right, delaynow we're both ready for
the big party.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005, animdelaythis is
gonna be fun! |
| animHey, fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delay You know we all
wear hats to celebrate New Year's
Eve here in fun_00050005, delayright? |
| animThat's the spirit. delaySay it with me:delay
fun_00070005! |
| animAttafun_0006000E, delayfun_00080005! delayGood to see
you all decked out for the big
countdown. |
| animIs it that time already? |
| Less than half an hour to godelay.delay.delay.delayanim It's
now or never if you want to dress
up! |
| I can still party with the best of
them. delayanimfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay let's do this! |
| All right, animdelayI'm ready! delayanimHey, delaywhere's
your hat, delayfun_00080005? |
| All right, animdelayI'm ready! delayanimHey, delaywhere's
your hat, delayfun_00080005? |