
Script : [Lazy] BO_ApB_Request

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Hey,delayanim did you know gettingdelay fun_0002000E
fun_00060011 could boost
our town coolness by 347 percent?
animOK,delay so that number isn't exactly
based in delay"facts,"delay but getting one
WOULD be great for fun_00050005.
animSo think it over, will you?delay In the
meantime, I'll mention it to
colorIsabelle colortoo,delay fun_00070005.fun_0000000D


Hey, I had an idea.delay animHow about
commissioning fun_0002000E
fun_00060011 in town?!
animI'm sure everyone would love it.delay
animIncluding you, fun_00080005.delay
Will you think about it? Please?fun_0000000D


Last night, I dreamed there wasdelay
fun_0002000Efun_00060011 in town.delay
animNow I can't stop thinking about itdelay.delay.delay.delay
animSo, fun_00080005, would it be possible
to make my dream come true?fun_00010007
Promise me you'll consider it.
While you're thinking it over,delay I'll tell
colorIsabelle colorabout it.fun_0000000D


animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Do you get the feeling that
something is missing in this town?fun_00010007
animOh, I know what we need!
animIf you agreed to it, we could put
one right here!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
I'll mention this toanim colorIsabelle colortoo, so
just think about it, OK?fun_0000000D


animYesterday on TV,delay I saw an ad for a
sweet fun_00060011.pageBreakanimI thought, hey,delay my town could use
one of these too, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimSo, fun_00080005,delay how about using
some of your municipal authority
to commission one?!pageBreakI'll let colorIsabelle colorknow too!fun_0000000D


animYesterday on TV,delay I saw an ad for a
sweet fun_00060011.pageBreakanimI thought, hey,delay my town could use
one of these too, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimSo, fun_00080005,delay how about using
some of your municipal authority
to commission one?!pageBreakI'll let colorIsabelle colorknow too!fun_0000000D


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