Num | English |
| animI made some fun_00100005
today,delay but it felt like there was
something missingdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animI made some fun_00130005
today, delaybut it felt like there was
something missingdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_00020009 |
| animMaybe what it needs is some
fun_001A0005 juice.fun_00010007 animHow much do
you think I should add?fun_000A0008
A lot
A little |
| animMaybe I'm just serving it at the
wrong temperature.delay animBut what
temperature should I serve it at?!fun_000A0008
Piping hot
Stone cold |
| animMaybe it could use a little extra
flavor.anim What should I add?!fun_00020008
Love. |
| animOh!delay Maybe it just needs to be
served with the right drink!fun_00010007 animWhich
drink would go best, fun_00080005?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_000E0005. |
| fun_00020009 |
| animYeah!delay I think you're right!delay Thanks. |
| animThat's a great idea!delay animThat should
really bring out the natural flavor! |
| animGreat idea!delay It'll be delicious next
time for sure,delay fun_00070005! |
| animYeah,delay that makes sense.delay Thank you
so much for the advice! |
| fun_00000009 |
| animHmm.delay animI won't know until I try it,delay
but that could work,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animThat's an interesting
idea!delay I'm going to try it out. |
| fun_00000009 |
| animI think you're right!fun_00010007anim Thanks for
the great advice! |
| animThat makes perfect sense!animdelay In fact,delay
I think I remember reading that in a
book somewhere. |
| animYou're right, of course!delayanim Putting your
heart and soul into something
always makes it better! |
| |
| |
| animSo,delay on a scale from great to blah,delay
how are you doing these days,
Blah |
| animOh, good!delay I'm glad to hear it!fun_00010007
animYou know,delay I saw an interesting
personality quiz in a magazine.
animIt uses your answers to provide
advice on how to be happier!fun_00010007
animWant to try it? |
| animOh!delay Really?fun_00010007anim You know,delay I saw an
interesting personality quiz in a
animIt uses your answers to provide
advice on how to be happier!fun_00010007
animWant to try it?anim |
| animOh no!delay Are you all right?!fun_00010007
animWe have to think of a way to make
things better for you, fun_00080005! |
| animAll right,delay please answer three
questions for me.pageBreakHere's the first one:delay
What kind of weather do you like?fun_00020008
Stormy. |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| animI see.delay animOK, second questiondelay.delay.delay.delay
Which drink sounds good to you
right now?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_000E0005. |
| animI see.delay animOK, second questiondelay.delay.delay.delay
What kind of music do you feel like
listening to right now?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_00140005. |
| animI see.delay animOK, second questiondelay.delay.delay.delay
animHow would you describe
Kind of creepy. |
| animI see.delay animOK, second questiondelay.delay.delay.delay
animWhich of the following topics
concerns you the most?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's hair.
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's clothes.
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's jokes.
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's future. |
| |
| animVery interestingdelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd here's the
last question.delay In which season were
you born?fun_00020008
Winter. |
| animVery interestingdelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd here's the
last question.delay Which drink sounds
best to you right now?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_000E0005. |
| animVery interestingdelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd here's the
last question.delay What kind of music do
you feel like listening to right now?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_00140005. |
| animVery interestingdelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd here's the
last question.delay How would you
describe fun_00040005?fun_00020008
Kind of creepy. |
| animVery interestingdelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd here's the
last question.delay Which of the following
topics concerns you the most?fun_00020008
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's hair.
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's clothes.
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's jokes.
fun_0003000Efun_00040005's future. |
| animI see!delay animThanks for responding to all
the questions.pageBreakAccording to your answers,delay you only
need one thing to be truly happy.delay
And that'sdelay.delay.delay.animfun_0002000Efun_000F0005!
animIsn't this quiz amazing?delay It's just so
insightful! |
| animI see!delay animThanks for responding to all
the questions.delay According to your
What you need to achieve lasting
happiness is a book called
animI haven't read that book myself,delay but
I trust this magazine's advice. |
| animI see!delay animThanks for responding to all
the questions.pageBreakAccording to your answers,delay you only
need one thing to be truly happy.delay
And that'sdelay.delay.delay.animfun_00100005!
animEven if it's temporary,delay fleeting
happiness is better than none! |
| animI see!delay animThanks for responding to all
the questions.pageBreakAccording to your answers, here's
what you should to do to attain
animDedicate yourself to the art of
fun_00120005!fun_00010007anim Wow,delay this
advice is so spot on,delay it's scary! |
| animI hope that quiz was as fun for you
as it was for me.delay And I hope that
advice helps! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animHey, can I get your opinion on
something, fun_00080005?delay Which snack
do you think best represents me?fun_000A0008
Chocolate |
| animReally?delay animDoes that mean you think
I'm hard and brittle?delay I had no idea
you felt that way,delay fun_00070005. |
| animOh!delay So you think I'm a crisp,
decisive individual.delayanim Nice! |
| animSo you're sayingdelay I'm sweet AND
strong.fun_00010007 animThat's the best of both
worlds! |
| animBut what kind of chocolate are you
thinking?delay Not the dark,delay bitter
kind,delay I hope! |
| animI'm surprised you'd say that.delay
animI mean,delay I'm not always so sweet to
everyone around me.delayanim |
| |
| |
| animI just read that the type of flower
you prefer is a reflection of your
animWould you like to try it out?fun_00050008
No, thanks. |
| animGreat!fun_00010007 So, of the following flowers,delay
which is your favorite?fun_00020008
Dandelion. |
| animOh, delayOKdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess not everyone
likes flowers.delayanim Or learning about
themselves. |
| animWow, really? delayanimSunflowers
represent optimism and loyalty,delay
animThat's great,delay because you can
accomplish anything with a positive
attitude and hard work! |
| animVeeeeery interesting.delay animDaisies signifydelay
innocence and hope.fun_00010007 animYou must be
pretty optimistic, fun_00080005!delayanim |
| animNice!delay Chrysanthemums represent
good cheer and friendship.delay animIn other
words, delayanimyou treat your friends well.
animBut it's not like you needed a
flower to tell you that, delayfun_00080005!anim |
| animHuh.delay Dandelions represent strength
through adversity.pageBreakanimI hope that doesn't mean something
is troubling you.pageBreakanimDon't hesitate to talk to me if you
have something on your mind!anim |
| animWhat do you think?delay I bet you didn't
know flowers could tell you all that! |
| animWhat do you think?delay I bet you didn't
know flowers could tell you all that! |