
Script : [Characters] NPC_Uomasa_Fish

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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You know, delayanimpale chubs make good
tempura if you're up for it.delay Oooh, or
you can marinate 'em!delay
animBut I'm not all that fussy about
fishies. delayI'm happy to scarf down all
I can!fun_00010007 animYUM YUM!


Hey, you know what?delay animCrucian carps
are rather fantastic in a sweet stew.delaypageBreakanimButdelay I'm not picky. delayI'll just eat 'em
raw if that's all there is!fun_00010007 animYUM YUM!


All a dace needs delayanimis a little salt and
pepper and maybe a few minutes
on the grill to get it just right.delay
animBut I'm just gonna go ahead
and eat this guy raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Barbel steed, right?delay animYup, they got
tons of little bones, but they make
great tempura if you know the trick!delay
animI mean, delayI'm just going to eat it raw,
delaybut it's something to think about!fun_00010007
animYUM YUM!


You know what carp are good for?delay
animTwo simple words, my friend:delay
chilled sashimi. Oh, goodness yes.delay
animNot that I have time for that, of
course!delay Down the hatch it goes!fun_00010007


Now for koi.delay animI guess most people
don't really eat 'em,delay but they're
real good in a nice stew.delay
animBut I'm not most people, so I have
no problem just eatin' them up.
I'll even have 'em raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


You know, delayanimI'm pretty good when it
comes to scooping goldfish,delay if I do
say so myself. And I do.delay
animOKdelay.delay.delay.delay Umm,delay hey, close your eyes for
a second or two, would ya?fun_00010007 animYUM!


You know what's tough? delayanimScooping
up pop-eyed goldfish!delay It's almost
impossible if you're not a wizard!delay
animErmdelay.delay.delay.delay Uh.delay Hey, look over there!
I think I saw one of those wizards!fun_00010007
animOH, YUM YUM!


I'll tell you something else I'm good
at:delay animeating killifish by the bucketful!delay
animDefinitely not for amateurs, though!delay
anim.delay.delay.delayAnd with that,delay animdown the hatch!


Tell you what: delayanimif you boil crawfish
in some salt water, delayyou've got
yourself quite a tasty meal.delay
animMe, delayI got no trepidations 'bout
eating 'em raw. Well, here goes!fun_00010007
animYUM YUM!


You know,delay the soft-shelled turtles
here in town are really tasty!pageBreakanimTrust me; an expert angler like
myself always knows!delay animOK, time
to eat!fun_00010007 animYUM!


animTadpoles are something my mom
used to make for us as a snack for
watching home movies.
animThey're not bad!delay Sort of like a kinda
beaver-only popcorn!delay animNyuk nyuk!delay
anim.delay.delay.delayAnyway, animbottoms up!


Now frogs, they're some pretty
tasty little snacks.delay animGet some fried
frog legs and that's a meal!
animI don't have time to fry this little
guy up though,delay animso it's time to make
do with what we've got.fun_00010007 animYUM YUM!


Can't go wrong with freshwater
goby, no, sir.delay animBoil it, fry it... Doesn't
matter!delay Best in a soup, though.delay
animOr, delayyou know, delayjust eat 'em raw like
I do! That's how real fishers do it!fun_00010007
animOH YES, YUM!


That reminds me. delayanimLoach stew with
veggies makes for a mean meal!delay
Er, assuming you eat your veggies.
animI mean, delayI'm just gonna go for raw
myself!delay You know me!fun_00010007 animYUM!


If it's catfish we're talking about,delay
animyou have to do tempura.delay Have to.
No way around that, no, sir.
delayanimI mean, delayI'm just gonna go ahead
and eat it raw, but you know...
Oh well.fun_00010007 animMmmm. YUM!


Now an eel—delayanimyou're gonna wannadelay
grill that guy, maybe with a bit of
lemon and pepper for added flavor.delay
animButdelay raw does just as welldelay in a
pinch! I mean, how often do you find
yourself at a grill?fun_00010007 animYUM!


Hey, listen. delayanimI recommend frying
giant snakeheaddelay in peanut oil.
Delish! You can't beat that idea!delay
animOK, well, me,delay I'm just gonna scarf
it down raw, of course! You still get
the picture, though.fun_00010007 animYUM!


Bluegills delayanimare definitely the sort of
fish you wanna deep fry. delayNo doubt!
With some warm bread on the side...delay
animOr, delayyou know, delayjust slurp 'em down
raw like I do. fun_00010007animYUM!


There's only one thing that beats
fried yellow perch—delayanimfried yellow
perch with pickles!delay
animButdelay you know, raw is good too.
delayI'm not picky!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Well, if you're curious, delayanimblack bass is
really great fried,delay but cook it up à la
meunière sometime! Tasty stuff!delay
animFor me, delayI'll just be eating this guy
as is, if you get my drift.fun_00010007 animYUM!


Well now, with pike, delayanimfrying works
quite well.delay But you'd also do good
to turn 'em into fish sticks!delay
animRight now, though, I'll just snack
on this guy as is, all natural!fun_00010007
animYUM and YUM!


Ya know, with pond smelt,delay animdeep
frying 'em is tasty. But grilling 'em
up right is pretty good too!delay
animNot that I mind having this guy raw.
Nope, not me! Happy to!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Know what? delayanimGrilled sweetfish over
a campfire is probably one of my
absolute favorite things ever.delay
animCome to think of it, delayraw sweetfish
is one of my favorite things too!fun_00010007


Tell you what. delayanimYou can't beat cherry
salmon fried up and salted, maybe
with a dinner roll on the side.delay
animNot that I mind 'em raw either.
delayAnything goes when it comes to
eating fish!fun_00010007 animYUM!


I really can't think of anything that's
better animthan char fried up perfectly.delay
And the bigger the better, right?delay
animStill, eating 'em raw doesn't turn
me off to them one bit!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Thing is, rainbow troutdelay animsalted and
grilled is golden, delaybut meunière
works just as well in a pinch.
animOh, delayand there's always raw.
Can't go wrong with raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


For stringfish,delay animsaltin' and grillin' 'em
works great.delay And you know, fried or
meunière ain't bad options either.
animBut delayanimit'd be a bad idea to munch
this guy right here.delay animI mean, it IS a
phantom fishdelay.delay.delay.


Now for salmon,delay animstew 'em, grill 'em,
steam 'em, smoke 'em... animDoesn't
really matter what you do. Tasty!delay
Though...the absolute best methoddelay
is to freeze and pickle 'em. Ever had
pickled salmon? So good!delay
animRight now,delay I'll just go ahead and
scarf this guy downdelay raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now with king salmon,delay animyou've got
to sauté it, delayno question! I mean, how
else could you really eat it?delay
animWell, there is raw, ya know...
When you're pressed for time or
just really hungry.fun_00010007 animYUM!


When you boil a mitten crab, delayanimthe
tastiest part is the eggs!delay Ever had
crab eggs? Quite gravy!delay
animThink I'll just help myself to this guy
delayraw, though!fun_00010007 animYUM!


I like to eat my guppies in bunches!delay
animPop 'em in 10 at a time!delay animThat's
a big no go for amateurs, though.delay
animBut do I look like an amateur?
No, sir! animDown the hatch!


Nibble fish.delay animThose are fantastic if
you know how to cook 'em!delayanim But you
gotta know what you're doing!delay
animA poorly cooked fish is just a sad
thing to see. animOh well.delay animDown it goes!


I've never tried it,delay animbut I'll bet dried
angelfish tastes pretty close to
jerky. Just a theory, of course.
animRight now I'm just gonna eat it raw
to save myself some time.fun_00010007 animYUM!


Man, those neon tetras,delay animI could eat
these while juggling chainsaws.delay
animIt's a bit risky for amateurs though.delay
animCome to think of it,delay I have no idea
why I'd want to juggle chainsaws
while trying to eatdelay.delay.delay.delay
Oh well,delay animdown the hatch for you!


So get this: delayanimpiranhas are pretty darn
tasty.delay animBut they're NOT actually that
mean and vicious!
delayanim.delay.delay.delayIt's just a sad reputation they got
somewhere along the line.delay But me?delay
animI'm pretty vicious!delay animBottoms up!


Now arowana,delay animthat'll makedelay for some
fine sashimi! You know how to make
good sashimi? No? You should learn!
delayanimWell,delay I'm just gonna scarf it raw,
as you'd expect. Here goes!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now dorado,delay animthat's a fish delayyou will
really want to fry. Most definitely,
frying is the best way to cook it.delay
animThat said, delaythere's nothing wrong
with raw either. No, sir!fun_00010007 animYUM!


By the by, my fisher friend, delayanimfrying
gar is certainly the best way to eat
it when it's lunch or dinnertime.
delayanimThough delayit works pretty well if I
delayjust swallow it whole too!
No wrong way for fish!fun_00010007 animYUM!


I wonder...delay animHow many people does a
whole arapaima feed, anyway?delay Just
look at the size of it!
animHeck, delayeven I can't down this in one
go, even if I wanted to! Which I DO!


I wonder...delay Do you think saddled
bichir are good as a snack?delaypageBreakanimHey now, delayeven I don't have the gutsdelay
to just gulp this guy down.


When it comes to sea butterflies,delay
animyou don't need a net or nothing.delay
animNope, just a pole!delay animNyuk nyuk nyuk!
anim.delay.delay.delayOK,delay animdown it goes!


Let's talk sea horses.delay animThey're...
not the most attractive.delaypageBreakanimAmdelay I still gonna eat one?delay Of course
I am! C'mon! animBottoms up!


I've heard clown fishdelay animgo great grilled
up with salt, but I've never had the
chance to try them.
animMaybe it's because I'm too quick to
just munch 'em raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Surgeonfish, right?delayanim It's got a real
distinct stench to it, all stinky and
so on. Assaults the nostrils!delay
animI-delayI mean...delayI'm still gonna eat it.
Of course I am!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now with a butterfly fish, delayanimyou want
to salt and then grill that guy
right up.delay
animI'm not that picky, of course,delay so I'm
just gonna scarf it raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now Napoleonfish,delay animthose are really
made to be sautéed with garlic.delaypageBreakanimBut delayI'll just eat this guy raw. delayYou
know, whatever works fine for me
when it comes to fish!fun_00010007 animYUM!


If you want a treat,delay animdeep fry a zebra
turkeyfish! You never tried that?
Frying works great for most fish!delay
animAs for this guydelay, well, eating it raw
doesn't bother me one bit!fun_00010007 animYUM!


OK, with the blowfish...delayanim Well they
are tasty.delay animBut ONLY to an expert
fish connoisseur like myself.
animAnd be careful only to eat 'em if
you know how to prepare 'em!delay
animVery dangerous otherwise.
animSince this isn't my first rodeo,delay I've
got no problem munching this little
guy in one bite!fun_00010007 animYUUUUM!


You know, puffer fish CAN be
eaten,delay animbut you better know what
you're doing,delay like me!
animNo amateurs on this one!delay Luckily, I
am no amateur!delay animTime for ol' colorChipcolor
to snack!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Horse mackerel, man,delay animthose guys
are tasty with a capital MMMM.delaypageBreakanimSo delayI'm just gonna scarf this one
down. Totally raw, of course!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now, you can alwaysanim stew or grill a
barred knifejaw.delay Now that I think of
it, it's also not too bad as sushi!delay
animCourse,delay I'll just be eating it raw.
delayYup, fresh and flopping!fun_00010007 animYUM!


I must say, when it comes down to
it, delayanimsea bass are delicious,delay no matter
how you prepare them.delay
animAnd hey, delaythey're pretty good delayeven if
you don't do anything to 'em!fun_00010007 animYUM!


You know, you really cannot go
wrongdelay animwith red snapper. delayOh, hey,
try throwing them in a casserole!delay
animI mean, delayI'm just gonna eat this raw,
delaybut it's something to think about
when you're making dinner!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Dab are really versatiledelay snack fish.
animStewed, grilled, fried... All good!delay
animBut sashimi is easily the best.delay
Course, I'm perfectly happy to just
swallow 'em whole! It's my nature,
you know?fun_00010007 animYUM!


Olive flounder—delayanimBOY, are they tasty!delaypageBreakanimIn fact,delay I'm just gonna go ahead and
scarf this guy down right this very
second! I can hardly wait!fun_00010007 animYUM!


A great thing to try with a squidanim is
drying it overnight. Delicious, even
with all those tentacles and suckers!delay
animNot that I have the patience to wait
that long, of course. I'm getting the
urge to snack!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now, for your moray eels,delay animgrilling or
tempura batter work well,delay but for a
real treat,anim dry 'em overnight!delay
animCourse,delay you know me!delay I don't have
that kind of patience!fun_00010007 animYUM!


I hear ribbon eeldelay animmakes for some
really great delaytempura! Ever try that?delaypageBreakanimI mean, delayI'm just gonna eat this guy
as is. Patience? What's that?fun_00010007 animYUM!


Football fishanim are really great in a
rich stew or just deep fried. Man,delay
either way, they're delicious!delay
animNot that anything will keep me from
just eating this guy raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Tuna is great!delay animGrilled, deep fried,
delayeven pickled!delay My favoriteanim has to be
sushi, though. Yes, definitely.delay
animBut delayI'm perfectly happy eating
this guy totally raw!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Of course, delayanimblue marlin are a bit too
big to grill in just one piece. Unless
you're experienced like me.delay
animWell,delay I think I'm just gonna tuck into
this guy, no preparation needed!
Behold my fish-eating skill!fun_00010007 animYUM!


With giant trevally, anything goes!delay
animSashimi, delaygrilled, delayfried... delayIt's all animtasty!
Maybe even smoked in a sandwich!delay
animCourse I'll just be eating this guy as
is.delay No reservations here!fun_00010007 animYUM!


When you're talking rays,delay animstewing or
deep frying is OK, but sashimi is
totally where it's at!delay
animOf course, I'm just eating this fishy
the way nature cooked him: RAW!
Nyuk nyuk nyuk!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Let's see. The best way to cook an
ocean sunfishanim is definitely tempura.delay
Has to be! Tempura always works!
delayanimHeck, swallowing this guy in a single
gulp is pretty much off the table,
even for me. Bummer!


animI like hammerhead sharks,delay but I'll
tell you,delay eating 'em just isn't an
option for ol' colorChipcolor.
animHmm.delay Yup,delay looks like this is a good
example of "catch and release."delay
Except I can't give it back.delay Nyuk!


The thing about sharks is,anim they just
go really well either fried or dried!
Nice and simple like that!delay
animYeah, even I'm not gonna attempt to
down this guy all at once! What do I
look like, a whale?


With saw sharks,delay anima lot of folks like
'em for making fish cakes. Ever had
'em? They're cakes of fish!delay
animBut even for me, this guy's too big
to swallow whole. Maybe later!


Hmm. I wonder,delay animdo whale sharks
delaytaste much like regular sharks?
Or are they a bit more blubbery?delay
animObviously, even if I tried to eat this
all in one bite—and I did try once—
I couldn't do it!delay animJust not happening!


Ooh, I hear bad things about oarfish.delay
People say they're too oily. animNope,
not very tasty at all! Bad news!delay
animanimdelaySo yeah, I guess I'd better not eat
delayit. I mean, it DOES make sense.
animOars are for paddlin', not eatin'!


I hear coelacanthsdelay animare too gross to
even THINK about eating! I mean,
these have got to be REALLY old.delay
animNo, thank you. Even I'm not eating
an ancient fish, no matter how big
or rare it may actually be.

















You wanna know something cool?delay
animSeaweed is getting eaten all over
the globe these days!delay
animOf course, I'm always snacking on it
since it's just so chock full of tasty
minerals!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Sea grapes are just great.delay animThey pop
in your mouth like bubble wrap!delaypageBreakanimMe, I prefer them without dressingdelay
fresh from the water! You feel me?fun_00010007


When it comes to sea urchins,delay animyou
can use 'em for sashimi or sushi,
but whatever you do,anim keep 'em raw!delay
animMe, delayI like them fresh out of the
water! Just watch for the spines,
and you're good as gravy!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Acorn barnaclesanim are really tasty if
you boil them in salt water or try to
season and steam them. Ooh yeah!
animAs for me, I'll just be eating them
whole! That's just my way!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now, for oysters,anim naturally you can
go raw or grilled or even fried. It is
ALL good, you know?delay
animMe, I'll always eat 'em whole, just
like I did when I was a pup!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Turban shellsdelay animmake great sashimi,
but the best is when you grill them
right there in their shells!delay
animYou know me, though.delay I'll just
swallow them whole!fun_00010007 animYUM!


With abalone, delayanimyou can make sashimi,
steam or sauté 'em, or anything.
animIt's all good! Go abalone wild!delaypageBreakanimNot that I mind delayjust eating them like
this!fun_00010007 animYUMMY YUM!


Ear shellsanim are real nice in a stew,
sautéed, or steamed just a wee bit
with some veggies!delay
animYou know me, though.delay I'll just go
and swallow them whole!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now with your clams,anim you can stew
'em or grill 'em or steam 'em.
Me, I'm a fan of a good chowder.delay
animBut then again, I'm perfectly happy
to just swallow them whole, shell
and all! I'm tough like that!fun_00010007 animYUM!


By the bydelay, animyou can dry out the meat
of a pearl oyster for quite a tasty
meal. It's chewy!delay
animNot that I minddelay just eating them
whole like this!fun_00010007 animYUM!


You know,delay animscallops make for great
sashimi, or maybe tempura...delayor fried
or sautéed...anim Tasty!delay
animI'm perfectly happy to just swallow
them whole, of course!fun_00010007 animYUM!


So I hear sea anemonedelay animgoes really
great in miso soup. Ever hear this?
It's got a real crisp texture!delay
animBut, you know,delay I think I'll hold off
on this guy. Don't quite have the
stomach for it just yet.


Now sea stars—delayanimpeople say you
shouldn't eat these guys. Not tasty,
apparently! Quite a harsh critique!delay
animYeah, delayI think I'll listen to common
opinion just this once. I'm not quite
crazy enough to eat a sea star!


Man, delayanimmy hat goes off to whoever
was the first to eat a sea cucumber!
Sounds like a good idea, though...delay
animYeah,delay I don't think I'll be joining the
sea-cuke club anytime today! Maybe
not tomorrow either!


From what my excellent sources tell
me,anim you CAN eat boiled sea slugs,
though some are still poisonous.delay
animYeah, I...delayI don't think I'll chance it!
Besides, who wants to eat a SLUG?


So flatwormsdelay.delay.delay.delay animBleck, we're most
likely better off not eating these.pageBreakdelayanimYeah,delay I think I'm really gonna pass!


Mmm, mantis shrimp.delay I'm totally up
for these guys. animDeep fried or boiled,
these little morsels are delicious.delay
animOf course, I'm not going to say no if
they're served raw, either!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Sweet shrimpdelay animmake great sashimi,
but try 'em deep fried as soon as
you get the chance!delay
animMe? delayI'm just gonna gulp 'em down
as they are now!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Now tiger prawns.delay animSashimi...delay
Tempura...delay Grilled...delay Fried...delay
animCook 'em however you like!
animAs for me, I usually just swallow
'em whole!fun_00010007 animYUUUM!


Spiny lobstersdelay animare usually best
boiled or grilled. Oh yes! Either way
you're set! Delicious!delay
animThat said, delayswallowing them whole
works perfectly fine too!fun_00010007 animYUM!


As for lobsters,delay animyou can boil 'em,delay
grill 'em,delay or steam 'em.delay It all works
perfectly fine. Lobster is lobster!delay
animCourse,delay I usually just swallow 'em
whole, as you'd expect!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Snow crabs!delay animThey're great whether
boiled, grilled, or steamed.delaypageBreakanimBut delayI'm just gonna go ahead and
swallow them whole!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Hmm. Horsehair crabdelay animmeat is
obviously tasty,delay but man, those
crab innards are REALLY good too!delay
animWell, anyway,delay I'll just swallow it all
in one bite! Saves time!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Your red king crabdelay animis great boiled,
steamed, or grilled.delay You really
can't mess it up!delay
animWell, delayI guess I'll just gulp this guy
down in one big bite!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Spider crab?delay animYou gotta definitely
steam it. Steaming is just such a
simple way to cook things, right?
delayanimI mean, delayI'm just gonna eat it totally
raw, though. Feel free to follow my
example, but I'm eating NOW.fun_00010007 animYUM!


Best way to cook octopus?delay animBoil it—
no other way. Simple, huh?delaypageBreakanimWell, you could just eat it raw like
me. But be careful of those tricky
tentacle suckers!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Spotted garden eel, huh?delay animI bet these
make great tempura. Though I think
everything makes great tempura.delay
animBut me? delayI'm gonna swallow this guy
whole, tempura or not!fun_00010007 animYUM!


Hmm. Chambered nautilus, huh?delay
animDo you think these might taste like
octopus?delaypageBreakanimYou know what?delay I think I'll pass on
eating this guy. Gotta listen to the
gut on this one! Always trust it!


When it comes to horseshoe crabs,delay
animpeople apparently steam or roast
'emdelay and eat the eggs and innardsdelay.delay.delay.delay
animYou know, I...delayI suddenly don't have
much of an appetite. I'll pass.


Man, giant isopods, right?delay animThey
hardly got any meat on 'em.delay Plus
they stink! You just can't eat 'em!delay
animSo, yeah, delayobviously I'm gonna pass
on this little treat here. I mean, why
bother with something stinky?




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