Num | English |
| animOh!delay Hearing you say that is music to
my ears!animpageBreakI was just thinking, "What a great
town!"delayanim I hope that was a serious
offer because I'm going to take it!
animThe only drawback is now I have to
start packing! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAn invitation like thatdelay is hard to
pass up!pageBreakanimBut according to town hall,delay
there's a backlog of moving
applications,delayanim so today won't work.
animMaybe if I spoke to the mayor,delay we
could find a way around it... |
| I'm such a fan of this place! delayanimI
already asked about this at town
hall, but...pageBreakthere's no room for new residents,delayanim
so I can't move in.delayanimdelay Wait!delay animYou're the
mayor here, aren't you?
animMaybe another villager would
agree to move out so I could move
in!delay What do you think?endTag
It couldn't hurt!
I'd rather not do that. |
| animUnderstood!delay It was nice to be
asked, though!delay Maybe it'll work out
next time, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThat's what I thought!delay animSo who do
you think would be open to moving? |
| animYou're probably right.delay For now,delay animI'll
just enjoy my visit. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| OK!delay animI'll go speak to fun_00010011
right away! |
| animYay!delay fun_00010011 said fun_0008000E wouldn't
mind leaving at all!pageBreakanimWhat a relief!delay Now I get to accept
your offer for real delayand move in!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHow exciting!delay fun_00010011 went so
far as to OFFER to leave!pageBreakanimRumor is fun_0008000E was already thinking
about moving, delayanimso no harm done.animpageBreakanimLet the packing begin!delay animYou
know what that means?delay animI'm pulling
out the label maker!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhat a sweet invitation!animdelay
...But I don't think it's going to
happen today.delay
The town hall's focused on a big
event right now, delayanimand I don't
want to be a distraction.
animIt's a shame,delayanim but I'm still flattered
by your invitation, delayfun_00070005. |
| animWhat a sweet invitation!animdelay
...But I don't think it's going to
happen today.delay
The town hall's focused on a big
event right now, delayanimand I don't
want to be a distraction.
animIt's a shame,delayanim but I'm still flattered
by your invitation, delayfun_00070005. |