Num | English |
002 | fun_001F000A |
003 | fun_001F000A |
004 | |
005 | fun_00000009 |
006 | fun_00000009 |
007 | fun_00020009 |
008 | |
009 | fun_00010009 |
010 | fun_00010009 |
011 | |
012 | fun_00020009 |
013 | fun_00020009 |
014 | animThis is such a nice space, but there |
015 | animOhdelay.delay.delay.delay I wanted to see more fossils, |
016 | animThe collection here is simply |
017 | animThis is like a dreamland where we |
018 | |
019 | animIf I had encountered dinosaurs when |
020 | animEventually, I plan on getting as |
021 | animThis is really awesomedelay.delay.delay.delayanim Dinosaurs |
022 | animIt must have been quite a chore to |
023 | animI bet some of these turned into |
024 | animThey say if you find a new type of |
024 | animThey say if you find a new type of |