Num | English |
| animI just can't wait to be even MORE
of a superstar than I am. delayGuess how
I'm going to do it, fun_00070005?
animNever mind! I'll tell you! delayI'm going to
have a delayanimcolortime capsule colorburied that has
a note from my biggest fan.delay.delay.delayME!
It will be great to get a letter from
me telling myself to be awesome!delay
But here's where you come in.
Will you bury it for me, fun_00080005?fun_0005000F
A time capsule? Sure!
Sorry. Can't do it. |
| animHey, want to help me with a
secret thing? delayI call it Project
Yeah, I'm trying to make my future
totally sweet by sending a note of
encouragement to myself!
I know that Future fun_00010005 is
totally amazing. delayBut I'm not sure
she knows it too!
I want you to bury a colortime capsule color
that has my note inside. delayWill you
help me and Future fun_00010005?fun_0005000F
Sounds fun!
Sorry, but no. |
| animYay! Thank you! delayI'll be counting on
you, OK? |
| animSweet! delayI'm delaytotally counting on you,
fun_00080005. |
| animThank you! delayMake sure you don't
lose it, fun_00070005! |
| animReally? You won't help me,
fun_00070005? |
| animThe time capsule is tucked in where
you store your letters.delay Thanks so
much for your help, fun_00070005!
animJust make sure you bury it in the
ground without taking a peek! |
| animYou haven't buried it yet, so I'll
just do it myself. delayFork it over! |
| animWhat?! delayYou lost the capsule? delayThat's
SO mean, fun_00070005! |
| animWhat?! You opened the capsule,
fun_00070005? |
| animI was so looking forward to getting
this capsule.delay.delay.delayin the future! |
| animHuh? You've got nothing for me?delay
OK.delay.delay.delay |
| animWhat? You opened it?!fun_00010007 animI was totally
looking forward to opening it
with you.delay.delay.delayin the FUTURE. |
| animWhat? You opened it AND lost the
contents? That's awful! |
| animThanks! delayLet's open it up right now,
fun_00070005! |
| animThat's right! I put my favorite
fun_00030011 inside!pageBreakAnd how about that letter? |
| animOh! fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
I forgot I put one of those in the
Now for that letter! |
| animHey, fun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakanimWow! delayAnd I totally forgot there's
a letter in here too!
Let's read it!anim |
| animWow, so that's what I wrote,
fun_00070005! |
| animFor helping me out, you should get
what I stuffed in there! delayPlease take
the fun_00030011. |
| animOh yeah! delayI need to thank you! Here's
fun_0002000Efun_00030011. |
| animThanks a ton. You can't carry
anything more right now, so I'll
send you a gift soon! |
| animWell, that's done. delayI'll be sure to ask
you to help me again sometime! |
| animWhat, you've got nothing for me?delay
OK, fun_00080005. |
| animI was just thinking about asking you
to dig that back up for me.delay.delay.delay
and here it is!
animHey! You've opened it already?fun_00010007
animI wanted to do that, fun_00070005! |
| animI was just thinking about asking you
to dig up my time capsule, and
you've already done it! delayGreat!
animLet me just take a look.delay.delay.delay Hey!delay animYou
opened it already?delay That's awful! |
| animI was just toying with the idea of
having you dig that capsule back
up for me, fun_00080005!
animAnd here you just bring it to me!delay
That's great, fun_00070005! |
| animYeah, this is it, all right! I stuck
fun_0002000Efun_00030011 inside
it!fun_00010007 animOh! And there's a letter too! |
| animYay! I remember sticking fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 inside!fun_00010007
But what's this letter.delay.delay.delay? |
| animHa! I totally forgot that I put fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 inside!fun_00010007anim
Good times...
animSorry! I just got, like, lost in a
memory. fun_00010007Hey, there's a letter
in here too! Let's check it out. |
| animSo I wrote that, huh? |
| animThanks for going to all this trouble
for me. delayLemme give you fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 as thanks! |
| animYou're the BEST for helping me
with the time capsule. delayTake fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 as thanks! |
| animI'd give you something right now,
but your pockets are full. delayI'll send
it to your house soon instead. |
| animI'll be sure to ask you for help
in the future, fun_00070005!anim |
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| animWhat? You opened it without my
OK? delayThat's so rude. I'm taking
that back right now! |
| animI would be fine with all this if
you'd been more up front.fun_00010007 Just be
careful next time, fun_00070005! |
| animWhat? You lost the item I put
inside?delayanim I didn't think this would
turn out so awful! |
| animYou opened the capsule AND the
item inside is gone? fun_00010007animI'm totally
devastated, fun_00080005! |
| animYou opened the capsule AND the
item inside is gone? fun_00010007animI'm totally
devastated, fun_00080005! |