Num | English |
| animThis is the first time I've ever been
here.delay It's not a bad little town!delay
animYou agree, right?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animThis town is pretty nice, huh?delay
animdelayI think I just might like it! |
| animI've been camping all around these
parts, but this place leaves a real
good impression on me! |
| animI've taken a liking to this town!delay
animI'm always waiting for something
to inspire me to visit it again! |
| animI didn't do any research or anything
before choosing a place to camp.delay
animI think I lucked out with this town! |
| animI heard the local specialty is one
of my favorites, the colorfun_001A0005color!delay
animI love this town!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animHey, delayhow ya doin'?delay animI thought I'd set
up camp here for a little while! |
| animI guess I gotta start thinking about
where I'm gonna live in town now! |
| animWhere should I build my house?delay
Lots to think about...delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animI guess since I'm gonna live here,delay
animI need to keep an eye open for a
good spot to locate my house! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 kindly extended me an
invitation,delay so I'm gonna be moving
here in the near future.delay
animWe'll be neighbors! |
| animHey!delay animI'm just camping in town for
the time being, but pretty soon I'll
be moving here for good.
animYa see,delay fun_00000011 extended an
invitation, so it got me thinking!pageBreakanimAnyway,delay I'll be counting on you
after I get settled!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animTruth is,delay fun_00000011 was pretty
persistent, so I told fun_0005000E I'd go ahead
and move here.
animI'm sure I'll come by to say hi after
the big move, but I just thought
you'd like to know,delay fun_00070005! |
| The local specialty fruit here is
animthe fun_001A0005, right?delay
animThat's the same as my own town!
animIt makes it real nice to camp here.delay
Almost like it's really familiar or
something like that! |
| animCamping!delay You could also call it
"battling mosquitoes"!pageBreakanimYou wanna know how I deal with
them?fun_00010007 animI don't!delay I don't play their
little games.delay animIt's a battle of wills! |
| animIf you're camping,delay you gotta eat
some chili, right?pageBreakanimMy homemade chili gets an extra
kick from the fun_001A0005 I put
in it.delay It's good!delay In fact, animit's the best! |
| animThe best part of camping is easily
the food you get to eat!pageBreakanimI wonder why eating outside makes
everything taste so much better... |
| animdelaySometimes it gets a little miserable
sleeping in a tentdelay.delay.delay.delay animBut that's all
part of the experience! animGAHAHA! |
| animI've been camping all around these
parts, but this place really relaxes
me for some reason.
animIt's almost like fate brought me
here!delay animYou think maybe it's trying to
tell me to live here?fun_0005000F
Nope, I don't. |
| animI'm really liking this town!delay animIt's like
we're on the same wavelength or
it's calling to me or something!
animdelayMaybe I should move here!fun_0005000F
Yeah, you should!
Maybe you shouldn't. |
| animThe atmosphere of this place is
strangely familiar to me.pageBreakanimI get the feeling I'd get along with
the folks who live here too.pageBreakanimdelayYou know, this town wouldn't be a
bad place to settle downdelay.delay.delay.fun_0005000F
You should move here!
It's kind of dull here. |
| animGAHAHA!delayanim You might be right!pageBreakAt the very least, I might as well
have some fun on my camping trip! |
| animHuh?!delay animYou think I might be getting a
little too excited from the idea of
living anywhere new?
animOh well.delay I'll just keep enjoying my
camping trip then! |
| animGAHAHA!delayanim I just wanted to hear how
it sounded out loud!fun_00010007 animYou should
have more confidence in your town!
animAnyway, I'll just continue relaxing
on my little camping trip then! |
| animGAHAHA!delayanim I just wanted to hear how
it sounded out loud!fun_00010007 animYou should
have more confidence in your town!
animAnyway, I'll just continue relaxing
on my little camping trip then! |