Num | English |
| animWow, it's cool to see fun_00050005 in
the winter.delay It's not half bad!delay
animYou agree with me, right? |
| animThe fun_00050005 snowscape has a
certain charm to it, don't you
agree?delay animdelayI think I really like it! |
| animI've been camping around at a lot of
towns this winter, but I think this is
one of the nicest! |
| animI think I'm growing to like this place!delaypageBreakanimI'm just waiting for something that
makes me want to stay long enough
to see the snow melt! |
| animI wasn't sure how good of a place
this would be for a winter camping
trip, but animfun_00050005 has been great! |
| animEven I think I'm a bit crazy for going
camping out of towndelay in this cold
weather...pageBreakanimBut now that I'm hooked,delay I just
can't help myself! |
| animHey,delay it's pretty cold, isn't it?!
animI'm just here in town to do a little
bit of camping! Don't mind me! |
| animI gotta imagine this place without
snow so I can pick a place to live! |
| animWhere should I build my house?delay
So much to think about...delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animI guess since I'm gonna live here,delay
animI need to start looking for a good
spot to put my place,delay fun_00070005! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 extended an invitation,delay
so I'm gonna be moving here in the
very near future.delay
We'll be neighbors! animGAHAHA! |
| animHey!delay I'm just camping at this exact
moment, but I'll be moving here
pretty soon.
animYa see, delayfun_00000011 extended an
invitation,delay so it got me thinking,
and I decided to move to town!delay
animAnyway, delayI'll be counting on you
after I get settled!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animTruth is,delay fun_00000011 was pretty
persistent, so I agreed to move into
town here!
animI'm sure I'll come by to say hi after
the big move, but I just thought you
should know,delay fun_00070005! |
| The local specialty here is the
animfun_001A0005, right?delay animWe've got
the same fruits in my hometown!
animIt makes it real easy to camp here.delay
Almost like it's completely familiar
or something! |
| animCamping in the winter!delay It's a battle
against the elements!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayThat's what I was expecting, butdelay
animit's really warm and cozy here!pageBreakanimIt's more comfortable than my own
home!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animIf you're camping,delay you gotta eat
chili, right?!pageBreakanimI love adding onions to mine!fun_00010007
animSoft, sweet onion chunks in a bowl
of spicy chili are the BEST! |
| animThe best part of camping animis how
good the food tastes!pageBreakanimI wonder why eating outside makes
everything taste so much better...pageBreakanimButdelay it's kind of too cold to eat
outside during the winter, huh?delay
animACHOO! |
| animEven though I'm on a camping trip,delay
it's so nice in here that I don't want
to go outside,delay fun_00070005! |
| animI've gone camping in lots of other
towns in the area, but somehow this
is the one that relaxes me the most.
animIt's freezing cold outside, but I'm all
warm on the inside!pageBreakanimMaybe I should move here...?fun_0005000F
You should!
Maybe you shouldn't. |
| animI really like this town!delay animIt's like we're
on the same wavelength or frame of
mind or something!
animdelayMaybe I should just move here...?fun_0005000F
You should!
Maybe you shouldn't. |
| animThe atmosphere of this place is
strangely familiar to me.pageBreakanimI get the feeling I'd get along with
the people who live here too.pageBreakanimdelayThis town would be a good place to
settle downdelay.delay.delay.fun_0005000F
You should move here!
It really wouldn't. |
| animGAHAHA!delayanim You might be right!pageBreakAnyway, I'm gonna have fun on
this camping trip either way! |
| animHuh?!delay animYou think I might be getting a
little too excited from the cold,
wintry air?
animAw well.delay In the meantime, I'll just
keep enjoying my camping trip! |
| animGAHAHA!delayanim I just wanted to hear how
it sounded!fun_00010007 animYou should really have
more confidence in your own town!
animAnyway, I'll just continue to enjoy
my relaxing little camping trip! |
| animGAHAHA!delayanim I just wanted to hear how
it sounded!fun_00010007 animYou should really have
more confidence in your own town!
animAnyway, I'll just continue to enjoy
my relaxing little camping trip! |