Num | English |
| You again, huh?delay animWell, don't just
stand there.delay Find a seat and have
some coffee already! |
| You again!delay I've been seein' your
face a whole lot lately! |
| When it comes to coffee,delay I don't
drink anything other than colorBlue
Mountaincolor!delay That's it!
For aroma,delay richness,delay and sweetness,delay
animthere's nothing even close to better
than Blue Mountain beans!
animEr,delay I mean we all have different
tastes,delay so I suppose I could see
how you might like something else. |
| animAdding milk to your coffeedelay animends
up spoiling its aroma and taste.delay
Coffee is best with colornocolor milk!delay
animYeah, yeah,delay I don't mean to say
anything about how you drink your
coffee.delay Even though I already did. |
| animSugar in your coffee?delay
colorNo waycolor! You CRAZY?!pageBreakanimYou use something like that,delay you
won't be able to taste the natural
sweetness of your coffee!
animAll right,delay maybe you're the kind that
needs your coffee even sweeter.delay
To each 'is own, I suppose. |
| |
| Nowadays,delay animthere are WAY too many
grown-ups who do pretty much
anything they're told to do!
animCan you even imagine the chaos that
occurs if a bunch of older guys start
doin' stuff the young guys say?
animThere are times you gotta stick to
your own beliefs,delay even if you know
you're in the wrong.
animI wanna continue being that kind of
opinionated old man people usually
tend to avoid.delay That's for me! |
| "colorMr. Resetticolor,delay animhe's always angry and
just yells at people...pageBreakanim"But that colorDon Resetticolor, he's always
calm,delay animpeaceful,delay and friendly to
everybody he meetsdelay.delay.delay."
animThat's probably what you think of
us,delay huh?delay animBut that ain't right!pageBreakanimMy brother is very persistent when
he gives his endless lectures!pageBreakanimEver been lectured for two hours
long? Yeah, even I'm not THAT bad!pageBreakanimIn the end,delay you'll probably forget
why you were even being lectured
in the first place!
I'm just sayin', animya shouldn't judge
a book by its cover! And that goes
DOUBLE for moles! |
| When a mole moves through the
ground by diggin' a tunnel,delay it's
actually slower than a snail moving.delay
You ever heard that before?delaypageBreakI've never actually raced a snail
to find out,delay animso I don't know if it's
true or notdelay.delay.delay.
animBut just think about it!delay I'm diggin'
a tunnel through DIRT and ROCKS,
while the snail's just MOVIN'!
animIt's nonsense to compare us!
Diggin' a hole wide enough animto pass
through with a pickax is HARD!delay
animBy the way,delay I already dug a tunnel
to your house,delay so in case I need to,delay
animI can be there in an INSTANT!delay
I plan for every eventuality! |
| When a mole moves through the
ground by diggin' a tunnel,delay it's
actually slower than a snail moving.delay
You ever heard that before?delaypageBreakI've never actually raced a snail
to find out,delay animso I don't know if it's
true or notdelay.delay.delay.
animBut just think about it!delay I'm diggin'
a tunnel through DIRT and ROCKS,
while the snail's just MOVIN'!
animIt's nonsense to compare us!
Diggin' a hole wide enough animto pass
through with a pickax is HARD!delay
animBy the way,delay I already dug a tunnel
to your house,delay so in case I need to,delay
animI can be there in an INSTANT!delay
I plan for every eventuality! |